and plural forms of the label for counts. Default false * which means the `$label` argument will be used for both * the singular and plural forms of this label. * @type bool $exclude_from_search Whether to exclude posts with this post status * from search results. Default is value of $internal. * @type bool $_builtin Whether the status is built-in. Core-use only. * Default false. * @type bool $public Whether posts of this status should be shown * in the front end of the site. Default false. * @type bool $internal Whether the status is for internal use only. * Default false. * @type bool $protected Whether posts with this status should be protected. * Default false. * @type bool $private Whether posts with this status should be private. * Default false. * @type bool $publicly_queryable Whether posts with this status should be publicly- * queryable. Default is value of $public. * @type bool $show_in_admin_all_list Whether to include posts in the edit listing for * their post type. Default is the opposite value * of $internal. * @type bool $show_in_admin_status_list Show in the list of statuses with post counts at * the top of the edit listings, * e.g. All (12) | Published (9) | My Custom Status (2) * Default is the opposite value of $internal. * @type bool $date_floating Whether the post has a floating creation date. * Default to false. * } * @return object */ function register_post_status( $post_status, $args = array() ) { global $wp_post_statuses; if ( ! is_array( $wp_post_statuses ) ) { $wp_post_statuses = array(); } // Args prefixed with an underscore are reserved for internal use. $defaults = array( 'label' => false, 'label_count' => false, 'exclude_from_search' => null, '_builtin' => false, 'public' => null, 'internal' => null, 'protected' => null, 'private' => null, 'publicly_queryable' => null, 'show_in_admin_status_list' => null, 'show_in_admin_all_list' => null, 'date_floating' => null, ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $args = (object) $args; $post_status = sanitize_key( $post_status ); $args->name = $post_status; // Set various defaults. if ( null === $args->public && null === $args->internal && null === $args->protected && null === $args->private ) { $args->internal = true; } if ( null === $args->public ) { $args->public = false; } if ( null === $args->private ) { $args->private = false; } if ( null === $args->protected ) { $args->protected = false; } if ( null === $args->internal ) { $args->internal = false; } if ( null === $args->publicly_queryable ) { $args->publicly_queryable = $args->public; } if ( null === $args->exclude_from_search ) { $args->exclude_from_search = $args->internal; } if ( null === $args->show_in_admin_all_list ) { $args->show_in_admin_all_list = ! $args->internal; } if ( null === $args->show_in_admin_status_list ) { $args->show_in_admin_status_list = ! $args->internal; } if ( null === $args->date_floating ) { $args->date_floating = false; } if ( false === $args->label ) { $args->label = $post_status; } if ( false === $args->label_count ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralSingular,WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralPlural $args->label_count = _n_noop( $args->label, $args->label ); } $wp_post_statuses[ $post_status ] = $args; return $args; } /** * Retrieves a post status object by name. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @global stdClass[] $wp_post_statuses List of post statuses. * * @see register_post_status() * * @param string $post_status The name of a registered post status. * @return stdClass|null A post status object. */ function get_post_status_object( $post_status ) { global $wp_post_statuses; if ( empty( $wp_post_statuses[ $post_status ] ) ) { return null; } return $wp_post_statuses[ $post_status ]; } /** * Gets a list of post statuses. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @global stdClass[] $wp_post_statuses List of post statuses. * * @see register_post_status() * * @param array|string $args Optional. Array or string of post status arguments to compare against * properties of the global `$wp_post_statuses objects`. Default empty array. * @param string $output Optional. The type of output to return, either 'names' or 'objects'. Default 'names'. * @param string $operator Optional. The logical operation to perform. 'or' means only one element * from the array needs to match; 'and' means all elements must match. * Default 'and'. * @return string[]|stdClass[] A list of post status names or objects. */ function get_post_stati( $args = array(), $output = 'names', $operator = 'and' ) { global $wp_post_statuses; $field = ( 'names' === $output ) ? 'name' : false; return wp_filter_object_list( $wp_post_statuses, $args, $operator, $field ); } /** * Determines whether the post type is hierarchical. * * A false return value might also mean that the post type does not exist. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @see get_post_type_object() * * @param string $post_type Post type name * @return bool Whether post type is hierarchical. */ function is_post_type_hierarchical( $post_type ) { if ( ! post_type_exists( $post_type ) ) { return false; } $post_type = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); return $post_type->hierarchical; } /** * Determines whether a post type is registered. * * For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out * the {@link * Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @see get_post_type_object() * * @param string $post_type Post type name. * @return bool Whether post type is registered. */ function post_type_exists( $post_type ) { return (bool) get_post_type_object( $post_type ); } /** * Retrieves the post type of the current post or of a given post. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param int|WP_Post|null $post Optional. Post ID or post object. Default is global $post. * @return string|false Post type on success, false on failure. */ function get_post_type( $post = null ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( $post ) { return $post->post_type; } return false; } /** * Retrieves a post type object by name. * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 4.6.0 Object returned is now an instance of `WP_Post_Type`. * * @global array $wp_post_types List of post types. * * @see register_post_type() * * @param string $post_type The name of a registered post type. * @return WP_Post_Type|null WP_Post_Type object if it exists, null otherwise. */ function get_post_type_object( $post_type ) { global $wp_post_types; if ( ! is_scalar( $post_type ) || empty( $wp_post_types[ $post_type ] ) ) { return null; } return $wp_post_types[ $post_type ]; } /** * Gets a list of all registered post type objects. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @global array $wp_post_types List of post types. * * @see register_post_type() for accepted arguments. * * @param array|string $args Optional. An array of key => value arguments to match against * the post type objects. Default empty array. * @param string $output Optional. The type of output to return. Either 'names' * or 'objects'. Default 'names'. * @param string $operator Optional. The logical operation to perform. 'or' means only one * element from the array needs to match; 'and' means all elements * must match; 'not' means no elements may match. Default 'and'. * @return string[]|WP_Post_Type[] An array of post type names or objects. */ function get_post_types( $args = array(), $output = 'names', $operator = 'and' ) { global $wp_post_types; $field = ( 'names' === $output ) ? 'name' : false; return wp_filter_object_list( $wp_post_types, $args, $operator, $field ); } /** * Registers a post type. * * Note: Post type registrations should not be hooked before the * {@see 'init'} action. Also, any taxonomy connections should be * registered via the `$taxonomies` argument to ensure consistency * when hooks such as {@see 'parse_query'} or {@see 'pre_get_posts'} * are used. * * Post types can support any number of built-in core features such * as meta boxes, custom fields, post thumbnails, post statuses, * comments, and more. See the `$supports` argument for a complete * list of supported features. * * @since 2.9.0 * @since 3.0.0 The `show_ui` argument is now enforced on the new post screen. * @since 4.4.0 The `show_ui` argument is now enforced on the post type listing * screen and post editing screen. * @since 4.6.0 Post type object returned is now an instance of `WP_Post_Type`. * @since 4.7.0 Introduced `show_in_rest`, `rest_base` and `rest_controller_class` * arguments to register the post type in REST API. * @since 5.0.0 The `template` and `template_lock` arguments were added. * @since 5.3.0 The `supports` argument will now accept an array of arguments for a feature. * @since 5.9.0 The `rest_namespace` argument was added. * * @global array $wp_post_types List of post types. * * @param string $post_type Post type key. Must not exceed 20 characters and may only contain * lowercase alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores. See sanitize_key(). * @param array|string $args { * Array or string of arguments for registering a post type. * * @type string $label Name of the post type shown in the menu. Usually plural. * Default is value of $labels['name']. * @type string[] $labels An array of labels for this post type. If not set, post * labels are inherited for non-hierarchical types and page * labels for hierarchical ones. See get_post_type_labels() for a full * list of supported labels. * @type string $description A short descriptive summary of what the post type is. * Default empty. * @type bool $public Whether a post type is intended for use publicly either via * the admin interface or by front-end users. While the default * settings of $exclude_from_search, $publicly_queryable, $show_ui, * and $show_in_nav_menus are inherited from $public, each does not * rely on this relationship and controls a very specific intention. * Default false. * @type bool $hierarchical Whether the post type is hierarchical (e.g. page). Default false. * @type bool $exclude_from_search Whether to exclude posts with this post type from front end search * results. Default is the opposite value of $public. * @type bool $publicly_queryable Whether queries can be performed on the front end for the post type * as part of parse_request(). Endpoints would include: * * ?post_type={post_type_key} * * ?{post_type_key}={single_post_slug} * * ?{post_type_query_var}={single_post_slug} * If not set, the default is inherited from $public. * @type bool $show_ui Whether to generate and allow a UI for managing this post type in the * admin. Default is value of $public. * @type bool|string $show_in_menu Where to show the post type in the admin menu. To work, $show_ui * must be true. If true, the post type is shown in its own top level * menu. If false, no menu is shown. If a string of an existing top * level menu ('tools.php' or 'edit.php?post_type=page', for example), the * post type will be placed as a sub-menu of that. * Default is value of $show_ui. * @type bool $show_in_nav_menus Makes this post type available for selection in navigation menus. * Default is value of $public. * @type bool $show_in_admin_bar Makes this post type available via the admin bar. Default is value * of $show_in_menu. * @type bool $show_in_rest Whether to include the post type in the REST API. Set this to true * for the post type to be available in the block editor. * @type string $rest_base To change the base URL of REST API route. Default is $post_type. * @type string $rest_namespace To change the namespace URL of REST API route. Default is wp/v2. * @type string $rest_controller_class REST API controller class name. Default is 'WP_REST_Posts_Controller'. * @type string|bool $autosave_rest_controller_class REST API controller class name. Default is 'WP_REST_Autosaves_Controller'. * @type string|bool $revisions_rest_controller_class REST API controller class name. Default is 'WP_REST_Revisions_Controller'. * @type bool $late_route_registration A flag to direct the REST API controllers for autosave / revisions * should be registered before/after the post type controller. * @type int $menu_position The position in the menu order the post type should appear. To work, * $show_in_menu must be true. Default null (at the bottom). * @type string $menu_icon The URL to the icon to be used for this menu. Pass a base64-encoded * SVG using a data URI, which will be colored to match the color scheme * -- this should begin with 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'. Pass the name * of a Dashicons helper class to use a font icon, e.g. * 'dashicons-chart-pie'. Pass 'none' to leave div.wp-menu-image empty * so an icon can be added via CSS. Defaults to use the posts icon. * @type string|array $capability_type The string to use to build the read, edit, and delete capabilities. * May be passed as an array to allow for alternative plurals when using * this argument as a base to construct the capabilities, e.g. * array('story', 'stories'). Default 'post'. * @type string[] $capabilities Array of capabilities for this post type. $capability_type is used * as a base to construct capabilities by default. * See get_post_type_capabilities(). * @type bool $map_meta_cap Whether to use the internal default meta capability handling. * Default false. * @type array|false $supports Core feature(s) the post type supports. Serves as an alias for calling * add_post_type_support() directly. Core features include 'title', * 'editor', 'comments', 'revisions', 'trackbacks', 'author', 'excerpt', * 'page-attributes', 'thumbnail', 'custom-fields', and 'post-formats'. * Additionally, the 'revisions' feature dictates whether the post type * will store revisions, the 'autosave' feature dictates whether the post type * will be autosaved, and the 'comments' feature dictates whether the * comments count will show on the edit screen. For backward compatibility reasons, * adding 'editor' support implies 'autosave' support too. A feature can also be * specified as an array of arguments to provide additional information * about supporting that feature. * Example: `array( 'my_feature', array( 'field' => 'value' ) )`. * If false, no features will be added. * Default is an array containing 'title' and 'editor'. * @type callable $register_meta_box_cb Provide a callback function that sets up the meta boxes for the * edit form. Do remove_meta_box() and add_meta_box() calls in the * callback. Default null. * @type string[] $taxonomies An array of taxonomy identifiers that will be registered for the * post type. Taxonomies can be registered later with register_taxonomy() * or register_taxonomy_for_object_type(). * Default empty array. * @type bool|string $has_archive Whether there should be post type archives, or if a string, the * archive slug to use. Will generate the proper rewrite rules if * $rewrite is enabled. Default false. * @type bool|array $rewrite { * Triggers the handling of rewrites for this post type. To prevent rewrite, set to false. * Defaults to true, using $post_type as slug. To specify rewrite rules, an array can be * passed with any of these keys: * * @type string $slug Customize the permastruct slug. Defaults to $post_type key. * @type bool $with_front Whether the permastruct should be prepended with WP_Rewrite::$front. * Default true. * @type bool $feeds Whether the feed permastruct should be built for this post type. * Default is value of $has_archive. * @type bool $pages Whether the permastruct should provide for pagination. Default true. * @type int $ep_mask Endpoint mask to assign. If not specified and permalink_epmask is set, * inherits from $permalink_epmask. If not specified and permalink_epmask * is not set, defaults to EP_PERMALINK. * } * @type string|bool $query_var Sets the query_var key for this post type. Defaults to $post_type * key. If false, a post type cannot be loaded at * ?{query_var}={post_slug}. If specified as a string, the query * ?{query_var_string}={post_slug} will be valid. * @type bool $can_export Whether to allow this post type to be exported. Default true. * @type bool $delete_with_user Whether to delete posts of this type when deleting a user. * * If true, posts of this type belonging to the user will be moved * to Trash when the user is deleted. * * If false, posts of this type belonging to the user will *not* * be trashed or deleted. * * If not set (the default), posts are trashed if post type supports * the 'author' feature. Otherwise posts are not trashed or deleted. * Default null. * @type array $template Array of blocks to use as the default initial state for an editor * session. Each item should be an array containing block name and * optional attributes. Default empty array. * @type string|false $template_lock Whether the block template should be locked if $template is set. * * If set to 'all', the user is unable to insert new blocks, * move existing blocks and delete blocks. * * If set to 'insert', the user is able to move existing blocks * but is unable to insert new blocks and delete blocks. * Default false. * @type bool $_builtin FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY! True if this post type is a native or * "built-in" post_type. Default false. * @type string $_edit_link FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY! URL segment to use for edit link of * this post type. Default 'post.php?post=%d'. * } * @return WP_Post_Type|WP_Error The registered post type object on success, * WP_Error object on failure. */ function register_post_type( $post_type, $args = array() ) { global $wp_post_types; if ( ! is_array( $wp_post_types ) ) { $wp_post_types = array(); } // Sanitize post type name. $post_type = sanitize_key( $post_type ); if ( empty( $post_type ) || strlen( $post_type ) > 20 ) { _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'Post type names must be between 1 and 20 characters in length.' ), '4.2.0' ); return new WP_Error( 'post_type_length_invalid', __( 'Post type names must be between 1 and 20 characters in length.' ) ); } $post_type_object = new WP_Post_Type( $post_type, $args ); $post_type_object->add_supports(); $post_type_object->add_rewrite_rules(); $post_type_object->register_meta_boxes(); $wp_post_types[ $post_type ] = $post_type_object; $post_type_object->add_hooks(); $post_type_object->register_taxonomies(); /** * Fires after a post type is registered. * * @since 3.3.0 * @since 4.6.0 Converted the `$post_type` parameter to accept a `WP_Post_Type` object. * * @param string $post_type Post type. * @param WP_Post_Type $post_type_object Arguments used to register the post type. */ do_action( 'registered_post_type', $post_type, $post_type_object ); /** * Fires after a specific post type is registered. * * The dynamic portion of the filter name, `$post_type`, refers to the post type key. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `registered_post_type_post` * - `registered_post_type_page` * * @since 6.0.0 * * @param string $post_type Post type. * @param WP_Post_Type $post_type_object Arguments used to register the post type. */ do_action( "registered_post_type_{$post_type}", $post_type, $post_type_object ); return $post_type_object; } /** * Unregisters a post type. * * Cannot be used to unregister built-in post types. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @global array $wp_post_types List of post types. * * @param string $post_type Post type to unregister. * @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure or if the post type doesn't exist. */ function unregister_post_type( $post_type ) { global $wp_post_types; if ( ! post_type_exists( $post_type ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_post_type', __( 'Invalid post type.' ) ); } $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); // Do not allow unregistering internal post types. if ( $post_type_object->_builtin ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_post_type', __( 'Unregistering a built-in post type is not allowed' ) ); } $post_type_object->remove_supports(); $post_type_object->remove_rewrite_rules(); $post_type_object->unregister_meta_boxes(); $post_type_object->remove_hooks(); $post_type_object->unregister_taxonomies(); unset( $wp_post_types[ $post_type ] ); /** * Fires after a post type was unregistered. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param string $post_type Post type key. */ do_action( 'unregistered_post_type', $post_type ); return true; } /** * Builds an object with all post type capabilities out of a post type object * * Post type capabilities use the 'capability_type' argument as a base, if the * capability is not set in the 'capabilities' argument array or if the * 'capabilities' argument is not supplied. * * The capability_type argument can optionally be registered as an array, with * the first value being singular and the second plural, e.g. array('story, 'stories') * Otherwise, an 's' will be added to the value for the plural form. After * registration, capability_type will always be a string of the singular value. * * By default, eight keys are accepted as part of the capabilities array: * * - edit_post, read_post, and delete_post are meta capabilities, which are then * generally mapped to corresponding primitive capabilities depending on the * context, which would be the post being edited/read/deleted and the user or * role being checked. Thus these capabilities would generally not be granted * directly to users or roles. * * - edit_posts - Controls whether objects of this post type can be edited. * - edit_others_posts - Controls whether objects of this type owned by other users * can be edited. If the post type does not support an author, then this will * behave like edit_posts. * - delete_posts - Controls whether objects of this post type can be deleted. * - publish_posts - Controls publishing objects of this post type. * - read_private_posts - Controls whether private objects can be read. * * These five primitive capabilities are checked in core in various locations. * There are also six other primitive capabilities which are not referenced * directly in core, except in map_meta_cap(), which takes the three aforementioned * meta capabilities and translates them into one or more primitive capabilities * that must then be checked against the user or role, depending on the context. * * - read - Controls whether objects of this post type can be read. * - delete_private_posts - Controls whether private objects can be deleted. * - delete_published_posts - Controls whether published objects can be deleted. * - delete_others_posts - Controls whether objects owned by other users can be * can be deleted. If the post type does not support an author, then this will * behave like delete_posts. * - edit_private_posts - Controls whether private objects can be edited. * - edit_published_posts - Controls whether published objects can be edited. * * These additional capabilities are only used in map_meta_cap(). Thus, they are * only assigned by default if the post type is registered with the 'map_meta_cap' * argument set to true (default is false). * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 5.4.0 'delete_posts' is included in default capabilities. * * @see register_post_type() * @see map_meta_cap() * * @param object $args Post type registration arguments. * @return object Object with all the capabilities as member variables. */ function get_post_type_capabilities( $args ) { if ( ! is_array( $args->capability_type ) ) { $args->capability_type = array( $args->capability_type, $args->capability_type . 's' ); } // Singular base for meta capabilities, plural base for primitive capabilities. list( $singular_base, $plural_base ) = $args->capability_type; $default_capabilities = array( // Meta capabilities. 'edit_post' => 'edit_' . $singular_base, 'read_post' => 'read_' . $singular_base, 'delete_post' => 'delete_' . $singular_base, // Primitive capabilities used outside of map_meta_cap(): 'edit_posts' => 'edit_' . $plural_base, 'edit_others_posts' => 'edit_others_' . $plural_base, 'delete_posts' => 'delete_' . $plural_base, 'publish_posts' => 'publish_' . $plural_base, 'read_private_posts' => 'read_private_' . $plural_base, ); // Primitive capabilities used within map_meta_cap(): if ( $args->map_meta_cap ) { $default_capabilities_for_mapping = array( 'read' => 'read', 'delete_private_posts' => 'delete_private_' . $plural_base, 'delete_published_posts' => 'delete_published_' . $plural_base, 'delete_others_posts' => 'delete_others_' . $plural_base, 'edit_private_posts' => 'edit_private_' . $plural_base, 'edit_published_posts' => 'edit_published_' . $plural_base, ); $default_capabilities = array_merge( $default_capabilities, $default_capabilities_for_mapping ); } $capabilities = array_merge( $default_capabilities, $args->capabilities ); // Post creation capability simply maps to edit_posts by default: if ( ! isset( $capabilities['create_posts'] ) ) { $capabilities['create_posts'] = $capabilities['edit_posts']; } // Remember meta capabilities for future reference. if ( $args->map_meta_cap ) { _post_type_meta_capabilities( $capabilities ); } return (object) $capabilities; } /** * Stores or returns a list of post type meta caps for map_meta_cap(). * * @since 3.1.0 * @access private * * @global array $post_type_meta_caps Used to store meta capabilities. * * @param string[] $capabilities Post type meta capabilities. */ function _post_type_meta_capabilities( $capabilities = null ) { global $post_type_meta_caps; foreach ( $capabilities as $core => $custom ) { if ( in_array( $core, array( 'read_post', 'delete_post', 'edit_post' ), true ) ) { $post_type_meta_caps[ $custom ] = $core; } } } /** * Builds an object with all post type labels out of a post type object. * * Accepted keys of the label array in the post type object: * * - `name` - General name for the post type, usually plural. The same and overridden * by `$post_type_object->label`. Default is 'Posts' / 'Pages'. * - `singular_name` - Name for one object of this post type. Default is 'Post' / 'Page'. * - `add_new` - Label for adding a new item. Default is 'Add New Post' / 'Add New Page'. * - `add_new_item` - Label for adding a new singular item. Default is 'Add New Post' / 'Add New Page'. * - `edit_item` - Label for editing a singular item. Default is 'Edit Post' / 'Edit Page'. * - `new_item` - Label for the new item page title. Default is 'New Post' / 'New Page'. * - `view_item` - Label for viewing a singular item. Default is 'View Post' / 'View Page'. * - `view_items` - Label for viewing post type archives. Default is 'View Posts' / 'View Pages'. * - `search_items` - Label for searching plural items. Default is 'Search Posts' / 'Search Pages'. * - `not_found` - Label used when no items are found. Default is 'No posts found' / 'No pages found'. * - `not_found_in_trash` - Label used when no items are in the Trash. Default is 'No posts found in Trash' / * 'No pages found in Trash'. * - `parent_item_colon` - Label used to prefix parents of hierarchical items. Not used on non-hierarchical * post types. Default is 'Parent Page:'. * - `all_items` - Label to signify all items in a submenu link. Default is 'All Posts' / 'All Pages'. * - `archives` - Label for archives in nav menus. Default is 'Post Archives' / 'Page Archives'. * - `attributes` - Label for the attributes meta box. Default is 'Post Attributes' / 'Page Attributes'. * - `insert_into_item` - Label for the media frame button. Default is 'Insert into post' / 'Insert into page'. * - `uploaded_to_this_item` - Label for the media frame filter. Default is 'Uploaded to this post' / * 'Uploaded to this page'. * - `featured_image` - Label for the featured image meta box title. Default is 'Featured image'. * - `set_featured_image` - Label for setting the featured image. Default is 'Set featured image'. * - `remove_featured_image` - Label for removing the featured image. Default is 'Remove featured image'. * - `use_featured_image` - Label in the media frame for using a featured image. Default is 'Use as featured image'. * - `menu_name` - Label for the menu name. Default is the same as `name`. * - `filter_items_list` - Label for the table views hidden heading. Default is 'Filter posts list' / * 'Filter pages list'. * - `filter_by_date` - Label for the date filter in list tables. Default is 'Filter by date'. * - `items_list_navigation` - Label for the table pagination hidden heading. Default is 'Posts list navigation' / * 'Pages list navigation'. * - `items_list` - Label for the table hidden heading. Default is 'Posts list' / 'Pages list'. * - `item_published` - Label used when an item is published. Default is 'Post published.' / 'Page published.' * - `item_published_privately` - Label used when an item is published with private visibility. * Default is 'Post published privately.' / 'Page published privately.' * - `item_reverted_to_draft` - Label used when an item is switched to a draft. * Default is 'Post reverted to draft.' / 'Page reverted to draft.' * - `item_trashed` - Label used when an item is moved to Trash. Default is 'Post trashed.' / 'Page trashed.' * - `item_scheduled` - Label used when an item is scheduled for publishing. Default is 'Post scheduled.' / * 'Page scheduled.' * - `item_updated` - Label used when an item is updated. Default is 'Post updated.' / 'Page updated.' * - `item_link` - Title for a navigation link block variation. Default is 'Post Link' / 'Page Link'. * - `item_link_description` - Description for a navigation link block variation. Default is 'A link to a post.' / * 'A link to a page.' * * Above, the first default value is for non-hierarchical post types (like posts) * and the second one is for hierarchical post types (like pages). * * Note: To set labels used in post type admin notices, see the {@see 'post_updated_messages'} filter. * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 4.3.0 Added the `featured_image`, `set_featured_image`, `remove_featured_image`, * and `use_featured_image` labels. * @since 4.4.0 Added the `archives`, `insert_into_item`, `uploaded_to_this_item`, `filter_items_list`, * `items_list_navigation`, and `items_list` labels. * @since 4.6.0 Converted the `$post_type` parameter to accept a `WP_Post_Type` object. * @since 4.7.0 Added the `view_items` and `attributes` labels. * @since 5.0.0 Added the `item_published`, `item_published_privately`, `item_reverted_to_draft`, * `item_scheduled`, and `item_updated` labels. * @since 5.7.0 Added the `filter_by_date` label. * @since 5.8.0 Added the `item_link` and `item_link_description` labels. * @since 6.3.0 Added the `item_trashed` label. * @since 6.4.0 Changed default values for the `add_new` label to include the type of content. * This matches `add_new_item` and provides more context for better accessibility. * @since 6.6.0 Added the `template_name` label. * * @access private * * @param object|WP_Post_Type $post_type_object Post type object. * @return object Object with all the labels as member variables. */ function get_post_type_labels( $post_type_object ) { $nohier_vs_hier_defaults = WP_Post_Type::get_default_labels(); $nohier_vs_hier_defaults['menu_name'] = $nohier_vs_hier_defaults['name']; $labels = _get_custom_object_labels( $post_type_object, $nohier_vs_hier_defaults ); if ( ! isset( $post_type_object->labels->template_name ) && isset( $post_type_object->labels->singular_name ) ) { /* translators: %s: Post type name. */ $labels->template_name = sprintf( __( 'Single item: %s' ), $post_type_object->labels->singular_name ); } $post_type = $post_type_object->name; $default_labels = clone $labels; /** * Filters the labels of a specific post type. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$post_type`, refers to * the post type slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `post_type_labels_post` * - `post_type_labels_page` * - `post_type_labels_attachment` * * @since 3.5.0 * * @see get_post_type_labels() for the full list of labels. * * @param object $labels Object with labels for the post type as member variables. */ $labels = apply_filters( "post_type_labels_{$post_type}", $labels ); // Ensure that the filtered labels contain all required default values. $labels = (object) array_merge( (array) $default_labels, (array) $labels ); return $labels; } /** * Builds an object with custom-something object (post type, taxonomy) labels * out of a custom-something object * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @param object $data_object A custom-something object. * @param array $nohier_vs_hier_defaults Hierarchical vs non-hierarchical default labels. * @return object Object containing labels for the given custom-something object. */ function _get_custom_object_labels( $data_object, $nohier_vs_hier_defaults ) { $data_object->labels = (array) $data_object->labels; if ( isset( $data_object->label ) && empty( $data_object->labels['name'] ) ) { $data_object->labels['name'] = $data_object->label; } if ( ! isset( $data_object->labels['singular_name'] ) && isset( $data_object->labels['name'] ) ) { $data_object->labels['singular_name'] = $data_object->labels['name']; } if ( ! isset( $data_object->labels['name_admin_bar'] ) ) { $data_object->labels['name_admin_bar'] = isset( $data_object->labels['singular_name'] ) ? $data_object->labels['singular_name'] : $data_object->name; } if ( ! isset( $data_object->labels['menu_name'] ) && isset( $data_object->labels['name'] ) ) { $data_object->labels['menu_name'] = $data_object->labels['name']; } if ( ! isset( $data_object->labels['all_items'] ) && isset( $data_object->labels['menu_name'] ) ) { $data_object->labels['all_items'] = $data_object->labels['menu_name']; } if ( ! isset( $data_object->labels['archives'] ) && isset( $data_object->labels['all_items'] ) ) { $data_object->labels['archives'] = $data_object->labels['all_items']; } $defaults = array(); foreach ( $nohier_vs_hier_defaults as $key => $value ) { $defaults[ $key ] = $data_object->hierarchical ? $value[1] : $value[0]; } $labels = array_merge( $defaults, $data_object->labels ); $data_object->labels = (object) $data_object->labels; return (object) $labels; } /** * Adds submenus for post types. * * @access private * @since 3.1.0 */ function _add_post_type_submenus() { foreach ( get_post_types( array( 'show_ui' => true ) ) as $ptype ) { $ptype_obj = get_post_type_object( $ptype ); // Sub-menus only. if ( ! $ptype_obj->show_in_menu || true === $ptype_obj->show_in_menu ) { continue; } add_submenu_page( $ptype_obj->show_in_menu, $ptype_obj->labels->name, $ptype_obj->labels->all_items, $ptype_obj->cap->edit_posts, "edit.php?post_type=$ptype" ); } } /** * Registers support of certain features for a post type. * * All core features are directly associated with a functional area of the edit * screen, such as the editor or a meta box. Features include: 'title', 'editor', * 'comments', 'revisions', 'trackbacks', 'author', 'excerpt', 'page-attributes', * 'thumbnail', 'custom-fields', and 'post-formats'. * * Additionally, the 'revisions' feature dictates whether the post type will * store revisions, the 'autosave' feature dictates whether the post type * will be autosaved, and the 'comments' feature dictates whether the comments * count will show on the edit screen. * * A third, optional parameter can also be passed along with a feature to provide * additional information about supporting that feature. * * Example usage: * * add_post_type_support( 'my_post_type', 'comments' ); * add_post_type_support( 'my_post_type', array( * 'author', 'excerpt', * ) ); * add_post_type_support( 'my_post_type', 'my_feature', array( * 'field' => 'value', * ) ); * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 5.3.0 Formalized the existing and already documented `...$args` parameter * by adding it to the function signature. * * @global array $_wp_post_type_features * * @param string $post_type The post type for which to add the feature. * @param string|array $feature The feature being added, accepts an array of * feature strings or a single string. * @param mixed ...$args Optional extra arguments to pass along with certain features. */ function add_post_type_support( $post_type, $feature, ...$args ) { global $_wp_post_type_features; $features = (array) $feature; foreach ( $features as $feature ) { if ( $args ) { $_wp_post_type_features[ $post_type ][ $feature ] = $args; } else { $_wp_post_type_features[ $post_type ][ $feature ] = true; } } } /** * Removes support for a feature from a post type. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @global array $_wp_post_type_features * * @param string $post_type The post type for which to remove the feature. * @param string $feature The feature being removed. */ function remove_post_type_support( $post_type, $feature ) { global $_wp_post_type_features; unset( $_wp_post_type_features[ $post_type ][ $feature ] ); } /** * Gets all the post type features * * @since 3.4.0 * * @global array $_wp_post_type_features * * @param string $post_type The post type. * @return array Post type supports list. */ function get_all_post_type_supports( $post_type ) { global $_wp_post_type_features; if ( isset( $_wp_post_type_features[ $post_type ] ) ) { return $_wp_post_type_features[ $post_type ]; } return array(); } /** * Checks a post type's support for a given feature. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @global array $_wp_post_type_features * * @param string $post_type The post type being checked. * @param string $feature The feature being checked. * @return bool Whether the post type supports the given feature. */ function post_type_supports( $post_type, $feature ) { global $_wp_post_type_features; return ( isset( $_wp_post_type_features[ $post_type ][ $feature ] ) ); } /** * Retrieves a list of post type names that support a specific feature. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @global array $_wp_post_type_features Post type features * * @param array|string $feature Single feature or an array of features the post types should support. * @param string $operator Optional. The logical operation to perform. 'or' means * only one element from the array needs to match; 'and' * means all elements must match; 'not' means no elements may * match. Default 'and'. * @return string[] A list of post type names. */ function get_post_types_by_support( $feature, $operator = 'and' ) { global $_wp_post_type_features; $features = array_fill_keys( (array) $feature, true ); return array_keys( wp_filter_object_list( $_wp_post_type_features, $features, $operator ) ); } /** * Updates the post type for the post ID. * * The page or post cache will be cleaned for the post ID. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID to change post type. Default 0. * @param string $post_type Optional. Post type. Accepts 'post' or 'page' to * name a few. Default 'post'. * @return int|false Amount of rows changed. Should be 1 for success and 0 for failure. */ function set_post_type( $post_id = 0, $post_type = 'post' ) { global $wpdb; $post_type = sanitize_post_field( 'post_type', $post_type, $post_id, 'db' ); $return = $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_type' => $post_type ), array( 'ID' => $post_id ) ); clean_post_cache( $post_id ); return $return; } /** * Determines whether a post type is considered "viewable". * * For built-in post types such as posts and pages, the 'public' value will be evaluated. * For all others, the 'publicly_queryable' value will be used. * * @since 4.4.0 * @since 4.5.0 Added the ability to pass a post type name in addition to object. * @since 4.6.0 Converted the `$post_type` parameter to accept a `WP_Post_Type` object. * @since 5.9.0 Added `is_post_type_viewable` hook to filter the result. * * @param string|WP_Post_Type $post_type Post type name or object. * @return bool Whether the post type should be considered viewable. */ function is_post_type_viewable( $post_type ) { if ( is_scalar( $post_type ) ) { $post_type = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); if ( ! $post_type ) { return false; } } if ( ! is_object( $post_type ) ) { return false; } $is_viewable = $post_type->publicly_queryable || ( $post_type->_builtin && $post_type->public ); /** * Filters whether a post type is considered "viewable". * * The returned filtered value must be a boolean type to ensure * `is_post_type_viewable()` only returns a boolean. This strictness * is by design to maintain backwards-compatibility and guard against * potential type errors in PHP 8.1+. Non-boolean values (even falsey * and truthy values) will result in the function returning false. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param bool $is_viewable Whether the post type is "viewable" (strict type). * @param WP_Post_Type $post_type Post type object. */ return true === apply_filters( 'is_post_type_viewable', $is_viewable, $post_type ); } /** * Determines whether a post status is considered "viewable". * * For built-in post statuses such as publish and private, the 'public' value will be evaluated. * For all others, the 'publicly_queryable' value will be used. * * @since 5.7.0 * @since 5.9.0 Added `is_post_status_viewable` hook to filter the result. * * @param string|stdClass $post_status Post status name or object. * @return bool Whether the post status should be considered viewable. */ function is_post_status_viewable( $post_status ) { if ( is_scalar( $post_status ) ) { $post_status = get_post_status_object( $post_status ); if ( ! $post_status ) { return false; } } if ( ! is_object( $post_status ) || $post_status->internal || $post_status->protected ) { return false; } $is_viewable = $post_status->publicly_queryable || ( $post_status->_builtin && $post_status->public ); /** * Filters whether a post status is considered "viewable". * * The returned filtered value must be a boolean type to ensure * `is_post_status_viewable()` only returns a boolean. This strictness * is by design to maintain backwards-compatibility and guard against * potential type errors in PHP 8.1+. Non-boolean values (even falsey * and truthy values) will result in the function returning false. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param bool $is_viewable Whether the post status is "viewable" (strict type). * @param stdClass $post_status Post status object. */ return true === apply_filters( 'is_post_status_viewable', $is_viewable, $post_status ); } /** * Determines whether a post is publicly viewable. * * Posts are considered publicly viewable if both the post status and post type * are viewable. * * @since 5.7.0 * * @param int|WP_Post|null $post Optional. Post ID or post object. Defaults to global $post. * @return bool Whether the post is publicly viewable. */ function is_post_publicly_viewable( $post = null ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } $post_type = get_post_type( $post ); $post_status = get_post_status( $post ); return is_post_type_viewable( $post_type ) && is_post_status_viewable( $post_status ); } /** * Retrieves an array of the latest posts, or posts matching the given criteria. * * For more information on the accepted arguments, see the * {@link * WP_Query} documentation in the Developer Handbook. * * The `$ignore_sticky_posts` and `$no_found_rows` arguments are ignored by * this function and both are set to `true`. * * The defaults are as follows: * * @since 1.2.0 * * @see WP_Query * @see WP_Query::parse_query() * * @param array $args { * Optional. Arguments to retrieve posts. See WP_Query::parse_query() for all available arguments. * * @type int $numberposts Total number of posts to retrieve. Is an alias of `$posts_per_page` * in WP_Query. Accepts -1 for all. Default 5. * @type int|string $category Category ID or comma-separated list of IDs (this or any children). * Is an alias of `$cat` in WP_Query. Default 0. * @type int[] $include An array of post IDs to retrieve, sticky posts will be included. * Is an alias of `$post__in` in WP_Query. Default empty array. * @type int[] $exclude An array of post IDs not to retrieve. Default empty array. * @type bool $suppress_filters Whether to suppress filters. Default true. * } * @return WP_Post[]|int[] Array of post objects or post IDs. */ function get_posts( $args = null ) { $defaults = array( 'numberposts' => 5, 'category' => 0, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'include' => array(), 'exclude' => array(), 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'suppress_filters' => true, ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); if ( empty( $parsed_args['post_status'] ) ) { $parsed_args['post_status'] = ( 'attachment' === $parsed_args['post_type'] ) ? 'inherit' : 'publish'; } if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['numberposts'] ) && empty( $parsed_args['posts_per_page'] ) ) { $parsed_args['posts_per_page'] = $parsed_args['numberposts']; } if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['category'] ) ) { $parsed_args['cat'] = $parsed_args['category']; } if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['include'] ) ) { $incposts = wp_parse_id_list( $parsed_args['include'] ); $parsed_args['posts_per_page'] = count( $incposts ); // Only the number of posts included. $parsed_args['post__in'] = $incposts; } elseif ( ! empty( $parsed_args['exclude'] ) ) { $parsed_args['post__not_in'] = wp_parse_id_list( $parsed_args['exclude'] ); } $parsed_args['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true; $parsed_args['no_found_rows'] = true; $get_posts = new WP_Query(); return $get_posts->query( $parsed_args ); } // // Post meta functions. // /** * Adds a meta field to the given post. * * Post meta data is called "Custom Fields" on the Administration Screen. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $meta_key Metadata name. * @param mixed $meta_value Metadata value. Must be serializable if non-scalar. * @param bool $unique Optional. Whether the same key should not be added. * Default false. * @return int|false Meta ID on success, false on failure. */ function add_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $unique = false ) { // Make sure meta is added to the post, not a revision. $the_post = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ); if ( $the_post ) { $post_id = $the_post; } return add_metadata( 'post', $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $unique ); } /** * Deletes a post meta field for the given post ID. * * You can match based on the key, or key and value. Removing based on key and * value, will keep from removing duplicate metadata with the same key. It also * allows removing all metadata matching the key, if needed. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $meta_key Metadata name. * @param mixed $meta_value Optional. Metadata value. If provided, * rows will only be removed that match the value. * Must be serializable if non-scalar. Default empty. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function delete_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '' ) { // Make sure meta is deleted from the post, not from a revision. $the_post = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ); if ( $the_post ) { $post_id = $the_post; } return delete_metadata( 'post', $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ); } /** * Retrieves a post meta field for the given post ID. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $key Optional. The meta key to retrieve. By default, * returns data for all keys. Default empty. * @param bool $single Optional. Whether to return a single value. * This parameter has no effect if `$key` is not specified. * Default false. * @return mixed An array of values if `$single` is false. * The value of the meta field if `$single` is true. * False for an invalid `$post_id` (non-numeric, zero, or negative value). * An empty string if a valid but non-existing post ID is passed. */ function get_post_meta( $post_id, $key = '', $single = false ) { return get_metadata( 'post', $post_id, $key, $single ); } /** * Updates a post meta field based on the given post ID. * * Use the `$prev_value` parameter to differentiate between meta fields with the * same key and post ID. * * If the meta field for the post does not exist, it will be added and its ID returned. * * Can be used in place of add_post_meta(). * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $meta_key Metadata key. * @param mixed $meta_value Metadata value. Must be serializable if non-scalar. * @param mixed $prev_value Optional. Previous value to check before updating. * If specified, only update existing metadata entries with * this value. Otherwise, update all entries. Default empty. * @return int|bool Meta ID if the key didn't exist, true on successful update, * false on failure or if the value passed to the function * is the same as the one that is already in the database. */ function update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value = '' ) { // Make sure meta is updated for the post, not for a revision. $the_post = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ); if ( $the_post ) { $post_id = $the_post; } return update_metadata( 'post', $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value ); } /** * Deletes everything from post meta matching the given meta key. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $post_meta_key Key to search for when deleting. * @return bool Whether the post meta key was deleted from the database. */ function delete_post_meta_by_key( $post_meta_key ) { return delete_metadata( 'post', null, $post_meta_key, '', true ); } /** * Registers a meta key for posts. * * @since 4.9.8 * * @param string $post_type Post type to register a meta key for. Pass an empty string * to register the meta key across all existing post types. * @param string $meta_key The meta key to register. * @param array $args Data used to describe the meta key when registered. See * {@see register_meta()} for a list of supported arguments. * @return bool True if the meta key was successfully registered, false if not. */ function register_post_meta( $post_type, $meta_key, array $args ) { $args['object_subtype'] = $post_type; return register_meta( 'post', $meta_key, $args ); } /** * Unregisters a meta key for posts. * * @since 4.9.8 * * @param string $post_type Post type the meta key is currently registered for. Pass * an empty string if the meta key is registered across all * existing post types. * @param string $meta_key The meta key to unregister. * @return bool True on success, false if the meta key was not previously registered. */ function unregister_post_meta( $post_type, $meta_key ) { return unregister_meta_key( 'post', $meta_key, $post_type ); } /** * Retrieves post meta fields, based on post ID. * * The post meta fields are retrieved from the cache where possible, * so the function is optimized to be called more than once. * * @since 1.2.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post`. * @return mixed An array of values. * False for an invalid `$post_id` (non-numeric, zero, or negative value). * An empty string if a valid but non-existing post ID is passed. */ function get_post_custom( $post_id = 0 ) { $post_id = absint( $post_id ); if ( ! $post_id ) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } return get_post_meta( $post_id ); } /** * Retrieves meta field names for a post. * * If there are no meta fields, then nothing (null) will be returned. * * @since 1.2.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post`. * @return array|void Array of the keys, if retrieved. */ function get_post_custom_keys( $post_id = 0 ) { $custom = get_post_custom( $post_id ); if ( ! is_array( $custom ) ) { return; } $keys = array_keys( $custom ); if ( $keys ) { return $keys; } } /** * Retrieves values for a custom post field. * * The parameters must not be considered optional. All of the post meta fields * will be retrieved and only the meta field key values returned. * * @since 1.2.0 * * @param string $key Optional. Meta field key. Default empty. * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post`. * @return array|null Meta field values. */ function get_post_custom_values( $key = '', $post_id = 0 ) { if ( ! $key ) { return null; } $custom = get_post_custom( $post_id ); return isset( $custom[ $key ] ) ? $custom[ $key ] : null; } /** * Determines whether a post is sticky. * * Sticky posts should remain at the top of The Loop. If the post ID is not * given, then The Loop ID for the current post will be used. * * For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out * the {@link * Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post`. * @return bool Whether post is sticky. */ function is_sticky( $post_id = 0 ) { $post_id = absint( $post_id ); if ( ! $post_id ) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } $stickies = get_option( 'sticky_posts' ); if ( is_array( $stickies ) ) { $stickies = array_map( 'intval', $stickies ); $is_sticky = in_array( $post_id, $stickies, true ); } else { $is_sticky = false; } /** * Filters whether a post is sticky. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param bool $is_sticky Whether a post is sticky. * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ return apply_filters( 'is_sticky', $is_sticky, $post_id ); } /** * Sanitizes every post field. * * If the context is 'raw', then the post object or array will get minimal * sanitization of the integer fields. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @see sanitize_post_field() * * @param object|WP_Post|array $post The post object or array * @param string $context Optional. How to sanitize post fields. * Accepts 'raw', 'edit', 'db', 'display', * 'attribute', or 'js'. Default 'display'. * @return object|WP_Post|array The now sanitized post object or array (will be the * same type as `$post`). */ function sanitize_post( $post, $context = 'display' ) { if ( is_object( $post ) ) { // Check if post already filtered for this context. if ( isset( $post->filter ) && $context == $post->filter ) { return $post; } if ( ! isset( $post->ID ) ) { $post->ID = 0; } foreach ( array_keys( get_object_vars( $post ) ) as $field ) { $post->$field = sanitize_post_field( $field, $post->$field, $post->ID, $context ); } $post->filter = $context; } elseif ( is_array( $post ) ) { // Check if post already filtered for this context. if ( isset( $post['filter'] ) && $context == $post['filter'] ) { return $post; } if ( ! isset( $post['ID'] ) ) { $post['ID'] = 0; } foreach ( array_keys( $post ) as $field ) { $post[ $field ] = sanitize_post_field( $field, $post[ $field ], $post['ID'], $context ); } $post['filter'] = $context; } return $post; } /** * Sanitizes a post field based on context. * * Possible context values are: 'raw', 'edit', 'db', 'display', 'attribute' and * 'js'. The 'display' context is used by default. 'attribute' and 'js' contexts * are treated like 'display' when calling filters. * * @since 2.3.0 * @since 4.4.0 Like `sanitize_post()`, `$context` defaults to 'display'. * * @param string $field The Post Object field name. * @param mixed $value The Post Object value. * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $context Optional. How to sanitize the field. Possible values are 'raw', 'edit', * 'db', 'display', 'attribute' and 'js'. Default 'display'. * @return mixed Sanitized value. */ function sanitize_post_field( $field, $value, $post_id, $context = 'display' ) { $int_fields = array( 'ID', 'post_parent', 'menu_order' ); if ( in_array( $field, $int_fields, true ) ) { $value = (int) $value; } // Fields which contain arrays of integers. $array_int_fields = array( 'ancestors' ); if ( in_array( $field, $array_int_fields, true ) ) { $value = array_map( 'absint', $value ); return $value; } if ( 'raw' === $context ) { return $value; } $prefixed = false; if ( str_contains( $field, 'post_' ) ) { $prefixed = true; $field_no_prefix = str_replace( 'post_', '', $field ); } if ( 'edit' === $context ) { $format_to_edit = array( 'post_content', 'post_excerpt', 'post_title', 'post_password' ); if ( $prefixed ) { /** * Filters the value of a specific post field to edit. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$field`, refers to the post * field name. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param mixed $value Value of the post field. * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ $value = apply_filters( "edit_{$field}", $value, $post_id ); /** * Filters the value of a specific post field to edit. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$field_no_prefix`, refers to * the post field name. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param mixed $value Value of the post field. * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ $value = apply_filters( "{$field_no_prefix}_edit_pre", $value, $post_id ); } else { $value = apply_filters( "edit_post_{$field}", $value, $post_id ); } if ( in_array( $field, $format_to_edit, true ) ) { if ( 'post_content' === $field ) { $value = format_to_edit( $value, user_can_richedit() ); } else { $value = format_to_edit( $value ); } } else { $value = esc_attr( $value ); } } elseif ( 'db' === $context ) { if ( $prefixed ) { /** * Filters the value of a specific post field before saving. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$field`, refers to the post * field name. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param mixed $value Value of the post field. */ $value = apply_filters( "pre_{$field}", $value ); /** * Filters the value of a specific field before saving. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$field_no_prefix`, refers * to the post field name. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param mixed $value Value of the post field. */ $value = apply_filters( "{$field_no_prefix}_save_pre", $value ); } else { $value = apply_filters( "pre_post_{$field}", $value ); /** * Filters the value of a specific post field before saving. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$field`, refers to the post * field name. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param mixed $value Value of the post field. */ $value = apply_filters( "{$field}_pre", $value ); } } else { // Use display filters by default. if ( $prefixed ) { /** * Filters the value of a specific post field for display. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$field`, refers to the post * field name. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param mixed $value Value of the prefixed post field. * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $context Context for how to sanitize the field. * Accepts 'raw', 'edit', 'db', 'display', * 'attribute', or 'js'. Default 'display'. */ $value = apply_filters( "{$field}", $value, $post_id, $context ); } else { $value = apply_filters( "post_{$field}", $value, $post_id, $context ); } if ( 'attribute' === $context ) { $value = esc_attr( $value ); } elseif ( 'js' === $context ) { $value = esc_js( $value ); } } // Restore the type for integer fields after esc_attr(). if ( in_array( $field, $int_fields, true ) ) { $value = (int) $value; } return $value; } /** * Makes a post sticky. * * Sticky posts should be displayed at the top of the front page. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ function stick_post( $post_id ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; $stickies = get_option( 'sticky_posts' ); $updated = false; if ( ! is_array( $stickies ) ) { $stickies = array(); } else { $stickies = array_unique( array_map( 'intval', $stickies ) ); } if ( ! in_array( $post_id, $stickies, true ) ) { $stickies[] = $post_id; $updated = update_option( 'sticky_posts', array_values( $stickies ) ); } if ( $updated ) { /** * Fires once a post has been added to the sticky list. * * @since 4.6.0 * * @param int $post_id ID of the post that was stuck. */ do_action( 'post_stuck', $post_id ); } } /** * Un-sticks a post. * * Sticky posts should be displayed at the top of the front page. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ function unstick_post( $post_id ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; $stickies = get_option( 'sticky_posts' ); if ( ! is_array( $stickies ) ) { return; } $stickies = array_values( array_unique( array_map( 'intval', $stickies ) ) ); if ( ! in_array( $post_id, $stickies, true ) ) { return; } $offset = array_search( $post_id, $stickies, true ); if ( false === $offset ) { return; } array_splice( $stickies, $offset, 1 ); $updated = update_option( 'sticky_posts', $stickies ); if ( $updated ) { /** * Fires once a post has been removed from the sticky list. * * @since 4.6.0 * * @param int $post_id ID of the post that was unstuck. */ do_action( 'post_unstuck', $post_id ); } } /** * Returns the cache key for wp_count_posts() based on the passed arguments. * * @since 3.9.0 * @access private * * @param string $type Optional. Post type to retrieve count Default 'post'. * @param string $perm Optional. 'readable' or empty. Default empty. * @return string The cache key. */ function _count_posts_cache_key( $type = 'post', $perm = '' ) { $cache_key = 'posts-' . $type; if ( 'readable' === $perm && is_user_logged_in() ) { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $type ); if ( $post_type_object && ! current_user_can( $post_type_object->cap->read_private_posts ) ) { $cache_key .= '_' . $perm . '_' . get_current_user_id(); } } return $cache_key; } /** * Counts number of posts of a post type and if user has permissions to view. * * This function provides an efficient method of finding the amount of post's * type a blog has. Another method is to count the amount of items in * get_posts(), but that method has a lot of overhead with doing so. Therefore, * when developing for 2.5+, use this function instead. * * The $perm parameter checks for 'readable' value and if the user can read * private posts, it will display that for the user that is signed in. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $type Optional. Post type to retrieve count. Default 'post'. * @param string $perm Optional. 'readable' or empty. Default empty. * @return stdClass An object containing the number of posts for each status, * or an empty object if the post type does not exist. */ function wp_count_posts( $type = 'post', $perm = '' ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! post_type_exists( $type ) ) { return new stdClass(); } $cache_key = _count_posts_cache_key( $type, $perm ); $counts = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'counts' ); if ( false !== $counts ) { // We may have cached this before every status was registered. foreach ( get_post_stati() as $status ) { if ( ! isset( $counts->{$status} ) ) { $counts->{$status} = 0; } } /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ return apply_filters( 'wp_count_posts', $counts, $type, $perm ); } $query = "SELECT post_status, COUNT( * ) AS num_posts FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = %s"; if ( 'readable' === $perm && is_user_logged_in() ) { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $type ); if ( ! current_user_can( $post_type_object->cap->read_private_posts ) ) { $query .= $wpdb->prepare( " AND (post_status != 'private' OR ( post_author = %d AND post_status = 'private' ))", get_current_user_id() ); } } $query .= ' GROUP BY post_status'; $results = (array) $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $query, $type ), ARRAY_A ); $counts = array_fill_keys( get_post_stati(), 0 ); foreach ( $results as $row ) { $counts[ $row['post_status'] ] = $row['num_posts']; } $counts = (object) $counts; wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $counts, 'counts' ); /** * Filters the post counts by status for the current post type. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param stdClass $counts An object containing the current post_type's post * counts by status. * @param string $type Post type. * @param string $perm The permission to determine if the posts are 'readable' * by the current user. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_count_posts', $counts, $type, $perm ); } /** * Counts number of attachments for the mime type(s). * * If you set the optional mime_type parameter, then an array will still be * returned, but will only have the item you are looking for. It does not give * you the number of attachments that are children of a post. You can get that * by counting the number of children that post has. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string|string[] $mime_type Optional. Array or comma-separated list of * MIME patterns. Default empty. * @return stdClass An object containing the attachment counts by mime type. */ function wp_count_attachments( $mime_type = '' ) { global $wpdb; $cache_key = sprintf( 'attachments%s', ! empty( $mime_type ) ? ':' . str_replace( '/', '_', implode( '-', (array) $mime_type ) ) : '' ); $counts = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'counts' ); if ( false == $counts ) { $and = wp_post_mime_type_where( $mime_type ); $count = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT post_mime_type, COUNT( * ) AS num_posts FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'attachment' AND post_status != 'trash' $and GROUP BY post_mime_type", ARRAY_A ); $counts = array(); foreach ( (array) $count as $row ) { $counts[ $row['post_mime_type'] ] = $row['num_posts']; } $counts['trash'] = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'attachment' AND post_status = 'trash' $and" ); wp_cache_set( $cache_key, (object) $counts, 'counts' ); } /** * Filters the attachment counts by mime type. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param stdClass $counts An object containing the attachment counts by * mime type. * @param string|string[] $mime_type Array or comma-separated list of MIME patterns. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_count_attachments', (object) $counts, $mime_type ); } /** * Gets default post mime types. * * @since 2.9.0 * @since 5.3.0 Added the 'Documents', 'Spreadsheets', and 'Archives' mime type groups. * * @return array List of post mime types. */ function get_post_mime_types() { $post_mime_types = array( // array( adj, noun ) 'image' => array( __( 'Images' ), __( 'Manage Images' ), /* translators: %s: Number of images. */ _n_noop( 'Image (%s)', 'Images (%s)' ), ), 'audio' => array( _x( 'Audio', 'file type group' ), __( 'Manage Audio' ), /* translators: %s: Number of audio files. */ _n_noop( 'Audio (%s)', 'Audio (%s)' ), ), 'video' => array( _x( 'Video', 'file type group' ), __( 'Manage Video' ), /* translators: %s: Number of video files. */ _n_noop( 'Video (%s)', 'Video (%s)' ), ), 'document' => array( __( 'Documents' ), __( 'Manage Documents' ), /* translators: %s: Number of documents. */ _n_noop( 'Document (%s)', 'Documents (%s)' ), ), 'spreadsheet' => array( __( 'Spreadsheets' ), __( 'Manage Spreadsheets' ), /* translators: %s: Number of spreadsheets. */ _n_noop( 'Spreadsheet (%s)', 'Spreadsheets (%s)' ), ), 'archive' => array( _x( 'Archives', 'file type group' ), __( 'Manage Archives' ), /* translators: %s: Number of archives. */ _n_noop( 'Archive (%s)', 'Archives (%s)' ), ), ); $ext_types = wp_get_ext_types(); $mime_types = wp_get_mime_types(); foreach ( $post_mime_types as $group => $labels ) { if ( in_array( $group, array( 'image', 'audio', 'video' ), true ) ) { continue; } if ( ! isset( $ext_types[ $group ] ) ) { unset( $post_mime_types[ $group ] ); continue; } $group_mime_types = array(); foreach ( $ext_types[ $group ] as $extension ) { foreach ( $mime_types as $exts => $mime ) { if ( preg_match( '!^(' . $exts . ')$!i', $extension ) ) { $group_mime_types[] = $mime; break; } } } $group_mime_types = implode( ',', array_unique( $group_mime_types ) ); $post_mime_types[ $group_mime_types ] = $labels; unset( $post_mime_types[ $group ] ); } /** * Filters the default list of post mime types. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param array $post_mime_types Default list of post mime types. */ return apply_filters( 'post_mime_types', $post_mime_types ); } /** * Checks a MIME-Type against a list. * * If the `$wildcard_mime_types` parameter is a string, it must be comma separated * list. If the `$real_mime_types` is a string, it is also comma separated to * create the list. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string|string[] $wildcard_mime_types Mime types, e.g. `audio/mpeg`, `image` (same as `image/*`), * or `flash` (same as `*flash*`). * @param string|string[] $real_mime_types Real post mime type values. * @return array array(wildcard=>array(real types)). */ function wp_match_mime_types( $wildcard_mime_types, $real_mime_types ) { $matches = array(); if ( is_string( $wildcard_mime_types ) ) { $wildcard_mime_types = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $wildcard_mime_types ) ); } if ( is_string( $real_mime_types ) ) { $real_mime_types = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $real_mime_types ) ); } $patternses = array(); $wild = '[-._a-z0-9]*'; foreach ( (array) $wildcard_mime_types as $type ) { $mimes = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $type ) ); foreach ( $mimes as $mime ) { $regex = str_replace( '__wildcard__', $wild, preg_quote( str_replace( '*', '__wildcard__', $mime ) ) ); $patternses[][ $type ] = "^$regex$"; if ( ! str_contains( $mime, '/' ) ) { $patternses[][ $type ] = "^$regex/"; $patternses[][ $type ] = $regex; } } } asort( $patternses ); foreach ( $patternses as $patterns ) { foreach ( $patterns as $type => $pattern ) { foreach ( (array) $real_mime_types as $real ) { if ( preg_match( "#$pattern#", $real ) && ( empty( $matches[ $type ] ) || false === array_search( $real, $matches[ $type ], true ) ) ) { $matches[ $type ][] = $real; } } } } return $matches; } /** * Converts MIME types into SQL. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string|string[] $post_mime_types List of mime types or comma separated string * of mime types. * @param string $table_alias Optional. Specify a table alias, if needed. * Default empty. * @return string The SQL AND clause for mime searching. */ function wp_post_mime_type_where( $post_mime_types, $table_alias = '' ) { $where = ''; $wildcards = array( '', '%', '%/%' ); if ( is_string( $post_mime_types ) ) { $post_mime_types = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $post_mime_types ) ); } $where_clauses = array(); foreach ( (array) $post_mime_types as $mime_type ) { $mime_type = preg_replace( '/\s/', '', $mime_type ); $slashpos = strpos( $mime_type, '/' ); if ( false !== $slashpos ) { $mime_group = preg_replace( '/[^-*.a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', substr( $mime_type, 0, $slashpos ) ); $mime_subgroup = preg_replace( '/[^-*.+a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', substr( $mime_type, $slashpos + 1 ) ); if ( empty( $mime_subgroup ) ) { $mime_subgroup = '*'; } else { $mime_subgroup = str_replace( '/', '', $mime_subgroup ); } $mime_pattern = "$mime_group/$mime_subgroup"; } else { $mime_pattern = preg_replace( '/[^-*.a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $mime_type ); if ( ! str_contains( $mime_pattern, '*' ) ) { $mime_pattern .= '/*'; } } $mime_pattern = preg_replace( '/\*+/', '%', $mime_pattern ); if ( in_array( $mime_type, $wildcards, true ) ) { return ''; } if ( str_contains( $mime_pattern, '%' ) ) { $where_clauses[] = empty( $table_alias ) ? "post_mime_type LIKE '$mime_pattern'" : "$table_alias.post_mime_type LIKE '$mime_pattern'"; } else { $where_clauses[] = empty( $table_alias ) ? "post_mime_type = '$mime_pattern'" : "$table_alias.post_mime_type = '$mime_pattern'"; } } if ( ! empty( $where_clauses ) ) { $where = ' AND (' . implode( ' OR ', $where_clauses ) . ') '; } return $where; } /** * Trashes or deletes a post or page. * * When the post and page is permanently deleted, everything that is tied to * it is deleted also. This includes comments, post meta fields, and terms * associated with the post. * * The post or page is moved to Trash instead of permanently deleted unless * Trash is disabled, item is already in the Trash, or $force_delete is true. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * @see wp_delete_attachment() * @see wp_trash_post() * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default 0. * @param bool $force_delete Optional. Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion. * Default false. * @return WP_Post|false|null Post data on success, false or null on failure. */ function wp_delete_post( $post_id = 0, $force_delete = false ) { global $wpdb; $post = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = %d", $post_id ) ); if ( ! $post ) { return $post; } $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $force_delete && ( 'post' === $post->post_type || 'page' === $post->post_type ) && 'trash' !== get_post_status( $post_id ) && EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS ) { return wp_trash_post( $post_id ); } if ( 'attachment' === $post->post_type ) { return wp_delete_attachment( $post_id, $force_delete ); } /** * Filters whether a post deletion should take place. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param WP_Post|false|null $delete Whether to go forward with deletion. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param bool $force_delete Whether to bypass the Trash. */ $check = apply_filters( 'pre_delete_post', null, $post, $force_delete ); if ( null !== $check ) { return $check; } /** * Fires before a post is deleted, at the start of wp_delete_post(). * * @since 3.2.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$post` parameter. * * @see wp_delete_post() * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'before_delete_post', $post_id, $post ); delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_status' ); delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_time' ); wp_delete_object_term_relationships( $post_id, get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type ) ); $parent_data = array( 'post_parent' => $post->post_parent ); $parent_where = array( 'post_parent' => $post_id ); if ( is_post_type_hierarchical( $post->post_type ) ) { // Point children of this page to its parent, also clean the cache of affected children. $children_query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = %d AND post_type = %s", $post_id, $post->post_type ); $children = $wpdb->get_results( $children_query ); if ( $children ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, $parent_data, $parent_where + array( 'post_type' => $post->post_type ) ); } } // Do raw query. wp_get_post_revisions() is filtered. $revision_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_parent = %d AND post_type = 'revision'", $post_id ) ); // Use wp_delete_post (via wp_delete_post_revision) again. Ensures any meta/misplaced data gets cleaned up. foreach ( $revision_ids as $revision_id ) { wp_delete_post_revision( $revision_id ); } // Point all attachments to this post up one level. $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, $parent_data, $parent_where + array( 'post_type' => 'attachment' ) ); wp_defer_comment_counting( true ); $comment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT comment_ID FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d ORDER BY comment_ID DESC", $post_id ) ); foreach ( $comment_ids as $comment_id ) { wp_delete_comment( $comment_id, true ); } wp_defer_comment_counting( false ); $post_meta_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d ", $post_id ) ); foreach ( $post_meta_ids as $mid ) { delete_metadata_by_mid( 'post', $mid ); } /** * Fires immediately before a post is deleted from the database. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$post->post_type`, refers to * the post type slug. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( "delete_post_{$post->post_type}", $post_id, $post ); /** * Fires immediately before a post is deleted from the database. * * @since 1.2.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$post` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'delete_post', $post_id, $post ); $result = $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->posts, array( 'ID' => $post_id ) ); if ( ! $result ) { return false; } /** * Fires immediately after a post is deleted from the database. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$post->post_type`, refers to * the post type slug. * * @since 6.6.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( "deleted_post_{$post->post_type}", $post_id, $post ); /** * Fires immediately after a post is deleted from the database. * * @since 2.2.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$post` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'deleted_post', $post_id, $post ); clean_post_cache( $post ); if ( is_post_type_hierarchical( $post->post_type ) && $children ) { foreach ( $children as $child ) { clean_post_cache( $child ); } } wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'publish_future_post', array( $post_id ) ); /** * Fires after a post is deleted, at the conclusion of wp_delete_post(). * * @since 3.2.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$post` parameter. * * @see wp_delete_post() * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'after_delete_post', $post_id, $post ); return $post; } /** * Resets the page_on_front, show_on_front, and page_for_post settings when * a linked page is deleted or trashed. * * Also ensures the post is no longer sticky. * * @since 3.7.0 * @access private * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ function _reset_front_page_settings_for_post( $post_id ) { $post = get_post( $post_id ); if ( 'page' === $post->post_type ) { /* * If the page is defined in option page_on_front or post_for_posts, * adjust the corresponding options. */ if ( get_option( 'page_on_front' ) == $post->ID ) { update_option( 'show_on_front', 'posts' ); update_option( 'page_on_front', 0 ); } if ( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) == $post->ID ) { update_option( 'page_for_posts', 0 ); } } unstick_post( $post->ID ); } /** * Moves a post or page to the Trash * * If Trash is disabled, the post or page is permanently deleted. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @see wp_delete_post() * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post` * if `EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS` equals true. * @return WP_Post|false|null Post data on success, false or null on failure. */ function wp_trash_post( $post_id = 0 ) { if ( ! EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS ) { return wp_delete_post( $post_id, true ); } $post = get_post( $post_id ); if ( ! $post ) { return $post; } if ( 'trash' === $post->post_status ) { return false; } $previous_status = $post->post_status; /** * Filters whether a post trashing should take place. * * @since 4.9.0 * @since 6.3.0 Added the `$previous_status` parameter. * * @param bool|null $trash Whether to go forward with trashing. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post about to be trashed. */ $check = apply_filters( 'pre_trash_post', null, $post, $previous_status ); if ( null !== $check ) { return $check; } /** * Fires before a post is sent to the Trash. * * @since 3.3.0 * @since 6.3.0 Added the `$previous_status` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post about to be trashed. */ do_action( 'wp_trash_post', $post_id, $previous_status ); add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_status', $previous_status ); add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_time', time() ); $post_updated = wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $post_id, 'post_status' => 'trash', ) ); if ( ! $post_updated ) { return false; } wp_trash_post_comments( $post_id ); /** * Fires after a post is sent to the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * @since 6.3.0 Added the `$previous_status` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post at the point where it was trashed. */ do_action( 'trashed_post', $post_id, $previous_status ); return $post; } /** * Restores a post from the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * @since 5.6.0 An untrashed post is now returned to 'draft' status by default, except for * attachments which are returned to their original 'inherit' status. * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post`. * @return WP_Post|false|null Post data on success, false or null on failure. */ function wp_untrash_post( $post_id = 0 ) { $post = get_post( $post_id ); if ( ! $post ) { return $post; } $post_id = $post->ID; if ( 'trash' !== $post->post_status ) { return false; } $previous_status = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_status', true ); /** * Filters whether a post untrashing should take place. * * @since 4.9.0 * @since 5.6.0 Added the `$previous_status` parameter. * * @param bool|null $untrash Whether to go forward with untrashing. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post at the point where it was trashed. */ $check = apply_filters( 'pre_untrash_post', null, $post, $previous_status ); if ( null !== $check ) { return $check; } /** * Fires before a post is restored from the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * @since 5.6.0 Added the `$previous_status` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post at the point where it was trashed. */ do_action( 'untrash_post', $post_id, $previous_status ); $new_status = ( 'attachment' === $post->post_type ) ? 'inherit' : 'draft'; /** * Filters the status that a post gets assigned when it is restored from the trash (untrashed). * * By default posts that are restored will be assigned a status of 'draft'. Return the value of `$previous_status` * in order to assign the status that the post had before it was trashed. The `wp_untrash_post_set_previous_status()` * function is available for this. * * Prior to WordPress 5.6.0, restored posts were always assigned their original status. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param string $new_status The new status of the post being restored. * @param int $post_id The ID of the post being restored. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post at the point where it was trashed. */ $post_status = apply_filters( 'wp_untrash_post_status', $new_status, $post_id, $previous_status ); delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_status' ); delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_time' ); $post_updated = wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $post_id, 'post_status' => $post_status, ) ); if ( ! $post_updated ) { return false; } wp_untrash_post_comments( $post_id ); /** * Fires after a post is restored from the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * @since 5.6.0 Added the `$previous_status` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post at the point where it was trashed. */ do_action( 'untrashed_post', $post_id, $previous_status ); return $post; } /** * Moves comments for a post to the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int|WP_Post|null $post Optional. Post ID or post object. Defaults to global $post. * @return mixed|void False on failure. */ function wp_trash_post_comments( $post = null ) { global $wpdb; $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return; } $post_id = $post->ID; /** * Fires before comments are sent to the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ do_action( 'trash_post_comments', $post_id ); $comments = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT comment_ID, comment_approved FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d", $post_id ) ); if ( ! $comments ) { return; } // Cache current status for each comment. $statuses = array(); foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { $statuses[ $comment->comment_ID ] = $comment->comment_approved; } add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_comments_status', $statuses ); // Set status for all comments to post-trashed. $result = $wpdb->update( $wpdb->comments, array( 'comment_approved' => 'post-trashed' ), array( 'comment_post_ID' => $post_id ) ); clean_comment_cache( array_keys( $statuses ) ); /** * Fires after comments are sent to the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param array $statuses Array of comment statuses. */ do_action( 'trashed_post_comments', $post_id, $statuses ); return $result; } /** * Restores comments for a post from the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int|WP_Post|null $post Optional. Post ID or post object. Defaults to global $post. * @return true|void */ function wp_untrash_post_comments( $post = null ) { global $wpdb; $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return; } $post_id = $post->ID; $statuses = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_comments_status', true ); if ( ! $statuses ) { return true; } /** * Fires before comments are restored for a post from the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ do_action( 'untrash_post_comments', $post_id ); // Restore each comment to its original status. $group_by_status = array(); foreach ( $statuses as $comment_id => $comment_status ) { $group_by_status[ $comment_status ][] = $comment_id; } foreach ( $group_by_status as $status => $comments ) { // Confidence check. This shouldn't happen. if ( 'post-trashed' === $status ) { $status = '0'; } $comments_in = implode( ', ', array_map( 'intval', $comments ) ); $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_approved = %s WHERE comment_ID IN ($comments_in)", $status ) ); } clean_comment_cache( array_keys( $statuses ) ); delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_comments_status' ); /** * Fires after comments are restored for a post from the Trash. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ do_action( 'untrashed_post_comments', $post_id ); } /** * Retrieves the list of categories for a post. * * Compatibility layer for themes and plugins. Also an easy layer of abstraction * away from the complexity of the taxonomy layer. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @see wp_get_object_terms() * * @param int $post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID of the * global $post. Default 0. * @param array $args Optional. Category query parameters. Default empty array. * See WP_Term_Query::__construct() for supported arguments. * @return array|WP_Error List of categories. If the `$fields` argument passed via `$args` is 'all' or * 'all_with_object_id', an array of WP_Term objects will be returned. If `$fields` * is 'ids', an array of category IDs. If `$fields` is 'names', an array of category names. * WP_Error object if 'category' taxonomy doesn't exist. */ function wp_get_post_categories( $post_id = 0, $args = array() ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; $defaults = array( 'fields' => 'ids' ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $cats = wp_get_object_terms( $post_id, 'category', $args ); return $cats; } /** * Retrieves the tags for a post. * * There is only one default for this function, called 'fields' and by default * is set to 'all'. There are other defaults that can be overridden in * wp_get_object_terms(). * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID of the * global $post. Default 0. * @param array $args Optional. Tag query parameters. Default empty array. * See WP_Term_Query::__construct() for supported arguments. * @return array|WP_Error Array of WP_Term objects on success or empty array if no tags were found. * WP_Error object if 'post_tag' taxonomy doesn't exist. */ function wp_get_post_tags( $post_id = 0, $args = array() ) { return wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, 'post_tag', $args ); } /** * Retrieves the terms for a post. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID of the * global $post. Default 0. * @param string|string[] $taxonomy Optional. The taxonomy slug or array of slugs for which * to retrieve terms. Default 'post_tag'. * @param array $args { * Optional. Term query parameters. See WP_Term_Query::__construct() for supported arguments. * * @type string $fields Term fields to retrieve. Default 'all'. * } * @return array|WP_Error Array of WP_Term objects on success or empty array if no terms were found. * WP_Error object if `$taxonomy` doesn't exist. */ function wp_get_post_terms( $post_id = 0, $taxonomy = 'post_tag', $args = array() ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; $defaults = array( 'fields' => 'all' ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $tags = wp_get_object_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, $args ); return $tags; } /** * Retrieves a number of recent posts. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @see get_posts() * * @param array $args Optional. Arguments to retrieve posts. Default empty array. * @param string $output Optional. The required return type. One of OBJECT or ARRAY_A, which * correspond to a WP_Post object or an associative array, respectively. * Default ARRAY_A. * @return array|false Array of recent posts, where the type of each element is determined * by the `$output` parameter. Empty array on failure. */ function wp_get_recent_posts( $args = array(), $output = ARRAY_A ) { if ( is_numeric( $args ) ) { _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.1.0', __( 'Passing an integer number of posts is deprecated. Pass an array of arguments instead.' ) ); $args = array( 'numberposts' => absint( $args ) ); } // Set default arguments. $defaults = array( 'numberposts' => 10, 'offset' => 0, 'category' => 0, 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'draft, publish, future, pending, private', 'suppress_filters' => true, ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $results = get_posts( $parsed_args ); // Backward compatibility. Prior to 3.1 expected posts to be returned in array. if ( ARRAY_A === $output ) { foreach ( $results as $key => $result ) { $results[ $key ] = get_object_vars( $result ); } return $results ? $results : array(); } return $results ? $results : false; } /** * Inserts or update a post. * * If the $postarr parameter has 'ID' set to a value, then post will be updated. * * You can set the post date manually, by setting the values for 'post_date' * and 'post_date_gmt' keys. You can close the comments or open the comments by * setting the value for 'comment_status' key. * * @since 1.0.0 * @since 2.6.0 Added the `$wp_error` parameter to allow a WP_Error to be returned on failure. * @since 4.2.0 Support was added for encoding emoji in the post title, content, and excerpt. * @since 4.4.0 A 'meta_input' array can now be passed to `$postarr` to add post meta data. * @since 5.6.0 Added the `$fire_after_hooks` parameter. * * @see sanitize_post() * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param array $postarr { * An array of elements that make up a post to update or insert. * * @type int $ID The post ID. If equal to something other than 0, * the post with that ID will be updated. Default 0. * @type int $post_author The ID of the user who added the post. Default is * the current user ID. * @type string $post_date The date of the post. Default is the current time. * @type string $post_date_gmt The date of the post in the GMT timezone. Default is * the value of `$post_date`. * @type string $post_content The post content. Default empty. * @type string $post_content_filtered The filtered post content. Default empty. * @type string $post_title The post title. Default empty. * @type string $post_excerpt The post excerpt. Default empty. * @type string $post_status The post status. Default 'draft'. * @type string $post_type The post type. Default 'post'. * @type string $comment_status Whether the post can accept comments. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'. * Default is the value of 'default_comment_status' option. * @type string $ping_status Whether the post can accept pings. Accepts 'open' or 'closed'. * Default is the value of 'default_ping_status' option. * @type string $post_password The password to access the post. Default empty. * @type string $post_name The post name. Default is the sanitized post title * when creating a new post. * @type string $to_ping Space or carriage return-separated list of URLs to ping. * Default empty. * @type string $pinged Space or carriage return-separated list of URLs that have * been pinged. Default empty. * @type int $post_parent Set this for the post it belongs to, if any. Default 0. * @type int $menu_order The order the post should be displayed in. Default 0. * @type string $post_mime_type The mime type of the post. Default empty. * @type string $guid Global Unique ID for referencing the post. Default empty. * @type int $import_id The post ID to be used when inserting a new post. * If specified, must not match any existing post ID. Default 0. * @type int[] $post_category Array of category IDs. * Defaults to value of the 'default_category' option. * @type array $tags_input Array of tag names, slugs, or IDs. Default empty. * @type array $tax_input An array of taxonomy terms keyed by their taxonomy name. * If the taxonomy is hierarchical, the term list needs to be * either an array of term IDs or a comma-separated string of IDs. * If the taxonomy is non-hierarchical, the term list can be an array * that contains term names or slugs, or a comma-separated string * of names or slugs. This is because, in hierarchical taxonomy, * child terms can have the same names with different parent terms, * so the only way to connect them is using ID. Default empty. * @type array $meta_input Array of post meta values keyed by their post meta key. Default empty. * @type string $page_template Page template to use. * } * @param bool $wp_error Optional. Whether to return a WP_Error on failure. Default false. * @param bool $fire_after_hooks Optional. Whether to fire the after insert hooks. Default true. * @return int|WP_Error The post ID on success. The value 0 or WP_Error on failure. */ function wp_insert_post( $postarr, $wp_error = false, $fire_after_hooks = true ) { global $wpdb; // Capture original pre-sanitized array for passing into filters. $unsanitized_postarr = $postarr; $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $defaults = array( 'post_author' => $user_id, 'post_content' => '', 'post_content_filtered' => '', 'post_title' => '', 'post_excerpt' => '', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_type' => 'post', 'comment_status' => '', 'ping_status' => '', 'post_password' => '', 'to_ping' => '', 'pinged' => '', 'post_parent' => 0, 'menu_order' => 0, 'guid' => '', 'import_id' => 0, 'context' => '', 'post_date' => '', 'post_date_gmt' => '', ); $postarr = wp_parse_args( $postarr, $defaults ); unset( $postarr['filter'] ); $postarr = sanitize_post( $postarr, 'db' ); // Are we updating or creating? $post_id = 0; $update = false; $guid = $postarr['guid']; if ( ! empty( $postarr['ID'] ) ) { $update = true; // Get the post ID and GUID. $post_id = $postarr['ID']; $post_before = get_post( $post_id ); if ( is_null( $post_before ) ) { if ( $wp_error ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_post', __( 'Invalid post ID.' ) ); } return 0; } $guid = get_post_field( 'guid', $post_id ); $previous_status = get_post_field( 'post_status', $post_id ); } else { $previous_status = 'new'; $post_before = null; } $post_type = empty( $postarr['post_type'] ) ? 'post' : $postarr['post_type']; $post_title = $postarr['post_title']; $post_content = $postarr['post_content']; $post_excerpt = $postarr['post_excerpt']; if ( isset( $postarr['post_name'] ) ) { $post_name = $postarr['post_name']; } elseif ( $update ) { // For an update, don't modify the post_name if it wasn't supplied as an argument. $post_name = $post_before->post_name; } $maybe_empty = 'attachment' !== $post_type && ! $post_content && ! $post_title && ! $post_excerpt && post_type_supports( $post_type, 'editor' ) && post_type_supports( $post_type, 'title' ) && post_type_supports( $post_type, 'excerpt' ); /** * Filters whether the post should be considered "empty". * * The post is considered "empty" if both: * 1. The post type supports the title, editor, and excerpt fields * 2. The title, editor, and excerpt fields are all empty * * Returning a truthy value from the filter will effectively short-circuit * the new post being inserted and return 0. If $wp_error is true, a WP_Error * will be returned instead. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param bool $maybe_empty Whether the post should be considered "empty". * @param array $postarr Array of post data. */ if ( apply_filters( 'wp_insert_post_empty_content', $maybe_empty, $postarr ) ) { if ( $wp_error ) { return new WP_Error( 'empty_content', __( 'Content, title, and excerpt are empty.' ) ); } else { return 0; } } $post_status = empty( $postarr['post_status'] ) ? 'draft' : $postarr['post_status']; if ( 'attachment' === $post_type && ! in_array( $post_status, array( 'inherit', 'private', 'trash', 'auto-draft' ), true ) ) { $post_status = 'inherit'; } if ( ! empty( $postarr['post_category'] ) ) { // Filter out empty terms. $post_category = array_filter( $postarr['post_category'] ); } elseif ( $update && ! isset( $postarr['post_category'] ) ) { $post_category = $post_before->post_category; } // Make sure we set a valid category. if ( empty( $post_category ) || 0 === count( $post_category ) || ! is_array( $post_category ) ) { // 'post' requires at least one category. if ( 'post' === $post_type && 'auto-draft' !== $post_status ) { $post_category = array( get_option( 'default_category' ) ); } else { $post_category = array(); } } /* * Don't allow contributors to set the post slug for pending review posts. * * For new posts check the primitive capability, for updates check the meta capability. */ if ( 'pending' === $post_status ) { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); if ( ! $update && $post_type_object && ! current_user_can( $post_type_object->cap->publish_posts ) ) { $post_name = ''; } elseif ( $update && ! current_user_can( 'publish_post', $post_id ) ) { $post_name = ''; } } /* * Create a valid post name. Drafts and pending posts are allowed to have * an empty post name. */ if ( empty( $post_name ) ) { if ( ! in_array( $post_status, array( 'draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft' ), true ) ) { $post_name = sanitize_title( $post_title ); } else { $post_name = ''; } } else { // On updates, we need to check to see if it's using the old, fixed sanitization context. $check_name = sanitize_title( $post_name, '', 'old-save' ); if ( $update && strtolower( urlencode( $post_name ) ) === $check_name && get_post_field( 'post_name', $post_id ) === $check_name ) { $post_name = $check_name; } else { // New post, or slug has changed. $post_name = sanitize_title( $post_name ); } } /* * Resolve the post date from any provided post date or post date GMT strings; * if none are provided, the date will be set to now. */ $post_date = wp_resolve_post_date( $postarr['post_date'], $postarr['post_date_gmt'] ); if ( ! $post_date ) { if ( $wp_error ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_date', __( 'Invalid date.' ) ); } else { return 0; } } if ( empty( $postarr['post_date_gmt'] ) || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $postarr['post_date_gmt'] ) { if ( ! in_array( $post_status, get_post_stati( array( 'date_floating' => true ) ), true ) ) { $post_date_gmt = get_gmt_from_date( $post_date ); } else { $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; } } else { $post_date_gmt = $postarr['post_date_gmt']; } if ( $update || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $post_date ) { $post_modified = current_time( 'mysql' ); $post_modified_gmt = current_time( 'mysql', 1 ); } else { $post_modified = $post_date; $post_modified_gmt = $post_date_gmt; } if ( 'attachment' !== $post_type ) { $now = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); if ( 'publish' === $post_status ) { if ( strtotime( $post_date_gmt ) - strtotime( $now ) >= MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ) { $post_status = 'future'; } } elseif ( 'future' === $post_status ) { if ( strtotime( $post_date_gmt ) - strtotime( $now ) < MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ) { $post_status = 'publish'; } } } // Comment status. if ( empty( $postarr['comment_status'] ) ) { if ( $update ) { $comment_status = 'closed'; } else { $comment_status = get_default_comment_status( $post_type ); } } else { $comment_status = $postarr['comment_status']; } // These variables are needed by compact() later. $post_content_filtered = $postarr['post_content_filtered']; $post_author = isset( $postarr['post_author'] ) ? $postarr['post_author'] : $user_id; $ping_status = empty( $postarr['ping_status'] ) ? get_default_comment_status( $post_type, 'pingback' ) : $postarr['ping_status']; $to_ping = isset( $postarr['to_ping'] ) ? sanitize_trackback_urls( $postarr['to_ping'] ) : ''; $pinged = isset( $postarr['pinged'] ) ? $postarr['pinged'] : ''; $import_id = isset( $postarr['import_id'] ) ? $postarr['import_id'] : 0; /* * The 'wp_insert_post_parent' filter expects all variables to be present. * Previously, these variables would have already been extracted */ if ( isset( $postarr['menu_order'] ) ) { $menu_order = (int) $postarr['menu_order']; } else { $menu_order = 0; } $post_password = isset( $postarr['post_password'] ) ? $postarr['post_password'] : ''; if ( 'private' === $post_status ) { $post_password = ''; } if ( isset( $postarr['post_parent'] ) ) { $post_parent = (int) $postarr['post_parent']; } else { $post_parent = 0; } $new_postarr = array_merge( array( 'ID' => $post_id, ), compact( array_diff( array_keys( $defaults ), array( 'context', 'filter' ) ) ) ); /** * Filters the post parent -- used to check for and prevent hierarchy loops. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param int $post_parent Post parent ID. * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param array $new_postarr Array of parsed post data. * @param array $postarr Array of sanitized, but otherwise unmodified post data. */ $post_parent = apply_filters( 'wp_insert_post_parent', $post_parent, $post_id, $new_postarr, $postarr ); /* * If the post is being untrashed and it has a desired slug stored in post meta, * reassign it. */ if ( 'trash' === $previous_status && 'trash' !== $post_status ) { $desired_post_slug = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_desired_post_slug', true ); if ( $desired_post_slug ) { delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_desired_post_slug' ); $post_name = $desired_post_slug; } } // If a trashed post has the desired slug, change it and let this post have it. if ( 'trash' !== $post_status && $post_name ) { /** * Filters whether or not to add a `__trashed` suffix to trashed posts that match the name of the updated post. * * @since 5.4.0 * * @param bool $add_trashed_suffix Whether to attempt to add the suffix. * @param string $post_name The name of the post being updated. * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ $add_trashed_suffix = apply_filters( 'add_trashed_suffix_to_trashed_posts', true, $post_name, $post_id ); if ( $add_trashed_suffix ) { wp_add_trashed_suffix_to_post_name_for_trashed_posts( $post_name, $post_id ); } } // When trashing an existing post, change its slug to allow non-trashed posts to use it. if ( 'trash' === $post_status && 'trash' !== $previous_status && 'new' !== $previous_status ) { $post_name = wp_add_trashed_suffix_to_post_name_for_post( $post_id ); } $post_name = wp_unique_post_slug( $post_name, $post_id, $post_status, $post_type, $post_parent ); // Don't unslash. $post_mime_type = isset( $postarr['post_mime_type'] ) ? $postarr['post_mime_type'] : ''; // Expected_slashed (everything!). $data = compact( 'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content', 'post_content_filtered', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_status', 'post_type', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_password', 'post_name', 'to_ping', 'pinged', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'post_parent', 'menu_order', 'post_mime_type', 'guid' ); $emoji_fields = array( 'post_title', 'post_content', 'post_excerpt' ); foreach ( $emoji_fields as $emoji_field ) { if ( isset( $data[ $emoji_field ] ) ) { $charset = $wpdb->get_col_charset( $wpdb->posts, $emoji_field ); if ( 'utf8' === $charset ) { $data[ $emoji_field ] = wp_encode_emoji( $data[ $emoji_field ] ); } } } if ( 'attachment' === $post_type ) { /** * Filters attachment post data before it is updated in or added to the database. * * @since 3.9.0 * @since 5.4.1 The `$unsanitized_postarr` parameter was added. * @since 6.0.0 The `$update` parameter was added. * * @param array $data An array of slashed, sanitized, and processed attachment post data. * @param array $postarr An array of slashed and sanitized attachment post data, but not processed. * @param array $unsanitized_postarr An array of slashed yet *unsanitized* and unprocessed attachment post data * as originally passed to wp_insert_post(). * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing attachment post being updated. */ $data = apply_filters( 'wp_insert_attachment_data', $data, $postarr, $unsanitized_postarr, $update ); } else { /** * Filters slashed post data just before it is inserted into the database. * * @since 2.7.0 * @since 5.4.1 The `$unsanitized_postarr` parameter was added. * @since 6.0.0 The `$update` parameter was added. * * @param array $data An array of slashed, sanitized, and processed post data. * @param array $postarr An array of sanitized (and slashed) but otherwise unmodified post data. * @param array $unsanitized_postarr An array of slashed yet *unsanitized* and unprocessed post data as * originally passed to wp_insert_post(). * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated. */ $data = apply_filters( 'wp_insert_post_data', $data, $postarr, $unsanitized_postarr, $update ); } $data = wp_unslash( $data ); $where = array( 'ID' => $post_id ); if ( $update ) { /** * Fires immediately before an existing post is updated in the database. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param array $data Array of unslashed post data. */ do_action( 'pre_post_update', $post_id, $data ); if ( false === $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, $data, $where ) ) { if ( $wp_error ) { if ( 'attachment' === $post_type ) { $message = __( 'Could not update attachment in the database.' ); } else { $message = __( 'Could not update post in the database.' ); } return new WP_Error( 'db_update_error', $message, $wpdb->last_error ); } else { return 0; } } } else { // If there is a suggested ID, use it if not already present. if ( ! empty( $import_id ) ) { $import_id = (int) $import_id; if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = %d", $import_id ) ) ) { $data['ID'] = $import_id; } } if ( false === $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, $data ) ) { if ( $wp_error ) { if ( 'attachment' === $post_type ) { $message = __( 'Could not insert attachment into the database.' ); } else { $message = __( 'Could not insert post into the database.' ); } return new WP_Error( 'db_insert_error', $message, $wpdb->last_error ); } else { return 0; } } $post_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id; // Use the newly generated $post_id. $where = array( 'ID' => $post_id ); } if ( empty( $data['post_name'] ) && ! in_array( $data['post_status'], array( 'draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft' ), true ) ) { $data['post_name'] = wp_unique_post_slug( sanitize_title( $data['post_title'], $post_id ), $post_id, $data['post_status'], $post_type, $post_parent ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_name' => $data['post_name'] ), $where ); clean_post_cache( $post_id ); } if ( is_object_in_taxonomy( $post_type, 'category' ) ) { wp_set_post_categories( $post_id, $post_category ); } if ( isset( $postarr['tags_input'] ) && is_object_in_taxonomy( $post_type, 'post_tag' ) ) { wp_set_post_tags( $post_id, $postarr['tags_input'] ); } // Add default term for all associated custom taxonomies. if ( 'auto-draft' !== $post_status ) { foreach ( get_object_taxonomies( $post_type, 'object' ) as $taxonomy => $tax_object ) { if ( ! empty( $tax_object->default_term ) ) { // Filter out empty terms. if ( isset( $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] ) && is_array( $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] ) ) { $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] = array_filter( $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] ); } // Passed custom taxonomy list overwrites the existing list if not empty. $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids' ) ); if ( ! empty( $terms ) && empty( $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] ) ) { $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] = $terms; } if ( empty( $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] ) ) { $default_term_id = get_option( 'default_term_' . $taxonomy ); if ( ! empty( $default_term_id ) ) { $postarr['tax_input'][ $taxonomy ] = array( (int) $default_term_id ); } } } } } // New-style support for all custom taxonomies. if ( ! empty( $postarr['tax_input'] ) ) { foreach ( $postarr['tax_input'] as $taxonomy => $tags ) { $taxonomy_obj = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); if ( ! $taxonomy_obj ) { /* translators: %s: Taxonomy name. */ _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, sprintf( __( 'Invalid taxonomy: %s.' ), $taxonomy ), '4.4.0' ); continue; } // array = hierarchical, string = non-hierarchical. if ( is_array( $tags ) ) { $tags = array_filter( $tags ); } if ( current_user_can( $taxonomy_obj->cap->assign_terms ) ) { wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $tags, $taxonomy ); } } } if ( ! empty( $postarr['meta_input'] ) ) { foreach ( $postarr['meta_input'] as $field => $value ) { update_post_meta( $post_id, $field, $value ); } } $current_guid = get_post_field( 'guid', $post_id ); // Set GUID. if ( ! $update && '' === $current_guid ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'guid' => get_permalink( $post_id ) ), $where ); } if ( 'attachment' === $postarr['post_type'] ) { if ( ! empty( $postarr['file'] ) ) { update_attached_file( $post_id, $postarr['file'] ); } if ( ! empty( $postarr['context'] ) ) { add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_attachment_context', $postarr['context'], true ); } } // Set or remove featured image. if ( isset( $postarr['_thumbnail_id'] ) ) { $thumbnail_support = current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', $post_type ) && post_type_supports( $post_type, 'thumbnail' ) || 'revision' === $post_type; if ( ! $thumbnail_support && 'attachment' === $post_type && $post_mime_type ) { if ( wp_attachment_is( 'audio', $post_id ) ) { $thumbnail_support = post_type_supports( 'attachment:audio', 'thumbnail' ) || current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', 'attachment:audio' ); } elseif ( wp_attachment_is( 'video', $post_id ) ) { $thumbnail_support = post_type_supports( 'attachment:video', 'thumbnail' ) || current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', 'attachment:video' ); } } if ( $thumbnail_support ) { $thumbnail_id = (int) $postarr['_thumbnail_id']; if ( -1 === $thumbnail_id ) { delete_post_thumbnail( $post_id ); } else { set_post_thumbnail( $post_id, $thumbnail_id ); } } } clean_post_cache( $post_id ); $post = get_post( $post_id ); if ( ! empty( $postarr['page_template'] ) ) { $post->page_template = $postarr['page_template']; $page_templates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates( $post ); if ( 'default' !== $postarr['page_template'] && ! isset( $page_templates[ $postarr['page_template'] ] ) ) { if ( $wp_error ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_page_template', __( 'Invalid page template.' ) ); } update_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_page_template', 'default' ); } else { update_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_page_template', $postarr['page_template'] ); } } if ( 'attachment' !== $postarr['post_type'] ) { wp_transition_post_status( $data['post_status'], $previous_status, $post ); } else { if ( $update ) { /** * Fires once an existing attachment has been updated. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. */ do_action( 'edit_attachment', $post_id ); $post_after = get_post( $post_id ); /** * Fires once an existing attachment has been updated. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post_after Post object following the update. * @param WP_Post $post_before Post object before the update. */ do_action( 'attachment_updated', $post_id, $post_after, $post_before ); } else { /** * Fires once an attachment has been added. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. */ do_action( 'add_attachment', $post_id ); } return $post_id; } if ( $update ) { /** * Fires once an existing post has been updated. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$post->post_type`, refers to * the post type slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `edit_post_post` * - `edit_post_page` * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( "edit_post_{$post->post_type}", $post_id, $post ); /** * Fires once an existing post has been updated. * * @since 1.2.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'edit_post', $post_id, $post ); $post_after = get_post( $post_id ); /** * Fires once an existing post has been updated. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post_after Post object following the update. * @param WP_Post $post_before Post object before the update. */ do_action( 'post_updated', $post_id, $post_after, $post_before ); } /** * Fires once a post has been saved. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$post->post_type`, refers to * the post type slug. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `save_post_post` * - `save_post_page` * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated. */ do_action( "save_post_{$post->post_type}", $post_id, $post, $update ); /** * Fires once a post has been saved. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated. */ do_action( 'save_post', $post_id, $post, $update ); /** * Fires once a post has been saved. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated. */ do_action( 'wp_insert_post', $post_id, $post, $update ); if ( $fire_after_hooks ) { wp_after_insert_post( $post, $update, $post_before ); } return $post_id; } /** * Updates a post with new post data. * * The date does not have to be set for drafts. You can set the date and it will * not be overridden. * * @since 1.0.0 * @since 3.5.0 Added the `$wp_error` parameter to allow a WP_Error to be returned on failure. * @since 5.6.0 Added the `$fire_after_hooks` parameter. * * @param array|object $postarr Optional. Post data. Arrays are expected to be escaped, * objects are not. See wp_insert_post() for accepted arguments. * Default array. * @param bool $wp_error Optional. Whether to return a WP_Error on failure. Default false. * @param bool $fire_after_hooks Optional. Whether to fire the after insert hooks. Default true. * @return int|WP_Error The post ID on success. The value 0 or WP_Error on failure. */ function wp_update_post( $postarr = array(), $wp_error = false, $fire_after_hooks = true ) { if ( is_object( $postarr ) ) { // Non-escaped post was passed. $postarr = get_object_vars( $postarr ); $postarr = wp_slash( $postarr ); } // First, get all of the original fields. $post = get_post( $postarr['ID'], ARRAY_A ); if ( is_null( $post ) ) { if ( $wp_error ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_post', __( 'Invalid post ID.' ) ); } return 0; } // Escape data pulled from DB. $post = wp_slash( $post ); // Passed post category list overwrites existing category list if not empty. if ( isset( $postarr['post_category'] ) && is_array( $postarr['post_category'] ) && count( $postarr['post_category'] ) > 0 ) { $post_cats = $postarr['post_category']; } else { $post_cats = $post['post_category']; } // Drafts shouldn't be assigned a date unless explicitly done so by the user. if ( isset( $post['post_status'] ) && in_array( $post['post_status'], array( 'draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft' ), true ) && empty( $postarr['edit_date'] ) && ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $post['post_date_gmt'] ) ) { $clear_date = true; } else { $clear_date = false; } // Merge old and new fields with new fields overwriting old ones. $postarr = array_merge( $post, $postarr ); $postarr['post_category'] = $post_cats; if ( $clear_date ) { $postarr['post_date'] = current_time( 'mysql' ); $postarr['post_date_gmt'] = ''; } if ( 'attachment' === $postarr['post_type'] ) { return wp_insert_attachment( $postarr, false, 0, $wp_error ); } // Discard 'tags_input' parameter if it's the same as existing post tags. if ( isset( $postarr['tags_input'] ) && is_object_in_taxonomy( $postarr['post_type'], 'post_tag' ) ) { $tags = get_the_terms( $postarr['ID'], 'post_tag' ); $tag_names = array(); if ( $tags && ! is_wp_error( $tags ) ) { $tag_names = wp_list_pluck( $tags, 'name' ); } if ( $postarr['tags_input'] === $tag_names ) { unset( $postarr['tags_input'] ); } } return wp_insert_post( $postarr, $wp_error, $fire_after_hooks ); } /** * Publishes a post by transitioning the post status. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object. */ function wp_publish_post( $post ) { global $wpdb; $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return; } if ( 'publish' === $post->post_status ) { return; } $post_before = get_post( $post->ID ); // Ensure at least one term is applied for taxonomies with a default term. foreach ( get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type, 'object' ) as $taxonomy => $tax_object ) { // Skip taxonomy if no default term is set. if ( 'category' !== $taxonomy && empty( $tax_object->default_term ) ) { continue; } // Do not modify previously set terms. if ( ! empty( get_the_terms( $post, $taxonomy ) ) ) { continue; } if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { $default_term_id = (int) get_option( 'default_category', 0 ); } else { $default_term_id = (int) get_option( 'default_term_' . $taxonomy, 0 ); } if ( ! $default_term_id ) { continue; } wp_set_post_terms( $post->ID, array( $default_term_id ), $taxonomy ); } $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_status' => 'publish' ), array( 'ID' => $post->ID ) ); clean_post_cache( $post->ID ); $old_status = $post->post_status; $post->post_status = 'publish'; wp_transition_post_status( 'publish', $old_status, $post ); /** This action is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ do_action( "edit_post_{$post->post_type}", $post->ID, $post ); /** This action is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ do_action( 'edit_post', $post->ID, $post ); /** This action is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ do_action( "save_post_{$post->post_type}", $post->ID, $post, true ); /** This action is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ do_action( 'save_post', $post->ID, $post, true ); /** This action is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ do_action( 'wp_insert_post', $post->ID, $post, true ); wp_after_insert_post( $post, true, $post_before ); } /** * Publishes future post and make sure post ID has future post status. * * Invoked by cron 'publish_future_post' event. This safeguard prevents cron * from publishing drafts, etc. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object. */ function check_and_publish_future_post( $post ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return; } if ( 'future' !== $post->post_status ) { return; } $time = strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt . ' GMT' ); // Uh oh, someone jumped the gun! if ( $time > time() ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'publish_future_post', array( $post->ID ) ); // Clear anything else in the system. wp_schedule_single_event( $time, 'publish_future_post', array( $post->ID ) ); return; } // wp_publish_post() returns no meaningful value. wp_publish_post( $post->ID ); } /** * Uses wp_checkdate to return a valid Gregorian-calendar value for post_date. * If post_date is not provided, this first checks post_date_gmt if provided, * then falls back to use the current time. * * For back-compat purposes in wp_insert_post, an empty post_date and an invalid * post_date_gmt will continue to return '1970-01-01 00:00:00' rather than false. * * @since 5.7.0 * * @param string $post_date The date in mysql format (`Y-m-d H:i:s`). * @param string $post_date_gmt The GMT date in mysql format (`Y-m-d H:i:s`). * @return string|false A valid Gregorian-calendar date string, or false on failure. */ function wp_resolve_post_date( $post_date = '', $post_date_gmt = '' ) { // If the date is empty, set the date to now. if ( empty( $post_date ) || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $post_date ) { if ( empty( $post_date_gmt ) || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $post_date_gmt ) { $post_date = current_time( 'mysql' ); } else { $post_date = get_date_from_gmt( $post_date_gmt ); } } // Validate the date. $month = (int) substr( $post_date, 5, 2 ); $day = (int) substr( $post_date, 8, 2 ); $year = (int) substr( $post_date, 0, 4 ); $valid_date = wp_checkdate( $month, $day, $year, $post_date ); if ( ! $valid_date ) { return false; } return $post_date; } /** * Computes a unique slug for the post, when given the desired slug and some post details. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component. * * @param string $slug The desired slug (post_name). * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $post_status No uniqueness checks are made if the post is still draft or pending. * @param string $post_type Post type. * @param int $post_parent Post parent ID. * @return string Unique slug for the post, based on $post_name (with a -1, -2, etc. suffix) */ function wp_unique_post_slug( $slug, $post_id, $post_status, $post_type, $post_parent ) { if ( in_array( $post_status, array( 'draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft' ), true ) || ( 'inherit' === $post_status && 'revision' === $post_type ) || 'user_request' === $post_type ) { return $slug; } /** * Filters the post slug before it is generated to be unique. * * Returning a non-null value will short-circuit the * unique slug generation, returning the passed value instead. * * @since 5.1.0 * * @param string|null $override_slug Short-circuit return value. * @param string $slug The desired slug (post_name). * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $post_status The post status. * @param string $post_type Post type. * @param int $post_parent Post parent ID. */ $override_slug = apply_filters( 'pre_wp_unique_post_slug', null, $slug, $post_id, $post_status, $post_type, $post_parent ); if ( null !== $override_slug ) { return $override_slug; } global $wpdb, $wp_rewrite; $original_slug = $slug; $feeds = $wp_rewrite->feeds; if ( ! is_array( $feeds ) ) { $feeds = array(); } if ( 'attachment' === $post_type ) { // Attachment slugs must be unique across all types. $check_sql = "SELECT post_name FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = %s AND ID != %d LIMIT 1"; $post_name_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $check_sql, $slug, $post_id ) ); /** * Filters whether the post slug would make a bad attachment slug. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param bool $bad_slug Whether the slug would be bad as an attachment slug. * @param string $slug The post slug. */ $is_bad_attachment_slug = apply_filters( 'wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_attachment_slug', false, $slug ); if ( $post_name_check || in_array( $slug, $feeds, true ) || 'embed' === $slug || $is_bad_attachment_slug ) { $suffix = 2; do { $alt_post_name = _truncate_post_slug( $slug, 200 - ( strlen( $suffix ) + 1 ) ) . "-$suffix"; $post_name_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $check_sql, $alt_post_name, $post_id ) ); ++$suffix; } while ( $post_name_check ); $slug = $alt_post_name; } } elseif ( is_post_type_hierarchical( $post_type ) ) { if ( 'nav_menu_item' === $post_type ) { return $slug; } /* * Page slugs must be unique within their own trees. Pages are in a separate * namespace than posts so page slugs are allowed to overlap post slugs. */ $check_sql = "SELECT post_name FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = %s AND post_type IN ( %s, 'attachment' ) AND ID != %d AND post_parent = %d LIMIT 1"; $post_name_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $check_sql, $slug, $post_type, $post_id, $post_parent ) ); /** * Filters whether the post slug would make a bad hierarchical post slug. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param bool $bad_slug Whether the post slug would be bad in a hierarchical post context. * @param string $slug The post slug. * @param string $post_type Post type. * @param int $post_parent Post parent ID. */ $is_bad_hierarchical_slug = apply_filters( 'wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_hierarchical_slug', false, $slug, $post_type, $post_parent ); if ( $post_name_check || in_array( $slug, $feeds, true ) || 'embed' === $slug || preg_match( "@^($wp_rewrite->pagination_base)?\d+$@", $slug ) || $is_bad_hierarchical_slug ) { $suffix = 2; do { $alt_post_name = _truncate_post_slug( $slug, 200 - ( strlen( $suffix ) + 1 ) ) . "-$suffix"; $post_name_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $check_sql, $alt_post_name, $post_type, $post_id, $post_parent ) ); ++$suffix; } while ( $post_name_check ); $slug = $alt_post_name; } } else { // Post slugs must be unique across all posts. $check_sql = "SELECT post_name FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = %s AND post_type = %s AND ID != %d LIMIT 1"; $post_name_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $check_sql, $slug, $post_type, $post_id ) ); $post = get_post( $post_id ); // Prevent new post slugs that could result in URLs that conflict with date archives. $conflicts_with_date_archive = false; if ( 'post' === $post_type && ( ! $post || $post->post_name !== $slug ) && preg_match( '/^[0-9]+$/', $slug ) ) { $slug_num = (int) $slug; if ( $slug_num ) { $permastructs = array_values( array_filter( explode( '/', get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) ) ); $postname_index = array_search( '%postname%', $permastructs, true ); /* * Potential date clashes are as follows: * * - Any integer in the first permastruct position could be a year. * - An integer between 1 and 12 that follows 'year' conflicts with 'monthnum'. * - An integer between 1 and 31 that follows 'monthnum' conflicts with 'day'. */ if ( 0 === $postname_index || ( $postname_index && '%year%' === $permastructs[ $postname_index - 1 ] && 13 > $slug_num ) || ( $postname_index && '%monthnum%' === $permastructs[ $postname_index - 1 ] && 32 > $slug_num ) ) { $conflicts_with_date_archive = true; } } } /** * Filters whether the post slug would be bad as a flat slug. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param bool $bad_slug Whether the post slug would be bad as a flat slug. * @param string $slug The post slug. * @param string $post_type Post type. */ $is_bad_flat_slug = apply_filters( 'wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_flat_slug', false, $slug, $post_type ); if ( $post_name_check || in_array( $slug, $feeds, true ) || 'embed' === $slug || $conflicts_with_date_archive || $is_bad_flat_slug ) { $suffix = 2; do { $alt_post_name = _truncate_post_slug( $slug, 200 - ( strlen( $suffix ) + 1 ) ) . "-$suffix"; $post_name_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $check_sql, $alt_post_name, $post_type, $post_id ) ); ++$suffix; } while ( $post_name_check ); $slug = $alt_post_name; } } /** * Filters the unique post slug. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param string $slug The post slug. * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param string $post_status The post status. * @param string $post_type Post type. * @param int $post_parent Post parent ID * @param string $original_slug The original post slug. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_unique_post_slug', $slug, $post_id, $post_status, $post_type, $post_parent, $original_slug ); } /** * Truncates a post slug. * * @since 3.6.0 * @access private * * @see utf8_uri_encode() * * @param string $slug The slug to truncate. * @param int $length Optional. Max length of the slug. Default 200 (characters). * @return string The truncated slug. */ function _truncate_post_slug( $slug, $length = 200 ) { if ( strlen( $slug ) > $length ) { $decoded_slug = urldecode( $slug ); if ( $decoded_slug === $slug ) { $slug = substr( $slug, 0, $length ); } else { $slug = utf8_uri_encode( $decoded_slug, $length, true ); } } return rtrim( $slug, '-' ); } /** * Adds tags to a post. * * @see wp_set_post_tags() * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID of the global $post. * @param string|array $tags Optional. An array of tags to set for the post, or a string of tags * separated by commas. Default empty. * @return array|false|WP_Error Array of affected term IDs. WP_Error or false on failure. */ function wp_add_post_tags( $post_id = 0, $tags = '' ) { return wp_set_post_tags( $post_id, $tags, true ); } /** * Sets the tags for a post. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @see wp_set_object_terms() * * @param int $post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID of the global $post. * @param string|array $tags Optional. An array of tags to set for the post, or a string of tags * separated by commas. Default empty. * @param bool $append Optional. If true, don't delete existing tags, just add on. If false, * replace the tags with the new tags. Default false. * @return array|false|WP_Error Array of term taxonomy IDs of affected terms. WP_Error or false on failure. */ function wp_set_post_tags( $post_id = 0, $tags = '', $append = false ) { return wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $tags, 'post_tag', $append ); } /** * Sets the terms for a post. * * @since 2.8.0 * * @see wp_set_object_terms() * * @param int $post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID of the global $post. * @param string|array $terms Optional. An array of terms to set for the post, or a string of terms * separated by commas. Hierarchical taxonomies must always pass IDs rather * than names so that children with the same names but different parents * aren't confused. Default empty. * @param string $taxonomy Optional. Taxonomy name. Default 'post_tag'. * @param bool $append Optional. If true, don't delete existing terms, just add on. If false, * replace the terms with the new terms. Default false. * @return array|false|WP_Error Array of term taxonomy IDs of affected terms. WP_Error or false on failure. */ function wp_set_post_terms( $post_id = 0, $terms = '', $taxonomy = 'post_tag', $append = false ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; if ( ! $post_id ) { return false; } if ( empty( $terms ) ) { $terms = array(); } if ( ! is_array( $terms ) ) { $comma = _x( ',', 'tag delimiter' ); if ( ',' !== $comma ) { $terms = str_replace( $comma, ',', $terms ); } $terms = explode( ',', trim( $terms, " \n\t\r\0\x0B," ) ); } /* * Hierarchical taxonomies must always pass IDs rather than names so that * children with the same names but different parents aren't confused. */ if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ) { $terms = array_unique( array_map( 'intval', $terms ) ); } return wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, $terms, $taxonomy, $append ); } /** * Sets categories for a post. * * If no categories are provided, the default category is used. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID * of the global $post. Default 0. * @param int[]|int $post_categories Optional. List of category IDs, or the ID of a single category. * Default empty array. * @param bool $append If true, don't delete existing categories, just add on. * If false, replace the categories with the new categories. * @return array|false|WP_Error Array of term taxonomy IDs of affected categories. WP_Error or false on failure. */ function wp_set_post_categories( $post_id = 0, $post_categories = array(), $append = false ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; $post_type = get_post_type( $post_id ); $post_status = get_post_status( $post_id ); // If $post_categories isn't already an array, make it one. $post_categories = (array) $post_categories; if ( empty( $post_categories ) ) { /** * Filters post types (in addition to 'post') that require a default category. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param string[] $post_types An array of post type names. Default empty array. */ $default_category_post_types = apply_filters( 'default_category_post_types', array() ); // Regular posts always require a default category. $default_category_post_types = array_merge( $default_category_post_types, array( 'post' ) ); if ( in_array( $post_type, $default_category_post_types, true ) && is_object_in_taxonomy( $post_type, 'category' ) && 'auto-draft' !== $post_status ) { $post_categories = array( get_option( 'default_category' ) ); $append = false; } else { $post_categories = array(); } } elseif ( 1 === count( $post_categories ) && '' === reset( $post_categories ) ) { return true; } return wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $post_categories, 'category', $append ); } /** * Fires actions related to the transitioning of a post's status. * * When a post is saved, the post status is "transitioned" from one status to another, * though this does not always mean the status has actually changed before and after * the save. This function fires a number of action hooks related to that transition: * the generic {@see 'transition_post_status'} action, as well as the dynamic hooks * {@see '$old_status_to_$new_status'} and {@see '$new_status_$post->post_type'}. Note * that the function does not transition the post object in the database. * * For instance: When publishing a post for the first time, the post status may transition * from 'draft' – or some other status – to 'publish'. However, if a post is already * published and is simply being updated, the "old" and "new" statuses may both be 'publish' * before and after the transition. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $new_status Transition to this post status. * @param string $old_status Previous post status. * @param WP_Post $post Post data. */ function wp_transition_post_status( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) { /** * Fires when a post is transitioned from one status to another. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $new_status New post status. * @param string $old_status Old post status. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'transition_post_status', $new_status, $old_status, $post ); /** * Fires when a post is transitioned from one status to another. * * The dynamic portions of the hook name, `$new_status` and `$old_status`, * refer to the old and new post statuses, respectively. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `draft_to_publish` * - `publish_to_trash` * - `pending_to_draft` * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( "{$old_status}_to_{$new_status}", $post ); /** * Fires when a post is transitioned from one status to another. * * The dynamic portions of the hook name, `$new_status` and `$post->post_type`, * refer to the new post status and post type, respectively. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `draft_post` * - `future_post` * - `pending_post` * - `private_post` * - `publish_post` * - `trash_post` * - `draft_page` * - `future_page` * - `pending_page` * - `private_page` * - `publish_page` * - `trash_page` * - `publish_attachment` * - `trash_attachment` * * Please note: When this action is hooked using a particular post status (like * 'publish', as `publish_{$post->post_type}`), it will fire both when a post is * first transitioned to that status from something else, as well as upon * subsequent post updates (old and new status are both the same). * * Therefore, if you are looking to only fire a callback when a post is first * transitioned to a status, use the {@see 'transition_post_status'} hook instead. * * @since 2.3.0 * @since 5.9.0 Added `$old_status` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param string $old_status Old post status. */ do_action( "{$new_status}_{$post->post_type}", $post->ID, $post, $old_status ); } /** * Fires actions after a post, its terms and meta data has been saved. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param int|WP_Post $post The post ID or object that has been saved. * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated. * @param null|WP_Post $post_before Null for new posts, the WP_Post object prior * to the update for updated posts. */ function wp_after_insert_post( $post, $update, $post_before ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return; } $post_id = $post->ID; /** * Fires once a post, its terms and meta data has been saved. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated. * @param null|WP_Post $post_before Null for new posts, the WP_Post object prior * to the update for updated posts. */ do_action( 'wp_after_insert_post', $post_id, $post, $update, $post_before ); } // // Comment, trackback, and pingback functions. // /** * Adds a URL to those already pinged. * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 4.7.0 `$post` can be a WP_Post object. * @since 4.7.0 `$uri` can be an array of URIs. * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object. * @param string|array $uri Ping URI or array of URIs. * @return int|false How many rows were updated. */ function add_ping( $post, $uri ) { global $wpdb; $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } $pung = trim( $post->pinged ); $pung = preg_split( '/\s/', $pung ); if ( is_array( $uri ) ) { $pung = array_merge( $pung, $uri ); } else { $pung[] = $uri; } $new = implode( "\n", $pung ); /** * Filters the new ping URL to add for the given post. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $new New ping URL to add. */ $new = apply_filters( 'add_ping', $new ); $return = $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'pinged' => $new ), array( 'ID' => $post->ID ) ); clean_post_cache( $post->ID ); return $return; } /** * Retrieves enclosures already enclosed for a post. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @return string[] Array of enclosures for the given post. */ function get_enclosed( $post_id ) { $custom_fields = get_post_custom( $post_id ); $pung = array(); if ( ! is_array( $custom_fields ) ) { return $pung; } foreach ( $custom_fields as $key => $val ) { if ( 'enclosure' !== $key || ! is_array( $val ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $val as $enc ) { $enclosure = explode( "\n", $enc ); $pung[] = trim( $enclosure[0] ); } } /** * Filters the list of enclosures already enclosed for the given post. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string[] $pung Array of enclosures for the given post. * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ return apply_filters( 'get_enclosed', $pung, $post_id ); } /** * Retrieves URLs already pinged for a post. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @since 4.7.0 `$post` can be a WP_Post object. * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or object. * @return string[]|false Array of URLs already pinged for the given post, false if the post is not found. */ function get_pung( $post ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } $pung = trim( $post->pinged ); $pung = preg_split( '/\s/', $pung ); /** * Filters the list of already-pinged URLs for the given post. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string[] $pung Array of URLs already pinged for the given post. */ return apply_filters( 'get_pung', $pung ); } /** * Retrieves URLs that need to be pinged. * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 4.7.0 `$post` can be a WP_Post object. * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object. * @return string[]|false List of URLs yet to ping. */ function get_to_ping( $post ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } $to_ping = sanitize_trackback_urls( $post->to_ping ); $to_ping = preg_split( '/\s/', $to_ping, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); /** * Filters the list of URLs yet to ping for the given post. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string[] $to_ping List of URLs yet to ping. */ return apply_filters( 'get_to_ping', $to_ping ); } /** * Does trackbacks for a list of URLs. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $tb_list Comma separated list of URLs. * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ function trackback_url_list( $tb_list, $post_id ) { if ( ! empty( $tb_list ) ) { // Get post data. $postdata = get_post( $post_id, ARRAY_A ); // Form an excerpt. $excerpt = strip_tags( $postdata['post_excerpt'] ? $postdata['post_excerpt'] : $postdata['post_content'] ); if ( strlen( $excerpt ) > 255 ) { $excerpt = substr( $excerpt, 0, 252 ) . '…'; } $trackback_urls = explode( ',', $tb_list ); foreach ( (array) $trackback_urls as $tb_url ) { $tb_url = trim( $tb_url ); trackback( $tb_url, wp_unslash( $postdata['post_title'] ), $excerpt, $post_id ); } } } // // Page functions. // /** * Gets a list of page IDs. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @return string[] List of page IDs as strings. */ function get_all_page_ids() { global $wpdb; $page_ids = wp_cache_get( 'all_page_ids', 'posts' ); if ( ! is_array( $page_ids ) ) { $page_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'page'" ); wp_cache_add( 'all_page_ids', $page_ids, 'posts' ); } return $page_ids; } /** * Retrieves page data given a page ID or page object. * * Use get_post() instead of get_page(). * * @since 1.5.1 * @deprecated 3.5.0 Use get_post() * * @param int|WP_Post $page Page object or page ID. Passed by reference. * @param string $output Optional. The required return type. One of OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N, which * correspond to a WP_Post object, an associative array, or a numeric array, * respectively. Default OBJECT. * @param string $filter Optional. How the return value should be filtered. Accepts 'raw', * 'edit', 'db', 'display'. Default 'raw'. * @return WP_Post|array|null WP_Post or array on success, null on failure. */ function get_page( $page, $output = OBJECT, $filter = 'raw' ) { return get_post( $page, $output, $filter ); } /** * Retrieves a page given its path. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $page_path Page path. * @param string $output Optional. The required return type. One of OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N, which * correspond to a WP_Post object, an associative array, or a numeric array, * respectively. Default OBJECT. * @param string|array $post_type Optional. Post type or array of post types. Default 'page'. * @return WP_Post|array|null WP_Post (or array) on success, or null on failure. */ function get_page_by_path( $page_path, $output = OBJECT, $post_type = 'page' ) { global $wpdb; $last_changed = wp_cache_get_last_changed( 'posts' ); $hash = md5( $page_path . serialize( $post_type ) ); $cache_key = "get_page_by_path:$hash:$last_changed"; $cached = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, 'post-queries' ); if ( false !== $cached ) { // Special case: '0' is a bad `$page_path`. if ( '0' === $cached || 0 === $cached ) { return; } else { return get_post( $cached, $output ); } } $page_path = rawurlencode( urldecode( $page_path ) ); $page_path = str_replace( '%2F', '/', $page_path ); $page_path = str_replace( '%20', ' ', $page_path ); $parts = explode( '/', trim( $page_path, '/' ) ); $parts = array_map( 'sanitize_title_for_query', $parts ); $escaped_parts = esc_sql( $parts ); $in_string = "'" . implode( "','", $escaped_parts ) . "'"; if ( is_array( $post_type ) ) { $post_types = $post_type; } else { $post_types = array( $post_type, 'attachment' ); } $post_types = esc_sql( $post_types ); $post_type_in_string = "'" . implode( "','", $post_types ) . "'"; $sql = " SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_type FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name IN ($in_string) AND post_type IN ($post_type_in_string) "; $pages = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, OBJECT_K ); $revparts = array_reverse( $parts ); $foundid = 0; foreach ( (array) $pages as $page ) { if ( $page->post_name == $revparts[0] ) { $count = 0; $p = $page; /* * Loop through the given path parts from right to left, * ensuring each matches the post ancestry. */ while ( 0 != $p->post_parent && isset( $pages[ $p->post_parent ] ) ) { ++$count; $parent = $pages[ $p->post_parent ]; if ( ! isset( $revparts[ $count ] ) || $parent->post_name != $revparts[ $count ] ) { break; } $p = $parent; } if ( 0 == $p->post_parent && count( $revparts ) === $count + 1 && $p->post_name == $revparts[ $count ] ) { $foundid = $page->ID; if ( $page->post_type == $post_type ) { break; } } } } // We cache misses as well as hits. wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $foundid, 'post-queries' ); if ( $foundid ) { return get_post( $foundid, $output ); } return null; } /** * Identifies descendants of a given page ID in a list of page objects. * * Descendants are identified from the `$pages` array passed to the function. No database queries are performed. * * @since 1.5.1 * * @param int $page_id Page ID. * @param WP_Post[] $pages List of page objects from which descendants should be identified. * @return WP_Post[] List of page children. */ function get_page_children( $page_id, $pages ) { // Build a hash of ID -> children. $children = array(); foreach ( (array) $pages as $page ) { $children[ (int) $page->post_parent ][] = $page; } $page_list = array(); // Start the search by looking at immediate children. if ( isset( $children[ $page_id ] ) ) { // Always start at the end of the stack in order to preserve original `$pages` order. $to_look = array_reverse( $children[ $page_id ] ); while ( $to_look ) { $p = array_pop( $to_look ); $page_list[] = $p; if ( isset( $children[ $p->ID ] ) ) { foreach ( array_reverse( $children[ $p->ID ] ) as $child ) { // Append to the `$to_look` stack to descend the tree. $to_look[] = $child; } } } } return $page_list; } /** * Orders the pages with children under parents in a flat list. * * It uses auxiliary structure to hold parent-children relationships and * runs in O(N) complexity * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param WP_Post[] $pages Posts array (passed by reference). * @param int $page_id Optional. Parent page ID. Default 0. * @return string[] Array of post names keyed by ID and arranged by hierarchy. Children immediately follow their parents. */ function get_page_hierarchy( &$pages, $page_id = 0 ) { if ( empty( $pages ) ) { return array(); } $children = array(); foreach ( (array) $pages as $p ) { $parent_id = (int) $p->post_parent; $children[ $parent_id ][] = $p; } $result = array(); _page_traverse_name( $page_id, $children, $result ); return $result; } /** * Traverses and return all the nested children post names of a root page. * * $children contains parent-children relations * * @since 2.9.0 * @access private * * @see _page_traverse_name() * * @param int $page_id Page ID. * @param array $children Parent-children relations (passed by reference). * @param string[] $result Array of page names keyed by ID (passed by reference). */ function _page_traverse_name( $page_id, &$children, &$result ) { if ( isset( $children[ $page_id ] ) ) { foreach ( (array) $children[ $page_id ] as $child ) { $result[ $child->ID ] = $child->post_name; _page_traverse_name( $child->ID, $children, $result ); } } } /** * Builds the URI path for a page. * * Sub pages will be in the "directory" under the parent page post name. * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 4.6.0 The `$page` parameter was made optional. * * @param WP_Post|object|int $page Optional. Page ID or WP_Post object. Default is global $post. * @return string|false Page URI, false on error. */ function get_page_uri( $page = 0 ) { if ( ! $page instanceof WP_Post ) { $page = get_post( $page ); } if ( ! $page ) { return false; } $uri = $page->post_name; foreach ( $page->ancestors as $parent ) { $parent = get_post( $parent ); if ( $parent && $parent->post_name ) { $uri = $parent->post_name . '/' . $uri; } } /** * Filters the URI for a page. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param string $uri Page URI. * @param WP_Post $page Page object. */ return apply_filters( 'get_page_uri', $uri, $page ); } /** * Retrieves an array of pages (or hierarchical post type items). * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 6.3.0 Use WP_Query internally. * * @param array|string $args { * Optional. Array or string of arguments to retrieve pages. * * @type int $child_of Page ID to return child and grandchild pages of. Note: The value * of `$hierarchical` has no bearing on whether `$child_of` returns * hierarchical results. Default 0, or no restriction. * @type string $sort_order How to sort retrieved pages. Accepts 'ASC', 'DESC'. Default 'ASC'. * @type string $sort_column What columns to sort pages by, comma-separated. Accepts 'post_author', * 'post_date', 'post_title', 'post_name', 'post_modified', 'menu_order', * 'post_modified_gmt', 'post_parent', 'ID', 'rand', 'comment_count'. * 'post_' can be omitted for any values that start with it. * Default 'post_title'. * @type bool $hierarchical Whether to return pages hierarchically. If false in conjunction with * `$child_of` also being false, both arguments will be disregarded. * Default true. * @type int[] $exclude Array of page IDs to exclude. Default empty array. * @type int[] $include Array of page IDs to include. Cannot be used with `$child_of`, * `$parent`, `$exclude`, `$meta_key`, `$meta_value`, or `$hierarchical`. * Default empty array. * @type string $meta_key Only include pages with this meta key. Default empty. * @type string $meta_value Only include pages with this meta value. Requires `$meta_key`. * Default empty. * @type string $authors A comma-separated list of author IDs. Default empty. * @type int $parent Page ID to return direct children of. Default -1, or no restriction. * @type string|int[] $exclude_tree Comma-separated string or array of page IDs to exclude. * Default empty array. * @type int $number The number of pages to return. Default 0, or all pages. * @type int $offset The number of pages to skip before returning. Requires `$number`. * Default 0. * @type string $post_type The post type to query. Default 'page'. * @type string|array $post_status A comma-separated list or array of post statuses to include. * Default 'publish'. * } * @return WP_Post[]|false Array of pages (or hierarchical post type items). Boolean false if the * specified post type is not hierarchical or the specified status is not * supported by the post type. */ function get_pages( $args = array() ) { $defaults = array( 'child_of' => 0, 'sort_order' => 'ASC', 'sort_column' => 'post_title', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'exclude' => array(), 'include' => array(), 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'authors' => '', 'parent' => -1, 'exclude_tree' => array(), 'number' => '', 'offset' => 0, 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $number = (int) $parsed_args['number']; $offset = (int) $parsed_args['offset']; $child_of = (int) $parsed_args['child_of']; $hierarchical = $parsed_args['hierarchical']; $exclude = $parsed_args['exclude']; $meta_key = $parsed_args['meta_key']; $meta_value = $parsed_args['meta_value']; $parent = $parsed_args['parent']; $post_status = $parsed_args['post_status']; // Make sure the post type is hierarchical. $hierarchical_post_types = get_post_types( array( 'hierarchical' => true ) ); if ( ! in_array( $parsed_args['post_type'], $hierarchical_post_types, true ) ) { return false; } if ( $parent > 0 && ! $child_of ) { $hierarchical = false; } // Make sure we have a valid post status. if ( ! is_array( $post_status ) ) { $post_status = explode( ',', $post_status ); } if ( array_diff( $post_status, get_post_stati() ) ) { return false; } $query_args = array( 'orderby' => 'post_title', 'order' => 'ASC', 'post__not_in' => wp_parse_id_list( $exclude ), 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_value' => $meta_value, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'offset' => $offset, 'post_type' => $parsed_args['post_type'], 'post_status' => $post_status, 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'update_post_meta_cache' => false, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => true, 'no_found_rows' => true, ); if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['include'] ) ) { $child_of = 0; // Ignore child_of, parent, exclude, meta_key, and meta_value params if using include. $parent = -1; unset( $query_args['post__not_in'], $query_args['meta_key'], $query_args['meta_value'] ); $hierarchical = false; $query_args['post__in'] = wp_parse_id_list( $parsed_args['include'] ); } if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['authors'] ) ) { $post_authors = wp_parse_list( $parsed_args['authors'] ); if ( ! empty( $post_authors ) ) { $query_args['author__in'] = array(); foreach ( $post_authors as $post_author ) { // Do we have an author id or an author login? if ( 0 == (int) $post_author ) { $post_author = get_user_by( 'login', $post_author ); if ( empty( $post_author ) ) { continue; } if ( empty( $post_author->ID ) ) { continue; } $post_author = $post_author->ID; } $query_args['author__in'][] = (int) $post_author; } } } if ( is_array( $parent ) ) { $post_parent__in = array_map( 'absint', (array) $parent ); if ( ! empty( $post_parent__in ) ) { $query_args['post_parent__in'] = $post_parent__in; } } elseif ( $parent >= 0 ) { $query_args['post_parent'] = $parent; } /* * Maintain backward compatibility for `sort_column` key. * Additionally to `WP_Query`, it has been supporting the `post_modified_gmt` field, so this logic will translate * it to `post_modified` which should result in the same order given the two dates in the fields match. */ $orderby = wp_parse_list( $parsed_args['sort_column'] ); $orderby = array_map( static function ( $orderby_field ) { $orderby_field = trim( $orderby_field ); if ( 'post_modified_gmt' === $orderby_field || 'modified_gmt' === $orderby_field ) { $orderby_field = str_replace( '_gmt', '', $orderby_field ); } return $orderby_field; }, $orderby ); if ( $orderby ) { $query_args['orderby'] = array_fill_keys( $orderby, $parsed_args['sort_order'] ); } $order = $parsed_args['sort_order']; if ( $order ) { $query_args['order'] = $order; } if ( ! empty( $number ) ) { $query_args['posts_per_page'] = $number; } /** * Filters query arguments passed to WP_Query in get_pages. * * @since 6.3.0 * * @param array $query_args Array of arguments passed to WP_Query. * @param array $parsed_args Array of get_pages() arguments. */ $query_args = apply_filters( 'get_pages_query_args', $query_args, $parsed_args ); $pages = new WP_Query(); $pages = $pages->query( $query_args ); if ( $child_of || $hierarchical ) { $pages = get_page_children( $child_of, $pages ); } if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['exclude_tree'] ) ) { $exclude = wp_parse_id_list( $parsed_args['exclude_tree'] ); foreach ( $exclude as $id ) { $children = get_page_children( $id, $pages ); foreach ( $children as $child ) { $exclude[] = $child->ID; } } $num_pages = count( $pages ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_pages; $i++ ) { if ( in_array( $pages[ $i ]->ID, $exclude, true ) ) { unset( $pages[ $i ] ); } } } /** * Filters the retrieved list of pages. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param WP_Post[] $pages Array of page objects. * @param array $parsed_args Array of get_pages() arguments. */ return apply_filters( 'get_pages', $pages, $parsed_args ); } // // Attachment functions. // /** * Determines whether an attachment URI is local and really an attachment. * * For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out * the {@link * Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $url URL to check * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function is_local_attachment( $url ) { if ( ! str_contains( $url, home_url() ) ) { return false; } if ( str_contains( $url, home_url( '/?attachment_id=' ) ) ) { return true; } $id = url_to_postid( $url ); if ( $id ) { $post = get_post( $id ); if ( 'attachment' === $post->post_type ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Inserts an attachment. * * If you set the 'ID' in the $args parameter, it will mean that you are * updating and attempt to update the attachment. You can also set the * attachment name or title by setting the key 'post_name' or 'post_title'. * * You can set the dates for the attachment manually by setting the 'post_date' * and 'post_date_gmt' keys' values. * * By default, the comments will use the default settings for whether the * comments are allowed. You can close them manually or keep them open by * setting the value for the 'comment_status' key. * * @since 2.0.0 * @since 4.7.0 Added the `$wp_error` parameter to allow a WP_Error to be returned on failure. * @since 5.6.0 Added the `$fire_after_hooks` parameter. * * @see wp_insert_post() * * @param string|array $args Arguments for inserting an attachment. * @param string|false $file Optional. Filename. Default false. * @param int $parent_post_id Optional. Parent post ID or 0 for no parent. Default 0. * @param bool $wp_error Optional. Whether to return a WP_Error on failure. Default false. * @param bool $fire_after_hooks Optional. Whether to fire the after insert hooks. Default true. * @return int|WP_Error The attachment ID on success. The value 0 or WP_Error on failure. */ function wp_insert_attachment( $args, $file = false, $parent_post_id = 0, $wp_error = false, $fire_after_hooks = true ) { $defaults = array( 'file' => $file, 'post_parent' => 0, ); $data = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); if ( ! empty( $parent_post_id ) ) { $data['post_parent'] = $parent_post_id; } $data['post_type'] = 'attachment'; return wp_insert_post( $data, $wp_error, $fire_after_hooks ); } /** * Trashes or deletes an attachment. * * When an attachment is permanently deleted, the file will also be removed. * Deletion removes all post meta fields, taxonomy, comments, etc. associated * with the attachment (except the main post). * * The attachment is moved to the Trash instead of permanently deleted unless Trash * for media is disabled, item is already in the Trash, or $force_delete is true. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. * @param bool $force_delete Optional. Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion. * Default false. * @return WP_Post|false|null Post data on success, false or null on failure. */ function wp_delete_attachment( $post_id, $force_delete = false ) { global $wpdb; $post = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = %d", $post_id ) ); if ( ! $post ) { return $post; } $post = get_post( $post ); if ( 'attachment' !== $post->post_type ) { return false; } if ( ! $force_delete && EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS && MEDIA_TRASH && 'trash' !== $post->post_status ) { return wp_trash_post( $post_id ); } /** * Filters whether an attachment deletion should take place. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param WP_Post|false|null $delete Whether to go forward with deletion. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. * @param bool $force_delete Whether to bypass the Trash. */ $check = apply_filters( 'pre_delete_attachment', null, $post, $force_delete ); if ( null !== $check ) { return $check; } delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_status' ); delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_trash_meta_time' ); $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id ); $backup_sizes = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true ); $file = get_attached_file( $post_id ); if ( is_multisite() && is_string( $file ) && ! empty( $file ) ) { clean_dirsize_cache( $file ); } /** * Fires before an attachment is deleted, at the start of wp_delete_attachment(). * * @since 2.0.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$post` parameter. * * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'delete_attachment', $post_id, $post ); wp_delete_object_term_relationships( $post_id, array( 'category', 'post_tag' ) ); wp_delete_object_term_relationships( $post_id, get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type ) ); // Delete all for any posts. delete_metadata( 'post', null, '_thumbnail_id', $post_id, true ); wp_defer_comment_counting( true ); $comment_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT comment_ID FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d ORDER BY comment_ID DESC", $post_id ) ); foreach ( $comment_ids as $comment_id ) { wp_delete_comment( $comment_id, true ); } wp_defer_comment_counting( false ); $post_meta_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d ", $post_id ) ); foreach ( $post_meta_ids as $mid ) { delete_metadata_by_mid( 'post', $mid ); } /** This action is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ do_action( 'delete_post', $post_id, $post ); $result = $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->posts, array( 'ID' => $post_id ) ); if ( ! $result ) { return false; } /** This action is documented in wp-includes/post.php */ do_action( 'deleted_post', $post_id, $post ); wp_delete_attachment_files( $post_id, $meta, $backup_sizes, $file ); clean_post_cache( $post ); return $post; } /** * Deletes all files that belong to the given attachment. * * @since 4.9.7 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. * @param array $meta The attachment's meta data. * @param array $backup_sizes The meta data for the attachment's backup images. * @param string $file Absolute path to the attachment's file. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function wp_delete_attachment_files( $post_id, $meta, $backup_sizes, $file ) { global $wpdb; $uploadpath = wp_get_upload_dir(); $deleted = true; if ( ! empty( $meta['thumb'] ) ) { // Don't delete the thumb if another attachment uses it. if ( ! $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_wp_attachment_metadata' AND meta_value LIKE %s AND post_id <> %d", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $meta['thumb'] ) . '%', $post_id ) ) ) { $thumbfile = str_replace( wp_basename( $file ), $meta['thumb'], $file ); if ( ! empty( $thumbfile ) ) { $thumbfile = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], $thumbfile ); $thumbdir = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], dirname( $file ) ); if ( ! wp_delete_file_from_directory( $thumbfile, $thumbdir ) ) { $deleted = false; } } } } // Remove intermediate and backup images if there are any. if ( isset( $meta['sizes'] ) && is_array( $meta['sizes'] ) ) { $intermediate_dir = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], dirname( $file ) ); foreach ( $meta['sizes'] as $size => $sizeinfo ) { $intermediate_file = str_replace( wp_basename( $file ), $sizeinfo['file'], $file ); if ( ! empty( $intermediate_file ) ) { $intermediate_file = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], $intermediate_file ); if ( ! wp_delete_file_from_directory( $intermediate_file, $intermediate_dir ) ) { $deleted = false; } } } } if ( ! empty( $meta['original_image'] ) ) { if ( empty( $intermediate_dir ) ) { $intermediate_dir = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], dirname( $file ) ); } $original_image = str_replace( wp_basename( $file ), $meta['original_image'], $file ); if ( ! empty( $original_image ) ) { $original_image = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], $original_image ); if ( ! wp_delete_file_from_directory( $original_image, $intermediate_dir ) ) { $deleted = false; } } } if ( is_array( $backup_sizes ) ) { $del_dir = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], dirname( $meta['file'] ) ); foreach ( $backup_sizes as $size ) { $del_file = path_join( dirname( $meta['file'] ), $size['file'] ); if ( ! empty( $del_file ) ) { $del_file = path_join( $uploadpath['basedir'], $del_file ); if ( ! wp_delete_file_from_directory( $del_file, $del_dir ) ) { $deleted = false; } } } } if ( ! wp_delete_file_from_directory( $file, $uploadpath['basedir'] ) ) { $deleted = false; } return $deleted; } /** * Retrieves attachment metadata for attachment ID. * * @since 2.1.0 * @since 6.0.0 The `$filesize` value was added to the returned array. * * @param int $attachment_id Attachment post ID. Defaults to global $post. * @param bool $unfiltered Optional. If true, filters are not run. Default false. * @return array|false { * Attachment metadata. False on failure. * * @type int $width The width of the attachment. * @type int $height The height of the attachment. * @type string $file The file path relative to `wp-content/uploads`. * @type array $sizes Keys are size slugs, each value is an array containing * 'file', 'width', 'height', and 'mime-type'. * @type array $image_meta Image metadata. * @type int $filesize File size of the attachment. * } */ function wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id = 0, $unfiltered = false ) { $attachment_id = (int) $attachment_id; if ( ! $attachment_id ) { $post = get_post(); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } $attachment_id = $post->ID; } $data = get_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_metadata', true ); if ( ! $data ) { return false; } if ( $unfiltered ) { return $data; } /** * Filters the attachment meta data. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param array $data Array of meta data for the given attachment. * @param int $attachment_id Attachment post ID. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_metadata', $data, $attachment_id ); } /** * Updates metadata for an attachment. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param int $attachment_id Attachment post ID. * @param array $data Attachment meta data. * @return int|false False if $post is invalid. */ function wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $data ) { $attachment_id = (int) $attachment_id; $post = get_post( $attachment_id ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } /** * Filters the updated attachment meta data. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param array $data Array of updated attachment meta data. * @param int $attachment_id Attachment post ID. */ $data = apply_filters( 'wp_update_attachment_metadata', $data, $post->ID ); if ( $data ) { return update_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attachment_metadata', $data ); } else { return delete_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attachment_metadata' ); } } /** * Retrieves the URL for an attachment. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @global string $pagenow The filename of the current screen. * * @param int $attachment_id Optional. Attachment post ID. Defaults to global $post. * @return string|false Attachment URL, otherwise false. */ function wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id = 0 ) { global $pagenow; $attachment_id = (int) $attachment_id; $post = get_post( $attachment_id ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } if ( 'attachment' !== $post->post_type ) { return false; } $url = ''; // Get attached file. $file = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attached_file', true ); if ( $file ) { // Get upload directory. $uploads = wp_get_upload_dir(); if ( $uploads && false === $uploads['error'] ) { // Check that the upload base exists in the file location. if ( str_starts_with( $file, $uploads['basedir'] ) ) { // Replace file location with url location. $url = str_replace( $uploads['basedir'], $uploads['baseurl'], $file ); } elseif ( str_contains( $file, 'wp-content/uploads' ) ) { // Get the directory name relative to the basedir (back compat for pre-2.7 uploads). $url = trailingslashit( $uploads['baseurl'] . '/' . _wp_get_attachment_relative_path( $file ) ) . wp_basename( $file ); } else { // It's a newly-uploaded file, therefore $file is relative to the basedir. $url = $uploads['baseurl'] . "/$file"; } } } /* * If any of the above options failed, Fallback on the GUID as used pre-2.7, * not recommended to rely upon this. */ if ( ! $url ) { $url = get_the_guid( $post->ID ); } // On SSL front end, URLs should be HTTPS. if ( is_ssl() && ! is_admin() && 'wp-login.php' !== $pagenow ) { $url = set_url_scheme( $url ); } /** * Filters the attachment URL. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param string $url URL for the given attachment. * @param int $attachment_id Attachment post ID. */ $url = apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_url', $url, $post->ID ); if ( ! $url ) { return false; } return $url; } /** * Retrieves the caption for an attachment. * * @since 4.6.0 * * @param int $post_id Optional. Attachment ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post`. * @return string|false Attachment caption on success, false on failure. */ function wp_get_attachment_caption( $post_id = 0 ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; $post = get_post( $post_id ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } if ( 'attachment' !== $post->post_type ) { return false; } $caption = $post->post_excerpt; /** * Filters the attachment caption. * * @since 4.6.0 * * @param string $caption Caption for the given attachment. * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_caption', $caption, $post->ID ); } /** * Retrieves URL for an attachment thumbnail. * * @since 2.1.0 * @since 6.1.0 Changed to use wp_get_attachment_image_url(). * * @param int $post_id Optional. Attachment ID. Default is the ID of the global `$post`. * @return string|false Thumbnail URL on success, false on failure. */ function wp_get_attachment_thumb_url( $post_id = 0 ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; /* * This uses image_downsize() which also looks for the (very) old format $image_meta['thumb'] * when the newer format $image_meta['sizes']['thumbnail'] doesn't exist. */ $thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_image_url( $post_id, 'thumbnail' ); if ( empty( $thumbnail_url ) ) { return false; } /** * Filters the attachment thumbnail URL. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param string $thumbnail_url URL for the attachment thumbnail. * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_thumb_url', $thumbnail_url, $post_id ); } /** * Verifies an attachment is of a given type. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param string $type Attachment type. Accepts `image`, `audio`, `video`, or a file extension. * @param int|WP_Post $post Optional. Attachment ID or object. Default is global $post. * @return bool True if an accepted type or a matching file extension, false otherwise. */ function wp_attachment_is( $type, $post = null ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } $file = get_attached_file( $post->ID ); if ( ! $file ) { return false; } if ( str_starts_with( $post->post_mime_type, $type . '/' ) ) { return true; } $check = wp_check_filetype( $file ); if ( empty( $check['ext'] ) ) { return false; } $ext = $check['ext']; if ( 'import' !== $post->post_mime_type ) { return $type === $ext; } switch ( $type ) { case 'image': $image_exts = array( 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'gif', 'png', 'webp', 'avif' ); return in_array( $ext, $image_exts, true ); case 'audio': return in_array( $ext, wp_get_audio_extensions(), true ); case 'video': return in_array( $ext, wp_get_video_extensions(), true ); default: return $type === $ext; } } /** * Determines whether an attachment is an image. * * For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out * the {@link * Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. * * @since 2.1.0 * @since 4.2.0 Modified into wrapper for wp_attachment_is() and * allowed WP_Post object to be passed. * * @param int|WP_Post $post Optional. Attachment ID or object. Default is global $post. * @return bool Whether the attachment is an image. */ function wp_attachment_is_image( $post = null ) { return wp_attachment_is( 'image', $post ); } /** * Retrieves the icon for a MIME type or attachment. * * @since 2.1.0 * @since 6.5.0 Added the `$preferred_ext` parameter. * * @param string|int $mime MIME type or attachment ID. * @param string $preferred_ext File format to prefer in return. Default '.png'. * @return string|false Icon, false otherwise. */ function wp_mime_type_icon( $mime = 0, $preferred_ext = '.png' ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $mime ) ) { $icon = wp_cache_get( "mime_type_icon_$mime" ); } // Check if preferred file format variable is present and is a validly formatted file extension. if ( ! empty( $preferred_ext ) && is_string( $preferred_ext ) && ! str_starts_with( $preferred_ext, '.' ) ) { $preferred_ext = '.' . strtolower( $preferred_ext ); } $post_id = 0; if ( empty( $icon ) ) { $post_mimes = array(); if ( is_numeric( $mime ) ) { $mime = (int) $mime; $post = get_post( $mime ); if ( $post ) { $post_id = (int) $post->ID; $file = get_attached_file( $post_id ); $ext = preg_replace( '/^.+?\.([^.]+)$/', '$1', $file ); if ( ! empty( $ext ) ) { $post_mimes[] = $ext; $ext_type = wp_ext2type( $ext ); if ( $ext_type ) { $post_mimes[] = $ext_type; } } $mime = $post->post_mime_type; } else { $mime = 0; } } else { $post_mimes[] = $mime; } $icon_files = wp_cache_get( 'icon_files' ); if ( ! is_array( $icon_files ) ) { /** * Filters the icon directory path. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $path Icon directory absolute path. */ $icon_dir = apply_filters( 'icon_dir', ABSPATH . WPINC . '/images/media' ); /** * Filters the icon directory URI. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $uri Icon directory URI. */ $icon_dir_uri = apply_filters( 'icon_dir_uri', includes_url( 'images/media' ) ); /** * Filters the array of icon directory URIs. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param string[] $uris Array of icon directory URIs keyed by directory absolute path. */ $dirs = apply_filters( 'icon_dirs', array( $icon_dir => $icon_dir_uri ) ); $icon_files = array(); $all_icons = array(); while ( $dirs ) { $keys = array_keys( $dirs ); $dir = array_shift( $keys ); $uri = array_shift( $dirs ); $dh = opendir( $dir ); if ( $dh ) { while ( false !== $file = readdir( $dh ) ) { $file = wp_basename( $file ); if ( str_starts_with( $file, '.' ) ) { continue; } $ext = strtolower( substr( $file, -4 ) ); if ( ! in_array( $ext, array( '.svg', '.png', '.gif', '.jpg' ), true ) ) { if ( is_dir( "$dir/$file" ) ) { $dirs[ "$dir/$file" ] = "$uri/$file"; } continue; } $all_icons[ "$dir/$file" ] = "$uri/$file"; if ( $ext === $preferred_ext ) { $icon_files[ "$dir/$file" ] = "$uri/$file"; } } closedir( $dh ); } } // If directory only contained icons of a non-preferred format, return those. if ( empty( $icon_files ) ) { $icon_files = $all_icons; } wp_cache_add( 'icon_files', $icon_files, 'default', 600 ); } $types = array(); // Icon wp_basename - extension = MIME wildcard. foreach ( $icon_files as $file => $uri ) { $types[ preg_replace( '/^([^.]*).*$/', '$1', wp_basename( $file ) ) ] =& $icon_files[ $file ]; } if ( ! empty( $mime ) ) { $post_mimes[] = substr( $mime, 0, strpos( $mime, '/' ) ); $post_mimes[] = substr( $mime, strpos( $mime, '/' ) + 1 ); $post_mimes[] = str_replace( '/', '_', $mime ); } $matches = wp_match_mime_types( array_keys( $types ), $post_mimes ); $matches['default'] = array( 'default' ); foreach ( $matches as $match => $wilds ) { foreach ( $wilds as $wild ) { if ( ! isset( $types[ $wild ] ) ) { continue; } $icon = $types[ $wild ]; if ( ! is_numeric( $mime ) ) { wp_cache_add( "mime_type_icon_$mime", $icon ); } break 2; } } } /** * Filters the mime type icon. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param string $icon Path to the mime type icon. * @param string $mime Mime type. * @param int $post_id Attachment ID. Will equal 0 if the function passed * the mime type. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_mime_type_icon', $icon, $mime, $post_id ); } /** * Checks for changed slugs for published post objects and save the old slug. * * The function is used when a post object of any type is updated, * by comparing the current and previous post objects. * * If the slug was changed and not already part of the old slugs then it will be * added to the post meta field ('_wp_old_slug') for storing old slugs for that * post. * * The most logically usage of this function is redirecting changed post objects, so * that those that linked to an changed post will be redirected to the new post. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post The post object. * @param WP_Post $post_before The previous post object. */ function wp_check_for_changed_slugs( $post_id, $post, $post_before ) { // Don't bother if it hasn't changed. if ( $post->post_name == $post_before->post_name ) { return; } // We're only concerned with published, non-hierarchical objects. if ( ! ( 'publish' === $post->post_status || ( 'attachment' === get_post_type( $post ) && 'inherit' === $post->post_status ) ) || is_post_type_hierarchical( $post->post_type ) ) { return; } $old_slugs = (array) get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_old_slug' ); // If we haven't added this old slug before, add it now. if ( ! empty( $post_before->post_name ) && ! in_array( $post_before->post_name, $old_slugs, true ) ) { add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_old_slug', $post_before->post_name ); } // If the new slug was used previously, delete it from the list. if ( in_array( $post->post_name, $old_slugs, true ) ) { delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_old_slug', $post->post_name ); } } /** * Checks for changed dates for published post objects and save the old date. * * The function is used when a post object of any type is updated, * by comparing the current and previous post objects. * * If the date was changed and not already part of the old dates then it will be * added to the post meta field ('_wp_old_date') for storing old dates for that * post. * * The most logically usage of this function is redirecting changed post objects, so * that those that linked to an changed post will be redirected to the new post. * * @since 4.9.3 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post The post object. * @param WP_Post $post_before The previous post object. */ function wp_check_for_changed_dates( $post_id, $post, $post_before ) { $previous_date = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $post_before->post_date ) ); $new_date = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $post->post_date ) ); // Don't bother if it hasn't changed. if ( $new_date == $previous_date ) { return; } // We're only concerned with published, non-hierarchical objects. if ( ! ( 'publish' === $post->post_status || ( 'attachment' === get_post_type( $post ) && 'inherit' === $post->post_status ) ) || is_post_type_hierarchical( $post->post_type ) ) { return; } $old_dates = (array) get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_old_date' ); // If we haven't added this old date before, add it now. if ( ! empty( $previous_date ) && ! in_array( $previous_date, $old_dates, true ) ) { add_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_old_date', $previous_date ); } // If the new slug was used previously, delete it from the list. if ( in_array( $new_date, $old_dates, true ) ) { delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_old_date', $new_date ); } } /** * Retrieves the private post SQL based on capability. * * This function provides a standardized way to appropriately select on the * post_status of a post type. The function will return a piece of SQL code * that can be added to a WHERE clause; this SQL is constructed to allow all * published posts, and all private posts to which the user has access. * * @since 2.2.0 * @since 4.3.0 Added the ability to pass an array to `$post_type`. * * @param string|array $post_type Single post type or an array of post types. Currently only supports 'post' or 'page'. * @return string SQL code that can be added to a where clause. */ function get_private_posts_cap_sql( $post_type ) { return get_posts_by_author_sql( $post_type, false ); } /** * Retrieves the post SQL based on capability, author, and type. * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 4.3.0 Introduced the ability to pass an array of post types to `$post_type`. * * @see get_private_posts_cap_sql() * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string|string[] $post_type Single post type or an array of post types. * @param bool $full Optional. Returns a full WHERE statement instead of just * an 'andalso' term. Default true. * @param int $post_author Optional. Query posts having a single author ID. Default null. * @param bool $public_only Optional. Only return public posts. Skips cap checks for * $current_user. Default false. * @return string SQL WHERE code that can be added to a query. */ function get_posts_by_author_sql( $post_type, $full = true, $post_author = null, $public_only = false ) { global $wpdb; if ( is_array( $post_type ) ) { $post_types = $post_type; } else { $post_types = array( $post_type ); } $post_type_clauses = array(); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); if ( ! $post_type_obj ) { continue; } /** * Filters the capability to read private posts for a custom post type * when generating SQL for getting posts by author. * * @since 2.2.0 * @deprecated 3.2.0 The hook transitioned from "somewhat useless" to "totally useless". * * @param string $cap Capability. */ $cap = apply_filters_deprecated( 'pub_priv_sql_capability', array( '' ), '3.2.0' ); if ( ! $cap ) { $cap = current_user_can( $post_type_obj->cap->read_private_posts ); } // Only need to check the cap if $public_only is false. $post_status_sql = "post_status = 'publish'"; if ( false === $public_only ) { if ( $cap ) { // Does the user have the capability to view private posts? Guess so. $post_status_sql .= " OR post_status = 'private'"; } elseif ( is_user_logged_in() ) { // Users can view their own private posts. $id = get_current_user_id(); if ( null === $post_author || ! $full ) { $post_status_sql .= " OR post_status = 'private' AND post_author = $id"; } elseif ( $id == (int) $post_author ) { $post_status_sql .= " OR post_status = 'private'"; } // Else none. } // Else none. } $post_type_clauses[] = "( post_type = '" . $post_type . "' AND ( $post_status_sql ) )"; } if ( empty( $post_type_clauses ) ) { return $full ? 'WHERE 1 = 0' : '1 = 0'; } $sql = '( ' . implode( ' OR ', $post_type_clauses ) . ' )'; if ( null !== $post_author ) { $sql .= $wpdb->prepare( ' AND post_author = %d', $post_author ); } if ( $full ) { $sql = 'WHERE ' . $sql; } return $sql; } /** * Retrieves the most recent time that a post on the site was published. * * The server timezone is the default and is the difference between GMT and * server time. The 'blog' value is the date when the last post was posted. * The 'gmt' is when the last post was posted in GMT formatted date. * * @since 0.71 * @since 4.4.0 The `$post_type` argument was added. * * @param string $timezone Optional. The timezone for the timestamp. Accepts 'server', 'blog', or 'gmt'. * 'server' uses the server's internal timezone. * 'blog' uses the `post_date` field, which proxies to the timezone set for the site. * 'gmt' uses the `post_date_gmt` field. * Default 'server'. * @param string $post_type Optional. The post type to check. Default 'any'. * @return string The date of the last post, or false on failure. */ function get_lastpostdate( $timezone = 'server', $post_type = 'any' ) { $lastpostdate = _get_last_post_time( $timezone, 'date', $post_type ); /** * Filters the most recent time that a post on the site was published. * * @since 2.3.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$post_type` parameter. * * @param string|false $lastpostdate The most recent time that a post was published, * in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format. False on failure. * @param string $timezone Location to use for getting the post published date. * See get_lastpostdate() for accepted `$timezone` values. * @param string $post_type The post type to check. */ return apply_filters( 'get_lastpostdate', $lastpostdate, $timezone, $post_type ); } /** * Gets the most recent time that a post on the site was modified. * * The server timezone is the default and is the difference between GMT and * server time. The 'blog' value is just when the last post was modified. * The 'gmt' is when the last post was modified in GMT time. * * @since 1.2.0 * @since 4.4.0 The `$post_type` argument was added. * * @param string $timezone Optional. The timezone for the timestamp. See get_lastpostdate() * for information on accepted values. * Default 'server'. * @param string $post_type Optional. The post type to check. Default 'any'. * @return string The timestamp in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format, or false on failure. */ function get_lastpostmodified( $timezone = 'server', $post_type = 'any' ) { /** * Pre-filter the return value of get_lastpostmodified() before the query is run. * * @since 4.4.0 * * @param string|false $lastpostmodified The most recent time that a post was modified, * in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format, or false. Returning anything * other than false will short-circuit the function. * @param string $timezone Location to use for getting the post modified date. * See get_lastpostdate() for accepted `$timezone` values. * @param string $post_type The post type to check. */ $lastpostmodified = apply_filters( 'pre_get_lastpostmodified', false, $timezone, $post_type ); if ( false !== $lastpostmodified ) { return $lastpostmodified; } $lastpostmodified = _get_last_post_time( $timezone, 'modified', $post_type ); $lastpostdate = get_lastpostdate( $timezone, $post_type ); if ( $lastpostdate > $lastpostmodified ) { $lastpostmodified = $lastpostdate; } /** * Filters the most recent time that a post on the site was modified. * * @since 2.3.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$post_type` parameter. * * @param string|false $lastpostmodified The most recent time that a post was modified, * in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format. False on failure. * @param string $timezone Location to use for getting the post modified date. * See get_lastpostdate() for accepted `$timezone` values. * @param string $post_type The post type to check. */ return apply_filters( 'get_lastpostmodified', $lastpostmodified, $timezone, $post_type ); } /** * Gets the timestamp of the last time any post was modified or published. * * @since 3.1.0 * @since 4.4.0 The `$post_type` argument was added. * @access private * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $timezone The timezone for the timestamp. See get_lastpostdate(). * for information on accepted values. * @param string $field Post field to check. Accepts 'date' or 'modified'. * @param string $post_type Optional. The post type to check. Default 'any'. * @return string|false The timestamp in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format, or false on failure. */ function _get_last_post_time( $timezone, $field, $post_type = 'any' ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! in_array( $field, array( 'date', 'modified' ), true ) ) { return false; } $timezone = strtolower( $timezone ); $key = "lastpost{$field}:$timezone"; if ( 'any' !== $post_type ) { $key .= ':' . sanitize_key( $post_type ); } $date = wp_cache_get( $key, 'timeinfo' ); if ( false !== $date ) { return $date; } if ( 'any' === $post_type ) { $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ) ); array_walk( $post_types, array( $wpdb, 'escape_by_ref' ) ); $post_types = "'" . implode( "', '", $post_types ) . "'"; } else { $post_types = "'" . sanitize_key( $post_type ) . "'"; } switch ( $timezone ) { case 'gmt': $date = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT post_{$field}_gmt FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type IN ({$post_types}) ORDER BY post_{$field}_gmt DESC LIMIT 1" ); break; case 'blog': $date = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT post_{$field} FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type IN ({$post_types}) ORDER BY post_{$field}_gmt DESC LIMIT 1" ); break; case 'server': $add_seconds_server = gmdate( 'Z' ); $date = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT DATE_ADD(post_{$field}_gmt, INTERVAL '$add_seconds_server' SECOND) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type IN ({$post_types}) ORDER BY post_{$field}_gmt DESC LIMIT 1" ); break; } if ( $date ) { wp_cache_set( $key, $date, 'timeinfo' ); return $date; } return false; } /** * Updates posts in cache. * * @since 1.5.1 * * @param WP_Post[] $posts Array of post objects (passed by reference). */ function update_post_cache( &$posts ) { if ( ! $posts ) { return; } $data = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { if ( empty( $post->filter ) || 'raw' !== $post->filter ) { $post = sanitize_post( $post, 'raw' ); } $data[ $post->ID ] = $post; } wp_cache_add_multiple( $data, 'posts' ); } /** * Will clean the post in the cache. * * Cleaning means delete from the cache of the post. Will call to clean the term * object cache associated with the post ID. * * This function not run if $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation is not empty. See * wp_suspend_cache_invalidation(). * * @since 2.0.0 * * @global bool $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object to remove from the cache. */ function clean_post_cache( $post ) { global $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation; if ( ! empty( $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation ) ) { return; } $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return; } wp_cache_delete( $post->ID, 'posts' ); wp_cache_delete( 'post_parent:' . (string) $post->ID, 'posts' ); wp_cache_delete( $post->ID, 'post_meta' ); clean_object_term_cache( $post->ID, $post->post_type ); wp_cache_delete( 'wp_get_archives', 'general' ); /** * Fires immediately after the given post's cache is cleaned. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ do_action( 'clean_post_cache', $post->ID, $post ); if ( 'page' === $post->post_type ) { wp_cache_delete( 'all_page_ids', 'posts' ); /** * Fires immediately after the given page's cache is cleaned. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ do_action( 'clean_page_cache', $post->ID ); } wp_cache_set_posts_last_changed(); } /** * Updates post, term, and metadata caches for a list of post objects. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param WP_Post[] $posts Array of post objects (passed by reference). * @param string $post_type Optional. Post type. Default 'post'. * @param bool $update_term_cache Optional. Whether to update the term cache. Default true. * @param bool $update_meta_cache Optional. Whether to update the meta cache. Default true. */ function update_post_caches( &$posts, $post_type = 'post', $update_term_cache = true, $update_meta_cache = true ) { // No point in doing all this work if we didn't match any posts. if ( ! $posts ) { return; } update_post_cache( $posts ); $post_ids = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $post_ids[] = $post->ID; } if ( ! $post_type ) { $post_type = 'any'; } if ( $update_term_cache ) { if ( is_array( $post_type ) ) { $ptypes = $post_type; } elseif ( 'any' === $post_type ) { $ptypes = array(); // Just use the post_types in the supplied posts. foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $ptypes[] = $post->post_type; } $ptypes = array_unique( $ptypes ); } else { $ptypes = array( $post_type ); } if ( ! empty( $ptypes ) ) { update_object_term_cache( $post_ids, $ptypes ); } } if ( $update_meta_cache ) { update_postmeta_cache( $post_ids ); } } /** * Updates post author user caches for a list of post objects. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param WP_Post[] $posts Array of post objects. */ function update_post_author_caches( $posts ) { /* * cache_users() is a pluggable function so is not available prior * to the `plugins_loaded` hook firing. This is to ensure against * fatal errors when the function is not available. */ if ( ! function_exists( 'cache_users' ) ) { return; } $author_ids = wp_list_pluck( $posts, 'post_author' ); $author_ids = array_map( 'absint', $author_ids ); $author_ids = array_unique( array_filter( $author_ids ) ); cache_users( $author_ids ); } /** * Updates parent post caches for a list of post objects. * * @since 6.1.0 * * @param WP_Post[] $posts Array of post objects. */ function update_post_parent_caches( $posts ) { $parent_ids = wp_list_pluck( $posts, 'post_parent' ); $parent_ids = array_map( 'absint', $parent_ids ); $parent_ids = array_unique( array_filter( $parent_ids ) ); if ( ! empty( $parent_ids ) ) { _prime_post_caches( $parent_ids, false ); } } /** * Updates metadata cache for a list of post IDs. * * Performs SQL query to retrieve the metadata for the post IDs and updates the * metadata cache for the posts. Therefore, the functions, which call this * function, do not need to perform SQL queries on their own. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param int[] $post_ids Array of post IDs. * @return array|false An array of metadata on success, false if there is nothing to update. */ function update_postmeta_cache( $post_ids ) { return update_meta_cache( 'post', $post_ids ); } /** * Will clean the attachment in the cache. * * Cleaning means delete from the cache. Optionally will clean the term * object cache associated with the attachment ID. * * This function will not run if $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation is not empty. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @global bool $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation * * @param int $id The attachment ID in the cache to clean. * @param bool $clean_terms Optional. Whether to clean terms cache. Default false. */ function clean_attachment_cache( $id, $clean_terms = false ) { global $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation; if ( ! empty( $_wp_suspend_cache_invalidation ) ) { return; } $id = (int) $id; wp_cache_delete( $id, 'posts' ); wp_cache_delete( $id, 'post_meta' ); if ( $clean_terms ) { clean_object_term_cache( $id, 'attachment' ); } /** * Fires after the given attachment's cache is cleaned. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param int $id Attachment ID. */ do_action( 'clean_attachment_cache', $id ); } // // Hooks. // /** * Hook for managing future post transitions to published. * * @since 2.3.0 * @access private * * @see wp_clear_scheduled_hook() * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $new_status New post status. * @param string $old_status Previous post status. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ function _transition_post_status( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) { global $wpdb; if ( 'publish' !== $old_status && 'publish' === $new_status ) { // Reset GUID if transitioning to publish and it is empty. if ( '' === get_the_guid( $post->ID ) ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'guid' => get_permalink( $post->ID ) ), array( 'ID' => $post->ID ) ); } /** * Fires when a post's status is transitioned from private to published. * * @since 1.5.0 * @deprecated 2.3.0 Use {@see 'private_to_publish'} instead. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ do_action_deprecated( 'private_to_published', array( $post->ID ), '2.3.0', 'private_to_publish' ); } // If published posts changed clear the lastpostmodified cache. if ( 'publish' === $new_status || 'publish' === $old_status ) { foreach ( array( 'server', 'gmt', 'blog' ) as $timezone ) { wp_cache_delete( "lastpostmodified:$timezone", 'timeinfo' ); wp_cache_delete( "lastpostdate:$timezone", 'timeinfo' ); wp_cache_delete( "lastpostdate:$timezone:{$post->post_type}", 'timeinfo' ); } } if ( $new_status !== $old_status ) { wp_cache_delete( _count_posts_cache_key( $post->post_type ), 'counts' ); wp_cache_delete( _count_posts_cache_key( $post->post_type, 'readable' ), 'counts' ); } // Always clears the hook in case the post status bounced from future to draft. wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'publish_future_post', array( $post->ID ) ); } /** * Hook used to schedule publication for a post marked for the future. * * The $post properties used and must exist are 'ID' and 'post_date_gmt'. * * @since 2.3.0 * @access private * * @param int $deprecated Not used. Can be set to null. Never implemented. Not marked * as deprecated with _deprecated_argument() as it conflicts with * wp_transition_post_status() and the default filter for _future_post_hook(). * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ function _future_post_hook( $deprecated, $post ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'publish_future_post', array( $post->ID ) ); wp_schedule_single_event( strtotime( get_gmt_from_date( $post->post_date ) . ' GMT' ), 'publish_future_post', array( $post->ID ) ); } /** * Hook to schedule pings and enclosures when a post is published. * * Uses XMLRPC_REQUEST and WP_IMPORTING constants. * * @since 2.3.0 * @access private * * @param int $post_id The ID of the post being published. */ function _publish_post_hook( $post_id ) { if ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) ) { /** * Fires when _publish_post_hook() is called during an XML-RPC request. * * @since 2.1.0 * * @param int $post_id Post ID. */ do_action( 'xmlrpc_publish_post', $post_id ); } if ( defined( 'WP_IMPORTING' ) ) { return; } if ( get_option( 'default_pingback_flag' ) ) { add_post_meta( $post_id, '_pingme', '1', true ); } add_post_meta( $post_id, '_encloseme', '1', true ); $to_ping = get_to_ping( $post_id ); if ( ! empty( $to_ping ) ) { add_post_meta( $post_id, '_trackbackme', '1' ); } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'do_pings' ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time(), 'do_pings' ); } } /** * Returns the ID of the post's parent. * * @since 3.1.0 * @since 5.9.0 The `$post` parameter was made optional. * * @param int|WP_Post|null $post Optional. Post ID or post object. Defaults to global $post. * @return int|false Post parent ID (which can be 0 if there is no parent), * or false if the post does not exist. */ function wp_get_post_parent_id( $post = null ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post || is_wp_error( $post ) ) { return false; } return (int) $post->post_parent; } /** * Checks the given subset of the post hierarchy for hierarchy loops. * * Prevents loops from forming and breaks those that it finds. Attached * to the {@see 'wp_insert_post_parent'} filter. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @see wp_find_hierarchy_loop() * * @param int $post_parent ID of the parent for the post we're checking. * @param int $post_id ID of the post we're checking. * @return int The new post_parent for the post, 0 otherwise. */ function wp_check_post_hierarchy_for_loops( $post_parent, $post_id ) { // Nothing fancy here - bail. if ( ! $post_parent ) { return 0; } // New post can't cause a loop. if ( ! $post_id ) { return $post_parent; } // Can't be its own parent. if ( $post_parent == $post_id ) { return 0; } // Now look for larger loops. $loop = wp_find_hierarchy_loop( 'wp_get_post_parent_id', $post_id, $post_parent ); if ( ! $loop ) { return $post_parent; // No loop. } // Setting $post_parent to the given value causes a loop. if ( isset( $loop[ $post_id ] ) ) { return 0; } // There's a loop, but it doesn't contain $post_id. Break the loop. foreach ( array_keys( $loop ) as $loop_member ) { wp_update_post( array( 'ID' => $loop_member, 'post_parent' => 0, ) ); } return $post_parent; } /** * Sets the post thumbnail (featured image) for the given post. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object where thumbnail should be attached. * @param int $thumbnail_id Thumbnail to attach. * @return int|bool True on success, false on failure. */ function set_post_thumbnail( $post, $thumbnail_id ) { $post = get_post( $post ); $thumbnail_id = absint( $thumbnail_id ); if ( $post && $thumbnail_id && get_post( $thumbnail_id ) ) { if ( wp_get_attachment_image( $thumbnail_id, 'thumbnail' ) ) { return update_post_meta( $post->ID, '_thumbnail_id', $thumbnail_id ); } else { return delete_post_meta( $post->ID, '_thumbnail_id' ); } } return false; } /** * Removes the thumbnail (featured image) from the given post. * * @since 3.3.0 * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or post object from which the thumbnail should be removed. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function delete_post_thumbnail( $post ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( $post ) { return delete_post_meta( $post->ID, '_thumbnail_id' ); } return false; } /** * Deletes auto-drafts for new posts that are > 7 days old. * * @since 3.4.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. */ function wp_delete_auto_drafts() { global $wpdb; // Cleanup old auto-drafts more than 7 days old. $old_posts = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'auto-draft' AND DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY ) > post_date" ); foreach ( (array) $old_posts as $delete ) { // Force delete. wp_delete_post( $delete, true ); } } /** * Queues posts for lazy-loading of term meta. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param WP_Post[] $posts Array of WP_Post objects. */ function wp_queue_posts_for_term_meta_lazyload( $posts ) { $post_type_taxonomies = array(); $prime_post_terms = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { if ( ! ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) ) { continue; } if ( ! isset( $post_type_taxonomies[ $post->post_type ] ) ) { $post_type_taxonomies[ $post->post_type ] = get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type ); } foreach ( $post_type_taxonomies[ $post->post_type ] as $taxonomy ) { $prime_post_terms[ $taxonomy ][] = $post->ID; } } $term_ids = array(); if ( $prime_post_terms ) { foreach ( $prime_post_terms as $taxonomy => $post_ids ) { $cached_term_ids = wp_cache_get_multiple( $post_ids, "{$taxonomy}_relationships" ); if ( is_array( $cached_term_ids ) ) { $cached_term_ids = array_filter( $cached_term_ids ); foreach ( $cached_term_ids as $_term_ids ) { // Backward compatibility for if a plugin is putting objects into the cache, rather than IDs. foreach ( $_term_ids as $term_id ) { if ( is_numeric( $term_id ) ) { $term_ids[] = (int) $term_id; } elseif ( isset( $term_id->term_id ) ) { $term_ids[] = (int) $term_id->term_id; } } } } } $term_ids = array_unique( $term_ids ); } wp_lazyload_term_meta( $term_ids ); } /** * Updates the custom taxonomies' term counts when a post's status is changed. * * For example, default posts term counts (for custom taxonomies) don't include * private / draft posts. * * @since 3.3.0 * @access private * * @param string $new_status New post status. * @param string $old_status Old post status. * @param WP_Post $post Post object. */ function _update_term_count_on_transition_post_status( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) { // Update counts for the post's terms. foreach ( (array) get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type ) as $taxonomy ) { $tt_ids = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'tt_ids' ) ); wp_update_term_count( $tt_ids, $taxonomy ); } } /** * Adds any posts from the given IDs to the cache that do not already exist in cache. * * @since 3.4.0 * @since 6.1.0 This function is no longer marked as "private". * * @see update_post_cache() * @see update_postmeta_cache() * @see update_object_term_cache() * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int[] $ids ID list. * @param bool $update_term_cache Optional. Whether to update the term cache. Default true. * @param bool $update_meta_cache Optional. Whether to update the meta cache. Default true. */ function _prime_post_caches( $ids, $update_term_cache = true, $update_meta_cache = true ) { global $wpdb; $non_cached_ids = _get_non_cached_ids( $ids, 'posts' ); if ( ! empty( $non_cached_ids ) ) { $fresh_posts = $wpdb->get_results( sprintf( "SELECT $wpdb->posts.* FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID IN (%s)", implode( ',', $non_cached_ids ) ) ); if ( $fresh_posts ) { // Despite the name, update_post_cache() expects an array rather than a single post. update_post_cache( $fresh_posts ); } } if ( $update_meta_cache ) { update_postmeta_cache( $ids ); } if ( $update_term_cache ) { $post_types = array_map( 'get_post_type', $ids ); $post_types = array_unique( $post_types ); update_object_term_cache( $ids, $post_types ); } } /** * Prime the cache containing the parent ID of various post objects. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param int[] $ids ID list. */ function _prime_post_parent_id_caches( array $ids ) { global $wpdb; $ids = array_filter( $ids, '_validate_cache_id' ); $ids = array_unique( array_map( 'intval', $ids ), SORT_NUMERIC ); if ( empty( $ids ) ) { return; } $cache_keys = array(); foreach ( $ids as $id ) { $cache_keys[ $id ] = 'post_parent:' . (string) $id; } $cached_data = wp_cache_get_multiple( array_values( $cache_keys ), 'posts' ); $non_cached_ids = array(); foreach ( $cache_keys as $id => $cache_key ) { if ( false === $cached_data[ $cache_key ] ) { $non_cached_ids[] = $id; } } if ( ! empty( $non_cached_ids ) ) { $fresh_posts = $wpdb->get_results( sprintf( "SELECT $wpdb->posts.ID, $wpdb->posts.post_parent FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID IN (%s)", implode( ',', $non_cached_ids ) ) ); if ( $fresh_posts ) { $post_parent_data = array(); foreach ( $fresh_posts as $fresh_post ) { $post_parent_data[ 'post_parent:' . (string) $fresh_post->ID ] = (int) $fresh_post->post_parent; } wp_cache_add_multiple( $post_parent_data, 'posts' ); } } } /** * Adds a suffix if any trashed posts have a given slug. * * Store its desired (i.e. current) slug so it can try to reclaim it * if the post is untrashed. * * For internal use. * * @since 4.5.0 * @access private * * @param string $post_name Post slug. * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID that should be ignored. Default 0. */ function wp_add_trashed_suffix_to_post_name_for_trashed_posts( $post_name, $post_id = 0 ) { $trashed_posts_with_desired_slug = get_posts( array( 'name' => $post_name, 'post_status' => 'trash', 'post_type' => 'any', 'nopaging' => true, 'post__not_in' => array( $post_id ), ) ); if ( ! empty( $trashed_posts_with_desired_slug ) ) { foreach ( $trashed_posts_with_desired_slug as $_post ) { wp_add_trashed_suffix_to_post_name_for_post( $_post ); } } } /** * Adds a trashed suffix for a given post. * * Store its desired (i.e. current) slug so it can try to reclaim it * if the post is untrashed. * * For internal use. * * @since 4.5.0 * @access private * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param WP_Post $post The post. * @return string New slug for the post. */ function wp_add_trashed_suffix_to_post_name_for_post( $post ) { global $wpdb; $post = get_post( $post ); if ( str_ends_with( $post->post_name, '__trashed' ) ) { return $post->post_name; } add_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_desired_post_slug', $post->post_name ); $post_name = _truncate_post_slug( $post->post_name, 191 ) . '__trashed'; $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'post_name' => $post_name ), array( 'ID' => $post->ID ) ); clean_post_cache( $post->ID ); return $post_name; } /** * Sets the last changed time for the 'posts' cache group. * * @since 5.0.0 */ function wp_cache_set_posts_last_changed() { wp_cache_set_last_changed( 'posts' ); } /** * Gets all available post MIME types for a given post type. * * @since 2.5.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param string $type * @return string[] An array of MIME types. */ function get_available_post_mime_types( $type = 'attachment' ) { global $wpdb; /** * Filters the list of available post MIME types for the given post type. * * @since 6.4.0 * * @param string[]|null $mime_types An array of MIME types. Default null. * @param string $type The post type name. Usually 'attachment' but can be any post type. */ $mime_types = apply_filters( 'pre_get_available_post_mime_types', null, $type ); if ( ! is_array( $mime_types ) ) { $mime_types = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT post_mime_type FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = %s AND post_mime_type != ''", $type ) ); } // Remove nulls from returned $mime_types. return array_values( array_filter( $mime_types ) ); } /** * Retrieves the path to an uploaded image file. * * Similar to `get_attached_file()` however some images may have been processed after uploading * to make them suitable for web use. In this case the attached "full" size file is usually replaced * with a scaled down version of the original image. This function always returns the path * to the originally uploaded image file. * * @since 5.3.0 * @since 5.4.0 Added the `$unfiltered` parameter. * * @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID. * @param bool $unfiltered Optional. Passed through to `get_attached_file()`. Default false. * @return string|false Path to the original image file or false if the attachment is not an image. */ function wp_get_original_image_path( $attachment_id, $unfiltered = false ) { if ( ! wp_attachment_is_image( $attachment_id ) ) { return false; } $image_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id ); $image_file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id, $unfiltered ); if ( empty( $image_meta['original_image'] ) ) { $original_image = $image_file; } else { $original_image = path_join( dirname( $image_file ), $image_meta['original_image'] ); } /** * Filters the path to the original image. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param string $original_image Path to original image file. * @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_get_original_image_path', $original_image, $attachment_id ); } /** * Retrieves the URL to an original attachment image. * * Similar to `wp_get_attachment_url()` however some images may have been * processed after uploading. In this case this function returns the URL * to the originally uploaded image file. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param int $attachment_id Attachment post ID. * @return string|false Attachment image URL, false on error or if the attachment is not an image. */ function wp_get_original_image_url( $attachment_id ) { if ( ! wp_attachment_is_image( $attachment_id ) ) { return false; } $image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ); if ( ! $image_url ) { return false; } $image_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id ); if ( empty( $image_meta['original_image'] ) ) { $original_image_url = $image_url; } else { $original_image_url = path_join( dirname( $image_url ), $image_meta['original_image'] ); } /** * Filters the URL to the original attachment image. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param string $original_image_url URL to original image. * @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_get_original_image_url', $original_image_url, $attachment_id ); } /** * Filters callback which sets the status of an untrashed post to its previous status. * * This can be used as a callback on the `wp_untrash_post_status` filter. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param string $new_status The new status of the post being restored. * @param int $post_id The ID of the post being restored. * @param string $previous_status The status of the post at the point where it was trashed. * @return string The new status of the post. */ function wp_untrash_post_set_previous_status( $new_status, $post_id, $previous_status ) { return $previous_status; } /** * Returns whether the post can be edited in the block editor. * * @since 5.0.0 * @since 6.1.0 Moved to wp-includes from wp-admin. * * @param int|WP_Post $post Post ID or WP_Post object. * @return bool Whether the post can be edited in the block editor. */ function use_block_editor_for_post( $post ) { $post = get_post( $post ); if ( ! $post ) { return false; } // We're in the meta box loader, so don't use the block editor. if ( is_admin() && isset( $_GET['meta-box-loader'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'meta-box-loader', 'meta-box-loader-nonce' ); return false; } $use_block_editor = use_block_editor_for_post_type( $post->post_type ); /** * Filters whether a post is able to be edited in the block editor. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param bool $use_block_editor Whether the post can be edited or not. * @param WP_Post $post The post being checked. */ return apply_filters( 'use_block_editor_for_post', $use_block_editor, $post ); } /** * Returns whether a post type is compatible with the block editor. * * The block editor depends on the REST API, and if the post type is not shown in the * REST API, then it won't work with the block editor. * * @since 5.0.0 * @since 6.1.0 Moved to wp-includes from wp-admin. * * @param string $post_type The post type. * @return bool Whether the post type can be edited with the block editor. */ function use_block_editor_for_post_type( $post_type ) { if ( ! post_type_exists( $post_type ) ) { return false; } if ( ! post_type_supports( $post_type, 'editor' ) ) { return false; } $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); if ( $post_type_object && ! $post_type_object->show_in_rest ) { return false; } /** * Filters whether a post is able to be edited in the block editor. * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param bool $use_block_editor Whether the post type can be edited or not. Default true. * @param string $post_type The post type being checked. */ return apply_filters( 'use_block_editor_for_post_type', true, $post_type ); } /** * Registers any additional post meta fields. * * @since 6.3.0 Adds `wp_pattern_sync_status` meta field to the wp_block post type so an unsynced option can be added. * * @link */ function wp_create_initial_post_meta() { register_post_meta( 'wp_block', 'wp_pattern_sync_status', array( 'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field', 'single' => true, 'type' => 'string', 'show_in_rest' => array( 'schema' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => array( 'partial', 'unsynced' ), ), ), ) ); } \x03∇", // Dfr;[𝔇]. "\x02r;\x04𝔇", // DiacriticalDoubleAcute;[˝] DiacriticalAcute;[´] DiacriticalGrave;[`] DiacriticalTilde;[˜] DiacriticalDot;[˙] DifferentialD;[ⅆ] Diamond;[⋄]. "\x15acriticalDoubleAcute;\x02˝\x0facriticalAcute;\x02´\x0facriticalGrave;\x01`\x0facriticalTilde;\x02˜\x0dacriticalDot;\x02˙\x0cfferentialD;\x03ⅆ\x06amond;\x03⋄", // DoubleLongLeftRightArrow;[⟺] DoubleContourIntegral;[∯] DoubleLeftRightArrow;[⇔] DoubleLongRightArrow;[⟹] DoubleLongLeftArrow;[⟸] DownLeftRightVector;[⥐] DownRightTeeVector;[⥟] DownRightVectorBar;[⥗] DoubleUpDownArrow;[⇕] DoubleVerticalBar;[∥] DownLeftTeeVector;[⥞] DownLeftVectorBar;[⥖] DoubleRightArrow;[⇒] DownArrowUpArrow;[⇵] DoubleDownArrow;[⇓] DoubleLeftArrow;[⇐] DownRightVector;[⇁] DoubleRightTee;[⊨] DownLeftVector;[↽] DoubleLeftTee;[⫤] DoubleUpArrow;[⇑] DownArrowBar;[⤓] DownTeeArrow;[↧] DoubleDot;[¨] DownArrow;[↓] DownBreve;[̑] Downarrow;[⇓] DotEqual;[≐] DownTee;[⊤] DotDot;[⃜] Dopf;[𝔻] Dot;[¨]. "\x17ubleLongLeftRightArrow;\x03⟺\x14ubleContourIntegral;\x03∯\x13ubleLeftRightArrow;\x03⇔\x13ubleLongRightArrow;\x03⟹\x12ubleLongLeftArrow;\x03⟸\x12wnLeftRightVector;\x03⥐\x11wnRightTeeVector;\x03⥟\x11wnRightVectorBar;\x03⥗\x10ubleUpDownArrow;\x03⇕\x10ubleVerticalBar;\x03∥\x10wnLeftTeeVector;\x03⥞\x10wnLeftVectorBar;\x03⥖\x0fubleRightArrow;\x03⇒\x0fwnArrowUpArrow;\x03⇵\x0eubleDownArrow;\x03⇓\x0eubleLeftArrow;\x03⇐\x0ewnRightVector;\x03⇁\x0dubleRightTee;\x03⊨\x0dwnLeftVector;\x03↽\x0cubleLeftTee;\x03⫤\x0cubleUpArrow;\x03⇑\x0bwnArrowBar;\x03⤓\x0bwnTeeArrow;\x03↧\x08ubleDot;\x02¨\x08wnArrow;\x03↓\x08wnBreve;\x02̑\x08wnarrow;\x03⇓\x07tEqual;\x03≐\x06wnTee;\x03⊤\x05tDot;\x03⃜\x03pf;\x04𝔻\x02t;\x02¨", // Dstrok;[Đ] Dscr;[𝒟]. "\x05trok;\x02Đ\x03cr;\x04𝒟", // ENG;[Ŋ]. "\x02G;\x02Ŋ", // ETH;[Ð] ETH[Ð]. "\x02H;\x02Ð\x01H\x02Ð", // Eacute;[É] Eacute[É]. "\x05cute;\x02É\x04cute\x02É", // Ecaron;[Ě] Ecirc;[Ê] Ecirc[Ê] Ecy;[Э]. "\x05aron;\x02Ě\x04irc;\x02Ê\x03irc\x02Ê\x02y;\x02Э", // Edot;[Ė]. "\x03ot;\x02Ė", // Efr;[𝔈]. "\x02r;\x04𝔈", // Egrave;[È] Egrave[È]. "\x05rave;\x02È\x04rave\x02È", // Element;[∈]. "\x06ement;\x03∈", // EmptyVerySmallSquare;[▫] EmptySmallSquare;[◻] Emacr;[Ē]. "\x13ptyVerySmallSquare;\x03▫\x0fptySmallSquare;\x03◻\x04acr;\x02Ē", // Eogon;[Ę] Eopf;[𝔼]. "\x04gon;\x02Ę\x03pf;\x04𝔼", // Epsilon;[Ε]. "\x06silon;\x02Ε", // Equilibrium;[⇌] EqualTilde;[≂] Equal;[⩵]. "\x0auilibrium;\x03⇌\x09ualTilde;\x03≂\x04ual;\x03⩵", // Escr;[ℰ] Esim;[⩳]. "\x03cr;\x03ℰ\x03im;\x03⩳", // Eta;[Η]. "\x02a;\x02Η", // Euml;[Ë] Euml[Ë]. "\x03ml;\x02Ë\x02ml\x02Ë", // ExponentialE;[ⅇ] Exists;[∃]. "\x0bponentialE;\x03ⅇ\x05ists;\x03∃", // Fcy;[Ф]. "\x02y;\x02Ф", // Ffr;[𝔉]. "\x02r;\x04𝔉", // FilledVerySmallSquare;[▪] FilledSmallSquare;[◼]. "\x14lledVerySmallSquare;\x03▪\x10lledSmallSquare;\x03◼", // Fouriertrf;[ℱ] ForAll;[∀] Fopf;[𝔽]. "\x09uriertrf;\x03ℱ\x05rAll;\x03∀\x03pf;\x04𝔽", // Fscr;[ℱ]. "\x03cr;\x03ℱ", // GJcy;[Ѓ]. "\x03cy;\x02Ѓ", // GT;[>]. "\x01;\x01>", // Gammad;[Ϝ] Gamma;[Γ]. "\x05mmad;\x02Ϝ\x04mma;\x02Γ", // Gbreve;[Ğ]. "\x05reve;\x02Ğ", // Gcedil;[Ģ] Gcirc;[Ĝ] Gcy;[Г]. "\x05edil;\x02Ģ\x04irc;\x02Ĝ\x02y;\x02Г", // Gdot;[Ġ]. "\x03ot;\x02Ġ", // Gfr;[𝔊]. "\x02r;\x04𝔊", // Gg;[⋙]. "\x01;\x03⋙", // Gopf;[𝔾]. "\x03pf;\x04𝔾", // GreaterSlantEqual;[⩾] GreaterEqualLess;[⋛] GreaterFullEqual;[≧] GreaterGreater;[⪢] GreaterEqual;[≥] GreaterTilde;[≳] GreaterLess;[≷]. "\x10eaterSlantEqual;\x03⩾\x0featerEqualLess;\x03⋛\x0featerFullEqual;\x03≧\x0deaterGreater;\x03⪢\x0beaterEqual;\x03≥\x0beaterTilde;\x03≳\x0aeaterLess;\x03≷", // Gscr;[𝒢]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒢", // Gt;[≫]. "\x01;\x03≫", // HARDcy;[Ъ]. "\x05RDcy;\x02Ъ", // Hacek;[ˇ] Hat;[^]. "\x04cek;\x02ˇ\x02t;\x01^", // Hcirc;[Ĥ]. "\x04irc;\x02Ĥ", // Hfr;[ℌ]. "\x02r;\x03ℌ", // HilbertSpace;[ℋ]. "\x0blbertSpace;\x03ℋ", // HorizontalLine;[─] Hopf;[ℍ]. "\x0drizontalLine;\x03─\x03pf;\x03ℍ", // Hstrok;[Ħ] Hscr;[ℋ]. "\x05trok;\x02Ħ\x03cr;\x03ℋ", // HumpDownHump;[≎] HumpEqual;[≏]. "\x0bmpDownHump;\x03≎\x08mpEqual;\x03≏", // IEcy;[Е]. "\x03cy;\x02Е", // IJlig;[IJ]. "\x04lig;\x02IJ", // IOcy;[Ё]. "\x03cy;\x02Ё", // Iacute;[Í] Iacute[Í]. "\x05cute;\x02Í\x04cute\x02Í", // Icirc;[Î] Icirc[Î] Icy;[И]. "\x04irc;\x02Î\x03irc\x02Î\x02y;\x02И", // Idot;[İ]. "\x03ot;\x02İ", // Ifr;[ℑ]. "\x02r;\x03ℑ", // Igrave;[Ì] Igrave[Ì]. "\x05rave;\x02Ì\x04rave\x02Ì", // ImaginaryI;[ⅈ] Implies;[⇒] Imacr;[Ī] Im;[ℑ]. "\x09aginaryI;\x03ⅈ\x06plies;\x03⇒\x04acr;\x02Ī\x01;\x03ℑ", // InvisibleComma;[⁣] InvisibleTimes;[⁢] Intersection;[⋂] Integral;[∫] Int;[∬]. "\x0dvisibleComma;\x03⁣\x0dvisibleTimes;\x03⁢\x0btersection;\x03⋂\x07tegral;\x03∫\x02t;\x03∬", // Iogon;[Į] Iopf;[𝕀] Iota;[Ι]. "\x04gon;\x02Į\x03pf;\x04𝕀\x03ta;\x02Ι", // Iscr;[ℐ]. "\x03cr;\x03ℐ", // Itilde;[Ĩ]. "\x05ilde;\x02Ĩ", // Iukcy;[І] Iuml;[Ï] Iuml[Ï]. "\x04kcy;\x02І\x03ml;\x02Ï\x02ml\x02Ï", // Jcirc;[Ĵ] Jcy;[Й]. "\x04irc;\x02Ĵ\x02y;\x02Й", // Jfr;[𝔍]. "\x02r;\x04𝔍", // Jopf;[𝕁]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕁", // Jsercy;[Ј] Jscr;[𝒥]. "\x05ercy;\x02Ј\x03cr;\x04𝒥", // Jukcy;[Є]. "\x04kcy;\x02Є", // KHcy;[Х]. "\x03cy;\x02Х", // KJcy;[Ќ]. "\x03cy;\x02Ќ", // Kappa;[Κ]. "\x04ppa;\x02Κ", // Kcedil;[Ķ] Kcy;[К]. "\x05edil;\x02Ķ\x02y;\x02К", // Kfr;[𝔎]. "\x02r;\x04𝔎", // Kopf;[𝕂]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕂", // Kscr;[𝒦]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒦", // LJcy;[Љ]. "\x03cy;\x02Љ", // LT;[<]. "\x01;\x01<", // Laplacetrf;[ℒ] Lacute;[Ĺ] Lambda;[Λ] Lang;[⟪] Larr;[↞]. "\x09placetrf;\x03ℒ\x05cute;\x02Ĺ\x05mbda;\x02Λ\x03ng;\x03⟪\x03rr;\x03↞", // Lcaron;[Ľ] Lcedil;[Ļ] Lcy;[Л]. "\x05aron;\x02Ľ\x05edil;\x02Ļ\x02y;\x02Л", // LeftArrowRightArrow;[⇆] LeftDoubleBracket;[⟦] LeftDownTeeVector;[⥡] LeftDownVectorBar;[⥙] LeftTriangleEqual;[⊴] LeftAngleBracket;[⟨] LeftUpDownVector;[⥑] LessEqualGreater;[⋚] LeftRightVector;[⥎] LeftTriangleBar;[⧏] LeftUpTeeVector;[⥠] LeftUpVectorBar;[⥘] LeftDownVector;[⇃] LeftRightArrow;[↔] Leftrightarrow;[⇔] LessSlantEqual;[⩽] LeftTeeVector;[⥚] LeftVectorBar;[⥒] LessFullEqual;[≦] LeftArrowBar;[⇤] LeftTeeArrow;[↤] LeftTriangle;[⊲] LeftUpVector;[↿] LeftCeiling;[⌈] LessGreater;[≶] LeftVector;[↼] LeftArrow;[←] LeftFloor;[⌊] Leftarrow;[⇐] LessTilde;[≲] LessLess;[⪡] LeftTee;[⊣]. "\x12ftArrowRightArrow;\x03⇆\x10ftDoubleBracket;\x03⟦\x10ftDownTeeVector;\x03⥡\x10ftDownVectorBar;\x03⥙\x10ftTriangleEqual;\x03⊴\x0fftAngleBracket;\x03⟨\x0fftUpDownVector;\x03⥑\x0fssEqualGreater;\x03⋚\x0eftRightVector;\x03⥎\x0eftTriangleBar;\x03⧏\x0eftUpTeeVector;\x03⥠\x0eftUpVectorBar;\x03⥘\x0dftDownVector;\x03⇃\x0dftRightArrow;\x03↔\x0dftrightarrow;\x03⇔\x0dssSlantEqual;\x03⩽\x0cftTeeVector;\x03⥚\x0cftVectorBar;\x03⥒\x0cssFullEqual;\x03≦\x0bftArrowBar;\x03⇤\x0bftTeeArrow;\x03↤\x0bftTriangle;\x03⊲\x0bftUpVector;\x03↿\x0aftCeiling;\x03⌈\x0assGreater;\x03≶\x09ftVector;\x03↼\x08ftArrow;\x03←\x08ftFloor;\x03⌊\x08ftarrow;\x03⇐\x08ssTilde;\x03≲\x07ssLess;\x03⪡\x06ftTee;\x03⊣", // Lfr;[𝔏]. "\x02r;\x04𝔏", // Lleftarrow;[⇚] Ll;[⋘]. "\x09eftarrow;\x03⇚\x01;\x03⋘", // Lmidot;[Ŀ]. "\x05idot;\x02Ŀ", // LongLeftRightArrow;[⟷] Longleftrightarrow;[⟺] LowerRightArrow;[↘] LongRightArrow;[⟶] Longrightarrow;[⟹] LowerLeftArrow;[↙] LongLeftArrow;[⟵] Longleftarrow;[⟸] Lopf;[𝕃]. "\x11ngLeftRightArrow;\x03⟷\x11ngleftrightarrow;\x03⟺\x0ewerRightArrow;\x03↘\x0dngRightArrow;\x03⟶\x0dngrightarrow;\x03⟹\x0dwerLeftArrow;\x03↙\x0cngLeftArrow;\x03⟵\x0cngleftarrow;\x03⟸\x03pf;\x04𝕃", // Lstrok;[Ł] Lscr;[ℒ] Lsh;[↰]. "\x05trok;\x02Ł\x03cr;\x03ℒ\x02h;\x03↰", // Lt;[≪]. "\x01;\x03≪", // Map;[⤅]. "\x02p;\x03⤅", // Mcy;[М]. "\x02y;\x02М", // MediumSpace;[ ] Mellintrf;[ℳ]. "\x0adiumSpace;\x03 \x08llintrf;\x03ℳ", // Mfr;[𝔐]. "\x02r;\x04𝔐", // MinusPlus;[∓]. "\x08nusPlus;\x03∓", // Mopf;[𝕄]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕄", // Mscr;[ℳ]. "\x03cr;\x03ℳ", // Mu;[Μ]. "\x01;\x02Μ", // NJcy;[Њ]. "\x03cy;\x02Њ", // Nacute;[Ń]. "\x05cute;\x02Ń", // Ncaron;[Ň] Ncedil;[Ņ] Ncy;[Н]. "\x05aron;\x02Ň\x05edil;\x02Ņ\x02y;\x02Н", // NegativeVeryThinSpace;[​] NestedGreaterGreater;[≫] NegativeMediumSpace;[​] NegativeThickSpace;[​] NegativeThinSpace;[​] NestedLessLess;[≪] NewLine;[\xa]. "\x14gativeVeryThinSpace;\x03​\x13stedGreaterGreater;\x03≫\x12gativeMediumSpace;\x03​\x11gativeThickSpace;\x03​\x10gativeThinSpace;\x03​\x0dstedLessLess;\x03≪\x06wLine;\x01\xa", // Nfr;[𝔑]. "\x02r;\x04𝔑", // NotNestedGreaterGreater;[⪢̸] NotSquareSupersetEqual;[⋣] NotPrecedesSlantEqual;[⋠] NotRightTriangleEqual;[⋭] NotSucceedsSlantEqual;[⋡] NotDoubleVerticalBar;[∦] NotGreaterSlantEqual;[⩾̸] NotLeftTriangleEqual;[⋬] NotSquareSubsetEqual;[⋢] NotGreaterFullEqual;[≧̸] NotRightTriangleBar;[⧐̸] NotLeftTriangleBar;[⧏̸] NotGreaterGreater;[≫̸] NotLessSlantEqual;[⩽̸] NotNestedLessLess;[⪡̸] NotReverseElement;[∌] NotSquareSuperset;[⊐̸] NotTildeFullEqual;[≇] NonBreakingSpace;[ ] NotPrecedesEqual;[⪯̸] NotRightTriangle;[⋫] NotSucceedsEqual;[⪰̸] NotSucceedsTilde;[≿̸] NotSupersetEqual;[⊉] NotGreaterEqual;[≱] NotGreaterTilde;[≵] NotHumpDownHump;[≎̸] NotLeftTriangle;[⋪] NotSquareSubset;[⊏̸] NotGreaterLess;[≹] NotLessGreater;[≸] NotSubsetEqual;[⊈] NotVerticalBar;[∤] NotEqualTilde;[≂̸] NotTildeEqual;[≄] NotTildeTilde;[≉] NotCongruent;[≢] NotHumpEqual;[≏̸] NotLessEqual;[≰] NotLessTilde;[≴] NotLessLess;[≪̸] NotPrecedes;[⊀] NotSucceeds;[⊁] NotSuperset;[⊃⃒] NotElement;[∉] NotGreater;[≯] NotCupCap;[≭] NotExists;[∄] NotSubset;[⊂⃒] NotEqual;[≠] NotTilde;[≁] NoBreak;[⁠] NotLess;[≮] Nopf;[ℕ] Not;[⫬]. "\x16tNestedGreaterGreater;\x05⪢̸\x15tSquareSupersetEqual;\x03⋣\x14tPrecedesSlantEqual;\x03⋠\x14tRightTriangleEqual;\x03⋭\x14tSucceedsSlantEqual;\x03⋡\x13tDoubleVerticalBar;\x03∦\x13tGreaterSlantEqual;\x05⩾̸\x13tLeftTriangleEqual;\x03⋬\x13tSquareSubsetEqual;\x03⋢\x12tGreaterFullEqual;\x05≧̸\x12tRightTriangleBar;\x05⧐̸\x11tLeftTriangleBar;\x05⧏̸\x10tGreaterGreater;\x05≫̸\x10tLessSlantEqual;\x05⩽̸\x10tNestedLessLess;\x05⪡̸\x10tReverseElement;\x03∌\x10tSquareSuperset;\x05⊐̸\x10tTildeFullEqual;\x03≇\x0fnBreakingSpace;\x02 \x0ftPrecedesEqual;\x05⪯̸\x0ftRightTriangle;\x03⋫\x0ftSucceedsEqual;\x05⪰̸\x0ftSucceedsTilde;\x05≿̸\x0ftSupersetEqual;\x03⊉\x0etGreaterEqual;\x03≱\x0etGreaterTilde;\x03≵\x0etHumpDownHump;\x05≎̸\x0etLeftTriangle;\x03⋪\x0etSquareSubset;\x05⊏̸\x0dtGreaterLess;\x03≹\x0dtLessGreater;\x03≸\x0dtSubsetEqual;\x03⊈\x0dtVerticalBar;\x03∤\x0ctEqualTilde;\x05≂̸\x0ctTildeEqual;\x03≄\x0ctTildeTilde;\x03≉\x0btCongruent;\x03≢\x0btHumpEqual;\x05≏̸\x0btLessEqual;\x03≰\x0btLessTilde;\x03≴\x0atLessLess;\x05≪̸\x0atPrecedes;\x03⊀\x0atSucceeds;\x03⊁\x0atSuperset;\x06⊃⃒\x09tElement;\x03∉\x09tGreater;\x03≯\x08tCupCap;\x03≭\x08tExists;\x03∄\x08tSubset;\x06⊂⃒\x07tEqual;\x03≠\x07tTilde;\x03≁\x06Break;\x03⁠\x06tLess;\x03≮\x03pf;\x03ℕ\x02t;\x03⫬", // Nscr;[𝒩]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒩", // Ntilde;[Ñ] Ntilde[Ñ]. "\x05ilde;\x02Ñ\x04ilde\x02Ñ", // Nu;[Ν]. "\x01;\x02Ν", // OElig;[Œ]. "\x04lig;\x02Œ", // Oacute;[Ó] Oacute[Ó]. "\x05cute;\x02Ó\x04cute\x02Ó", // Ocirc;[Ô] Ocirc[Ô] Ocy;[О]. "\x04irc;\x02Ô\x03irc\x02Ô\x02y;\x02О", // Odblac;[Ő]. "\x05blac;\x02Ő", // Ofr;[𝔒]. "\x02r;\x04𝔒", // Ograve;[Ò] Ograve[Ò]. "\x05rave;\x02Ò\x04rave\x02Ò", // Omicron;[Ο] Omacr;[Ō] Omega;[Ω]. "\x06icron;\x02Ο\x04acr;\x02Ō\x04ega;\x02Ω", // Oopf;[𝕆]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕆", // OpenCurlyDoubleQuote;[“] OpenCurlyQuote;[‘]. "\x13enCurlyDoubleQuote;\x03“\x0denCurlyQuote;\x03‘", // Or;[⩔]. "\x01;\x03⩔", // Oslash;[Ø] Oslash[Ø] Oscr;[𝒪]. "\x05lash;\x02Ø\x04lash\x02Ø\x03cr;\x04𝒪", // Otilde;[Õ] Otimes;[⨷] Otilde[Õ]. "\x05ilde;\x02Õ\x05imes;\x03⨷\x04ilde\x02Õ", // Ouml;[Ö] Ouml[Ö]. "\x03ml;\x02Ö\x02ml\x02Ö", // OverParenthesis;[⏜] OverBracket;[⎴] OverBrace;[⏞] OverBar;[‾]. "\x0eerParenthesis;\x03⏜\x0aerBracket;\x03⎴\x08erBrace;\x03⏞\x06erBar;\x03‾", // PartialD;[∂]. "\x07rtialD;\x03∂", // Pcy;[П]. "\x02y;\x02П", // Pfr;[𝔓]. "\x02r;\x04𝔓", // Phi;[Φ]. "\x02i;\x02Φ", // Pi;[Π]. "\x01;\x02Π", // PlusMinus;[±]. "\x08usMinus;\x02±", // Poincareplane;[ℌ] Popf;[ℙ]. "\x0cincareplane;\x03ℌ\x03pf;\x03ℙ", // PrecedesSlantEqual;[≼] PrecedesEqual;[⪯] PrecedesTilde;[≾] Proportional;[∝] Proportion;[∷] Precedes;[≺] Product;[∏] Prime;[″] Pr;[⪻]. "\x11ecedesSlantEqual;\x03≼\x0cecedesEqual;\x03⪯\x0cecedesTilde;\x03≾\x0boportional;\x03∝\x09oportion;\x03∷\x07ecedes;\x03≺\x06oduct;\x03∏\x04ime;\x03″\x01;\x03⪻", // Pscr;[𝒫] Psi;[Ψ]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒫\x02i;\x02Ψ", // QUOT;[\"] QUOT[\"]. "\x03OT;\x01\"\x02OT\x01\"", // Qfr;[𝔔]. "\x02r;\x04𝔔", // Qopf;[ℚ]. "\x03pf;\x03ℚ", // Qscr;[𝒬]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒬", // RBarr;[⤐]. "\x04arr;\x03⤐", // REG;[®] REG[®]. "\x02G;\x02®\x01G\x02®", // Racute;[Ŕ] Rarrtl;[⤖] Rang;[⟫] Rarr;[↠]. "\x05cute;\x02Ŕ\x05rrtl;\x03⤖\x03ng;\x03⟫\x03rr;\x03↠", // Rcaron;[Ř] Rcedil;[Ŗ] Rcy;[Р]. "\x05aron;\x02Ř\x05edil;\x02Ŗ\x02y;\x02Р", // ReverseUpEquilibrium;[⥯] ReverseEquilibrium;[⇋] ReverseElement;[∋] Re;[ℜ]. "\x13verseUpEquilibrium;\x03⥯\x11verseEquilibrium;\x03⇋\x0dverseElement;\x03∋\x01;\x03ℜ", // Rfr;[ℜ]. "\x02r;\x03ℜ", // Rho;[Ρ]. "\x02o;\x02Ρ", // RightArrowLeftArrow;[⇄] RightDoubleBracket;[⟧] RightDownTeeVector;[⥝] RightDownVectorBar;[⥕] RightTriangleEqual;[⊵] RightAngleBracket;[⟩] RightUpDownVector;[⥏] RightTriangleBar;[⧐] RightUpTeeVector;[⥜] RightUpVectorBar;[⥔] RightDownVector;[⇂] RightTeeVector;[⥛] RightVectorBar;[⥓] RightArrowBar;[⇥] RightTeeArrow;[↦] RightTriangle;[⊳] RightUpVector;[↾] RightCeiling;[⌉] RightVector;[⇀] RightArrow;[→] RightFloor;[⌋] Rightarrow;[⇒] RightTee;[⊢]. "\x12ghtArrowLeftArrow;\x03⇄\x11ghtDoubleBracket;\x03⟧\x11ghtDownTeeVector;\x03⥝\x11ghtDownVectorBar;\x03⥕\x11ghtTriangleEqual;\x03⊵\x10ghtAngleBracket;\x03⟩\x10ghtUpDownVector;\x03⥏\x0fghtTriangleBar;\x03⧐\x0fghtUpTeeVector;\x03⥜\x0fghtUpVectorBar;\x03⥔\x0eghtDownVector;\x03⇂\x0dghtTeeVector;\x03⥛\x0dghtVectorBar;\x03⥓\x0cghtArrowBar;\x03⇥\x0cghtTeeArrow;\x03↦\x0cghtTriangle;\x03⊳\x0cghtUpVector;\x03↾\x0bghtCeiling;\x03⌉\x0aghtVector;\x03⇀\x09ghtArrow;\x03→\x09ghtFloor;\x03⌋\x09ghtarrow;\x03⇒\x07ghtTee;\x03⊢", // RoundImplies;[⥰] Ropf;[ℝ]. "\x0bundImplies;\x03⥰\x03pf;\x03ℝ", // Rrightarrow;[⇛]. "\x0aightarrow;\x03⇛", // Rscr;[ℛ] Rsh;[↱]. "\x03cr;\x03ℛ\x02h;\x03↱", // RuleDelayed;[⧴]. "\x0aleDelayed;\x03⧴", // SHCHcy;[Щ] SHcy;[Ш]. "\x05CHcy;\x02Щ\x03cy;\x02Ш", // SOFTcy;[Ь]. "\x05FTcy;\x02Ь", // Sacute;[Ś]. "\x05cute;\x02Ś", // Scaron;[Š] Scedil;[Ş] Scirc;[Ŝ] Scy;[С] Sc;[⪼]. "\x05aron;\x02Š\x05edil;\x02Ş\x04irc;\x02Ŝ\x02y;\x02С\x01;\x03⪼", // Sfr;[𝔖]. "\x02r;\x04𝔖", // ShortRightArrow;[→] ShortDownArrow;[↓] ShortLeftArrow;[←] ShortUpArrow;[↑]. "\x0eortRightArrow;\x03→\x0dortDownArrow;\x03↓\x0dortLeftArrow;\x03←\x0bortUpArrow;\x03↑", // Sigma;[Σ]. "\x04gma;\x02Σ", // SmallCircle;[∘]. "\x0aallCircle;\x03∘", // Sopf;[𝕊]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕊", // SquareSupersetEqual;[⊒] SquareIntersection;[⊓] SquareSubsetEqual;[⊑] SquareSuperset;[⊐] SquareSubset;[⊏] SquareUnion;[⊔] Square;[□] Sqrt;[√]. "\x12uareSupersetEqual;\x03⊒\x11uareIntersection;\x03⊓\x10uareSubsetEqual;\x03⊑\x0duareSuperset;\x03⊐\x0buareSubset;\x03⊏\x0auareUnion;\x03⊔\x05uare;\x03□\x03rt;\x03√", // Sscr;[𝒮]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒮", // Star;[⋆]. "\x03ar;\x03⋆", // SucceedsSlantEqual;[≽] SucceedsEqual;[⪰] SucceedsTilde;[≿] SupersetEqual;[⊇] SubsetEqual;[⊆] Succeeds;[≻] SuchThat;[∋] Superset;[⊃] Subset;[⋐] Supset;[⋑] Sub;[⋐] Sum;[∑] Sup;[⋑]. "\x11cceedsSlantEqual;\x03≽\x0ccceedsEqual;\x03⪰\x0ccceedsTilde;\x03≿\x0cpersetEqual;\x03⊇\x0absetEqual;\x03⊆\x07cceeds;\x03≻\x07chThat;\x03∋\x07perset;\x03⊃\x05bset;\x03⋐\x05pset;\x03⋑\x02b;\x03⋐\x02m;\x03∑\x02p;\x03⋑", // THORN;[Þ] THORN[Þ]. "\x04ORN;\x02Þ\x03ORN\x02Þ", // TRADE;[™]. "\x04ADE;\x03™", // TSHcy;[Ћ] TScy;[Ц]. "\x04Hcy;\x02Ћ\x03cy;\x02Ц", // Tab;[\x9] Tau;[Τ]. "\x02b;\x01\x9\x02u;\x02Τ", // Tcaron;[Ť] Tcedil;[Ţ] Tcy;[Т]. "\x05aron;\x02Ť\x05edil;\x02Ţ\x02y;\x02Т", // Tfr;[𝔗]. "\x02r;\x04𝔗", // ThickSpace;[  ] Therefore;[∴] ThinSpace;[ ] Theta;[Θ]. "\x09ickSpace;\x06  \x08erefore;\x03∴\x08inSpace;\x03 \x04eta;\x02Θ", // TildeFullEqual;[≅] TildeEqual;[≃] TildeTilde;[≈] Tilde;[∼]. "\x0dldeFullEqual;\x03≅\x09ldeEqual;\x03≃\x09ldeTilde;\x03≈\x04lde;\x03∼", // Topf;[𝕋]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕋", // TripleDot;[⃛]. "\x08ipleDot;\x03⃛", // Tstrok;[Ŧ] Tscr;[𝒯]. "\x05trok;\x02Ŧ\x03cr;\x04𝒯", // Uarrocir;[⥉] Uacute;[Ú] Uacute[Ú] Uarr;[↟]. "\x07rrocir;\x03⥉\x05cute;\x02Ú\x04cute\x02Ú\x03rr;\x03↟", // Ubreve;[Ŭ] Ubrcy;[Ў]. "\x05reve;\x02Ŭ\x04rcy;\x02Ў", // Ucirc;[Û] Ucirc[Û] Ucy;[У]. "\x04irc;\x02Û\x03irc\x02Û\x02y;\x02У", // Udblac;[Ű]. "\x05blac;\x02Ű", // Ufr;[𝔘]. "\x02r;\x04𝔘", // Ugrave;[Ù] Ugrave[Ù]. "\x05rave;\x02Ù\x04rave\x02Ù", // Umacr;[Ū]. "\x04acr;\x02Ū", // UnderParenthesis;[⏝] UnderBracket;[⎵] UnderBrace;[⏟] UnionPlus;[⊎] UnderBar;[_] Union;[⋃]. "\x0fderParenthesis;\x03⏝\x0bderBracket;\x03⎵\x09derBrace;\x03⏟\x08ionPlus;\x03⊎\x07derBar;\x01_\x04ion;\x03⋃", // Uogon;[Ų] Uopf;[𝕌]. "\x04gon;\x02Ų\x03pf;\x04𝕌", // UpArrowDownArrow;[⇅] UpperRightArrow;[↗] UpperLeftArrow;[↖] UpEquilibrium;[⥮] UpDownArrow;[↕] Updownarrow;[⇕] UpArrowBar;[⤒] UpTeeArrow;[↥] UpArrow;[↑] Uparrow;[⇑] Upsilon;[Υ] UpTee;[⊥] Upsi;[ϒ]. "\x0fArrowDownArrow;\x03⇅\x0eperRightArrow;\x03↗\x0dperLeftArrow;\x03↖\x0cEquilibrium;\x03⥮\x0aDownArrow;\x03↕\x0adownarrow;\x03⇕\x09ArrowBar;\x03⤒\x09TeeArrow;\x03↥\x06Arrow;\x03↑\x06arrow;\x03⇑\x06silon;\x02Υ\x04Tee;\x03⊥\x03si;\x02ϒ", // Uring;[Ů]. "\x04ing;\x02Ů", // Uscr;[𝒰]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒰", // Utilde;[Ũ]. "\x05ilde;\x02Ũ", // Uuml;[Ü] Uuml[Ü]. "\x03ml;\x02Ü\x02ml\x02Ü", // VDash;[⊫]. "\x04ash;\x03⊫", // Vbar;[⫫]. "\x03ar;\x03⫫", // Vcy;[В]. "\x02y;\x02В", // Vdashl;[⫦] Vdash;[⊩]. "\x05ashl;\x03⫦\x04ash;\x03⊩", // VerticalSeparator;[❘] VerticalTilde;[≀] VeryThinSpace;[ ] VerticalLine;[|] VerticalBar;[∣] Verbar;[‖] Vert;[‖] Vee;[⋁]. "\x10rticalSeparator;\x03❘\x0crticalTilde;\x03≀\x0cryThinSpace;\x03 \x0brticalLine;\x01|\x0articalBar;\x03∣\x05rbar;\x03‖\x03rt;\x03‖\x02e;\x03⋁", // Vfr;[𝔙]. "\x02r;\x04𝔙", // Vopf;[𝕍]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕍", // Vscr;[𝒱]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒱", // Vvdash;[⊪]. "\x05dash;\x03⊪", // Wcirc;[Ŵ]. "\x04irc;\x02Ŵ", // Wedge;[⋀]. "\x04dge;\x03⋀", // Wfr;[𝔚]. "\x02r;\x04𝔚", // Wopf;[𝕎]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕎", // Wscr;[𝒲]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒲", // Xfr;[𝔛]. "\x02r;\x04𝔛", // Xi;[Ξ]. "\x01;\x02Ξ", // Xopf;[𝕏]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕏", // Xscr;[𝒳]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒳", // YAcy;[Я]. "\x03cy;\x02Я", // YIcy;[Ї]. "\x03cy;\x02Ї", // YUcy;[Ю]. "\x03cy;\x02Ю", // Yacute;[Ý] Yacute[Ý]. "\x05cute;\x02Ý\x04cute\x02Ý", // Ycirc;[Ŷ] Ycy;[Ы]. "\x04irc;\x02Ŷ\x02y;\x02Ы", // Yfr;[𝔜]. "\x02r;\x04𝔜", // Yopf;[𝕐]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕐", // Yscr;[𝒴]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒴", // Yuml;[Ÿ]. "\x03ml;\x02Ÿ", // ZHcy;[Ж]. "\x03cy;\x02Ж", // Zacute;[Ź]. "\x05cute;\x02Ź", // Zcaron;[Ž] Zcy;[З]. "\x05aron;\x02Ž\x02y;\x02З", // Zdot;[Ż]. "\x03ot;\x02Ż", // ZeroWidthSpace;[​] Zeta;[Ζ]. "\x0droWidthSpace;\x03​\x03ta;\x02Ζ", // Zfr;[ℨ]. "\x02r;\x03ℨ", // Zopf;[ℤ]. "\x03pf;\x03ℤ", // Zscr;[𝒵]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒵", // aacute;[á] aacute[á]. "\x05cute;\x02á\x04cute\x02á", // abreve;[ă]. "\x05reve;\x02ă", // acirc;[â] acute;[´] acirc[â] acute[´] acE;[∾̳] acd;[∿] acy;[а] ac;[∾]. "\x04irc;\x02â\x04ute;\x02´\x03irc\x02â\x03ute\x02´\x02E;\x05∾̳\x02d;\x03∿\x02y;\x02а\x01;\x03∾", // aelig;[æ] aelig[æ]. "\x04lig;\x02æ\x03lig\x02æ", // afr;[𝔞] af;[⁡]. "\x02r;\x04𝔞\x01;\x03⁡", // agrave;[à] agrave[à]. "\x05rave;\x02à\x04rave\x02à", // alefsym;[ℵ] aleph;[ℵ] alpha;[α]. "\x06efsym;\x03ℵ\x04eph;\x03ℵ\x04pha;\x02α", // amacr;[ā] amalg;[⨿] amp;[&] amp[&]. "\x04acr;\x02ā\x04alg;\x03⨿\x02p;\x01&\x01p\x01&", // andslope;[⩘] angmsdaa;[⦨] angmsdab;[⦩] angmsdac;[⦪] angmsdad;[⦫] angmsdae;[⦬] angmsdaf;[⦭] angmsdag;[⦮] angmsdah;[⦯] angrtvbd;[⦝] angrtvb;[⊾] angzarr;[⍼] andand;[⩕] angmsd;[∡] angsph;[∢] angle;[∠] angrt;[∟] angst;[Å] andd;[⩜] andv;[⩚] ange;[⦤] and;[∧] ang;[∠]. "\x07dslope;\x03⩘\x07gmsdaa;\x03⦨\x07gmsdab;\x03⦩\x07gmsdac;\x03⦪\x07gmsdad;\x03⦫\x07gmsdae;\x03⦬\x07gmsdaf;\x03⦭\x07gmsdag;\x03⦮\x07gmsdah;\x03⦯\x07grtvbd;\x03⦝\x06grtvb;\x03⊾\x06gzarr;\x03⍼\x05dand;\x03⩕\x05gmsd;\x03∡\x05gsph;\x03∢\x04gle;\x03∠\x04grt;\x03∟\x04gst;\x02Å\x03dd;\x03⩜\x03dv;\x03⩚\x03ge;\x03⦤\x02d;\x03∧\x02g;\x03∠", // aogon;[ą] aopf;[𝕒]. "\x04gon;\x02ą\x03pf;\x04𝕒", // approxeq;[≊] apacir;[⩯] approx;[≈] apid;[≋] apos;['] apE;[⩰] ape;[≊] ap;[≈]. "\x07proxeq;\x03≊\x05acir;\x03⩯\x05prox;\x03≈\x03id;\x03≋\x03os;\x01'\x02E;\x03⩰\x02e;\x03≊\x01;\x03≈", // aring;[å] aring[å]. "\x04ing;\x02å\x03ing\x02å", // asympeq;[≍] asymp;[≈] ascr;[𝒶] ast;[*]. "\x06ympeq;\x03≍\x04ymp;\x03≈\x03cr;\x04𝒶\x02t;\x01*", // atilde;[ã] atilde[ã]. "\x05ilde;\x02ã\x04ilde\x02ã", // auml;[ä] auml[ä]. "\x03ml;\x02ä\x02ml\x02ä", // awconint;[∳] awint;[⨑]. "\x07conint;\x03∳\x04int;\x03⨑", // bNot;[⫭]. "\x03ot;\x03⫭", // backepsilon;[϶] backprime;[‵] backsimeq;[⋍] backcong;[≌] barwedge;[⌅] backsim;[∽] barvee;[⊽] barwed;[⌅]. "\x0ackepsilon;\x02϶\x08ckprime;\x03‵\x08cksimeq;\x03⋍\x07ckcong;\x03≌\x07rwedge;\x03⌅\x06cksim;\x03∽\x05rvee;\x03⊽\x05rwed;\x03⌅", // bbrktbrk;[⎶] bbrk;[⎵]. "\x07rktbrk;\x03⎶\x03rk;\x03⎵", // bcong;[≌] bcy;[б]. "\x04ong;\x03≌\x02y;\x02б", // bdquo;[„]. "\x04quo;\x03„", // because;[∵] bemptyv;[⦰] between;[≬] becaus;[∵] bernou;[ℬ] bepsi;[϶] beta;[β] beth;[ℶ]. "\x06cause;\x03∵\x06mptyv;\x03⦰\x06tween;\x03≬\x05caus;\x03∵\x05rnou;\x03ℬ\x04psi;\x02϶\x03ta;\x02β\x03th;\x03ℶ", // bfr;[𝔟]. "\x02r;\x04𝔟", // bigtriangledown;[▽] bigtriangleup;[△] bigotimes;[⨂] bigoplus;[⨁] bigsqcup;[⨆] biguplus;[⨄] bigwedge;[⋀] bigcirc;[◯] bigodot;[⨀] bigstar;[★] bigcap;[⋂] bigcup;[⋃] bigvee;[⋁]. "\x0egtriangledown;\x03▽\x0cgtriangleup;\x03△\x08gotimes;\x03⨂\x07goplus;\x03⨁\x07gsqcup;\x03⨆\x07guplus;\x03⨄\x07gwedge;\x03⋀\x06gcirc;\x03◯\x06godot;\x03⨀\x06gstar;\x03★\x05gcap;\x03⋂\x05gcup;\x03⋃\x05gvee;\x03⋁", // bkarow;[⤍]. "\x05arow;\x03⤍", // blacktriangleright;[▸] blacktriangledown;[▾] blacktriangleleft;[◂] blacktriangle;[▴] blacklozenge;[⧫] blacksquare;[▪] blank;[␣] blk12;[▒] blk14;[░] blk34;[▓] block;[█]. "\x11acktriangleright;\x03▸\x10acktriangledown;\x03▾\x10acktriangleleft;\x03◂\x0cacktriangle;\x03▴\x0backlozenge;\x03⧫\x0aacksquare;\x03▪\x04ank;\x03␣\x04k12;\x03▒\x04k14;\x03░\x04k34;\x03▓\x04ock;\x03█", // bnequiv;[≡⃥] bnot;[⌐] bne;[=⃥]. "\x06equiv;\x06≡⃥\x03ot;\x03⌐\x02e;\x04=⃥", // boxminus;[⊟] boxtimes;[⊠] boxplus;[⊞] bottom;[⊥] bowtie;[⋈] boxbox;[⧉] boxDL;[╗] boxDR;[╔] boxDl;[╖] boxDr;[╓] boxHD;[╦] boxHU;[╩] boxHd;[╤] boxHu;[╧] boxUL;[╝] boxUR;[╚] boxUl;[╜] boxUr;[╙] boxVH;[╬] boxVL;[╣] boxVR;[╠] boxVh;[╫] boxVl;[╢] boxVr;[╟] boxdL;[╕] boxdR;[╒] boxdl;[┐] boxdr;[┌] boxhD;[╥] boxhU;[╨] boxhd;[┬] boxhu;[┴] boxuL;[╛] boxuR;[╘] boxul;[┘] boxur;[└] boxvH;[╪] boxvL;[╡] boxvR;[╞] boxvh;[┼] boxvl;[┤] boxvr;[├] bopf;[𝕓] boxH;[═] boxV;[║] boxh;[─] boxv;[│] bot;[⊥]. "\x07xminus;\x03⊟\x07xtimes;\x03⊠\x06xplus;\x03⊞\x05ttom;\x03⊥\x05wtie;\x03⋈\x05xbox;\x03⧉\x04xDL;\x03╗\x04xDR;\x03╔\x04xDl;\x03╖\x04xDr;\x03╓\x04xHD;\x03╦\x04xHU;\x03╩\x04xHd;\x03╤\x04xHu;\x03╧\x04xUL;\x03╝\x04xUR;\x03╚\x04xUl;\x03╜\x04xUr;\x03╙\x04xVH;\x03╬\x04xVL;\x03╣\x04xVR;\x03╠\x04xVh;\x03╫\x04xVl;\x03╢\x04xVr;\x03╟\x04xdL;\x03╕\x04xdR;\x03╒\x04xdl;\x03┐\x04xdr;\x03┌\x04xhD;\x03╥\x04xhU;\x03╨\x04xhd;\x03┬\x04xhu;\x03┴\x04xuL;\x03╛\x04xuR;\x03╘\x04xul;\x03┘\x04xur;\x03└\x04xvH;\x03╪\x04xvL;\x03╡\x04xvR;\x03╞\x04xvh;\x03┼\x04xvl;\x03┤\x04xvr;\x03├\x03pf;\x04𝕓\x03xH;\x03═\x03xV;\x03║\x03xh;\x03─\x03xv;\x03│\x02t;\x03⊥", // bprime;[‵]. "\x05rime;\x03‵", // brvbar;[¦] breve;[˘] brvbar[¦]. "\x05vbar;\x02¦\x04eve;\x02˘\x04vbar\x02¦", // bsolhsub;[⟈] bsemi;[⁏] bsime;[⋍] bsolb;[⧅] bscr;[𝒷] bsim;[∽] bsol;[\\]. "\x07olhsub;\x03⟈\x04emi;\x03⁏\x04ime;\x03⋍\x04olb;\x03⧅\x03cr;\x04𝒷\x03im;\x03∽\x03ol;\x01\\", // bullet;[•] bumpeq;[≏] bumpE;[⪮] bumpe;[≏] bull;[•] bump;[≎]. "\x05llet;\x03•\x05mpeq;\x03≏\x04mpE;\x03⪮\x04mpe;\x03≏\x03ll;\x03•\x03mp;\x03≎", // capbrcup;[⩉] cacute;[ć] capand;[⩄] capcap;[⩋] capcup;[⩇] capdot;[⩀] caret;[⁁] caron;[ˇ] caps;[∩︀] cap;[∩]. "\x07pbrcup;\x03⩉\x05cute;\x02ć\x05pand;\x03⩄\x05pcap;\x03⩋\x05pcup;\x03⩇\x05pdot;\x03⩀\x04ret;\x03⁁\x04ron;\x02ˇ\x03ps;\x06∩︀\x02p;\x03∩", // ccupssm;[⩐] ccaron;[č] ccedil;[ç] ccaps;[⩍] ccedil[ç] ccirc;[ĉ] ccups;[⩌]. "\x06upssm;\x03⩐\x05aron;\x02č\x05edil;\x02ç\x04aps;\x03⩍\x04edil\x02ç\x04irc;\x02ĉ\x04ups;\x03⩌", // cdot;[ċ]. "\x03ot;\x02ċ", // centerdot;[·] cemptyv;[⦲] cedil;[¸] cedil[¸] cent;[¢] cent[¢]. "\x08nterdot;\x02·\x06mptyv;\x03⦲\x04dil;\x02¸\x03dil\x02¸\x03nt;\x02¢\x02nt\x02¢", // cfr;[𝔠]. "\x02r;\x04𝔠", // checkmark;[✓] check;[✓] chcy;[ч] chi;[χ]. "\x08eckmark;\x03✓\x04eck;\x03✓\x03cy;\x02ч\x02i;\x02χ", // circlearrowright;[↻] circlearrowleft;[↺] circledcirc;[⊚] circleddash;[⊝] circledast;[⊛] circledR;[®] circledS;[Ⓢ] cirfnint;[⨐] cirscir;[⧂] circeq;[≗] cirmid;[⫯] cirE;[⧃] circ;[ˆ] cire;[≗] cir;[○]. "\x0frclearrowright;\x03↻\x0erclearrowleft;\x03↺\x0arcledcirc;\x03⊚\x0arcleddash;\x03⊝\x09rcledast;\x03⊛\x07rcledR;\x02®\x07rcledS;\x03Ⓢ\x07rfnint;\x03⨐\x06rscir;\x03⧂\x05rceq;\x03≗\x05rmid;\x03⫯\x03rE;\x03⧃\x03rc;\x02ˆ\x03re;\x03≗\x02r;\x03○", // clubsuit;[♣] clubs;[♣]. "\x07ubsuit;\x03♣\x04ubs;\x03♣", // complement;[∁] complexes;[ℂ] coloneq;[≔] congdot;[⩭] colone;[≔] commat;[@] compfn;[∘] conint;[∮] coprod;[∐] copysr;[℗] colon;[:] comma;[,] comp;[∁] cong;[≅] copf;[𝕔] copy;[©] copy[©]. "\x09mplement;\x03∁\x08mplexes;\x03ℂ\x06loneq;\x03≔\x06ngdot;\x03⩭\x05lone;\x03≔\x05mmat;\x01@\x05mpfn;\x03∘\x05nint;\x03∮\x05prod;\x03∐\x05pysr;\x03℗\x04lon;\x01:\x04mma;\x01,\x03mp;\x03∁\x03ng;\x03≅\x03pf;\x04𝕔\x03py;\x02©\x02py\x02©", // crarr;[↵] cross;[✗]. "\x04arr;\x03↵\x04oss;\x03✗", // csube;[⫑] csupe;[⫒] cscr;[𝒸] csub;[⫏] csup;[⫐]. "\x04ube;\x03⫑\x04upe;\x03⫒\x03cr;\x04𝒸\x03ub;\x03⫏\x03up;\x03⫐", // ctdot;[⋯]. "\x04dot;\x03⋯", // curvearrowright;[↷] curvearrowleft;[↶] curlyeqprec;[⋞] curlyeqsucc;[⋟] curlywedge;[⋏] cupbrcap;[⩈] curlyvee;[⋎] cudarrl;[⤸] cudarrr;[⤵] cularrp;[⤽] curarrm;[⤼] cularr;[↶] cupcap;[⩆] cupcup;[⩊] cupdot;[⊍] curarr;[↷] curren;[¤] cuepr;[⋞] cuesc;[⋟] cupor;[⩅] curren[¤] cuvee;[⋎] cuwed;[⋏] cups;[∪︀] cup;[∪]. "\x0ervearrowright;\x03↷\x0drvearrowleft;\x03↶\x0arlyeqprec;\x03⋞\x0arlyeqsucc;\x03⋟\x09rlywedge;\x03⋏\x07pbrcap;\x03⩈\x07rlyvee;\x03⋎\x06darrl;\x03⤸\x06darrr;\x03⤵\x06larrp;\x03⤽\x06rarrm;\x03⤼\x05larr;\x03↶\x05pcap;\x03⩆\x05pcup;\x03⩊\x05pdot;\x03⊍\x05rarr;\x03↷\x05rren;\x02¤\x04epr;\x03⋞\x04esc;\x03⋟\x04por;\x03⩅\x04rren\x02¤\x04vee;\x03⋎\x04wed;\x03⋏\x03ps;\x06∪︀\x02p;\x03∪", // cwconint;[∲] cwint;[∱]. "\x07conint;\x03∲\x04int;\x03∱", // cylcty;[⌭]. "\x05lcty;\x03⌭", // dArr;[⇓]. "\x03rr;\x03⇓", // dHar;[⥥]. "\x03ar;\x03⥥", // dagger;[†] daleth;[ℸ] dashv;[⊣] darr;[↓] dash;[‐]. "\x05gger;\x03†\x05leth;\x03ℸ\x04shv;\x03⊣\x03rr;\x03↓\x03sh;\x03‐", // dbkarow;[⤏] dblac;[˝]. "\x06karow;\x03⤏\x04lac;\x02˝", // dcaron;[ď] dcy;[д]. "\x05aron;\x02ď\x02y;\x02д", // ddagger;[‡] ddotseq;[⩷] ddarr;[⇊] dd;[ⅆ]. "\x06agger;\x03‡\x06otseq;\x03⩷\x04arr;\x03⇊\x01;\x03ⅆ", // demptyv;[⦱] delta;[δ] deg;[°] deg[°]. "\x06mptyv;\x03⦱\x04lta;\x02δ\x02g;\x02°\x01g\x02°", // dfisht;[⥿] dfr;[𝔡]. "\x05isht;\x03⥿\x02r;\x04𝔡", // dharl;[⇃] dharr;[⇂]. "\x04arl;\x03⇃\x04arr;\x03⇂", // divideontimes;[⋇] diamondsuit;[♦] diamond;[⋄] digamma;[ϝ] divide;[÷] divonx;[⋇] diams;[♦] disin;[⋲] divide[÷] diam;[⋄] die;[¨] div;[÷]. "\x0cvideontimes;\x03⋇\x0aamondsuit;\x03♦\x06amond;\x03⋄\x06gamma;\x02ϝ\x05vide;\x02÷\x05vonx;\x03⋇\x04ams;\x03♦\x04sin;\x03⋲\x04vide\x02÷\x03am;\x03⋄\x02e;\x02¨\x02v;\x02÷", // djcy;[ђ]. "\x03cy;\x02ђ", // dlcorn;[⌞] dlcrop;[⌍]. "\x05corn;\x03⌞\x05crop;\x03⌍", // downharpoonright;[⇂] downharpoonleft;[⇃] doublebarwedge;[⌆] downdownarrows;[⇊] dotsquare;[⊡] downarrow;[↓] doteqdot;[≑] dotminus;[∸] dotplus;[∔] dollar;[$] doteq;[≐] dopf;[𝕕] dot;[˙]. "\x0fwnharpoonright;\x03⇂\x0ewnharpoonleft;\x03⇃\x0dublebarwedge;\x03⌆\x0dwndownarrows;\x03⇊\x08tsquare;\x03⊡\x08wnarrow;\x03↓\x07teqdot;\x03≑\x07tminus;\x03∸\x06tplus;\x03∔\x05llar;\x01$\x04teq;\x03≐\x03pf;\x04𝕕\x02t;\x02˙", // drbkarow;[⤐] drcorn;[⌟] drcrop;[⌌]. "\x07bkarow;\x03⤐\x05corn;\x03⌟\x05crop;\x03⌌", // dstrok;[đ] dscr;[𝒹] dscy;[ѕ] dsol;[⧶]. "\x05trok;\x02đ\x03cr;\x04𝒹\x03cy;\x02ѕ\x03ol;\x03⧶", // dtdot;[⋱] dtrif;[▾] dtri;[▿]. "\x04dot;\x03⋱\x04rif;\x03▾\x03ri;\x03▿", // duarr;[⇵] duhar;[⥯]. "\x04arr;\x03⇵\x04har;\x03⥯", // dwangle;[⦦]. "\x06angle;\x03⦦", // dzigrarr;[⟿] dzcy;[џ]. "\x07igrarr;\x03⟿\x03cy;\x02џ", // eDDot;[⩷] eDot;[≑]. "\x04Dot;\x03⩷\x03ot;\x03≑", // eacute;[é] easter;[⩮] eacute[é]. "\x05cute;\x02é\x05ster;\x03⩮\x04cute\x02é", // ecaron;[ě] ecolon;[≕] ecirc;[ê] ecir;[≖] ecirc[ê] ecy;[э]. "\x05aron;\x02ě\x05olon;\x03≕\x04irc;\x02ê\x03ir;\x03≖\x03irc\x02ê\x02y;\x02э", // edot;[ė]. "\x03ot;\x02ė", // ee;[ⅇ]. "\x01;\x03ⅇ", // efDot;[≒] efr;[𝔢]. "\x04Dot;\x03≒\x02r;\x04𝔢", // egrave;[è] egsdot;[⪘] egrave[è] egs;[⪖] eg;[⪚]. "\x05rave;\x02è\x05sdot;\x03⪘\x04rave\x02è\x02s;\x03⪖\x01;\x03⪚", // elinters;[⏧] elsdot;[⪗] ell;[ℓ] els;[⪕] el;[⪙]. "\x07inters;\x03⏧\x05sdot;\x03⪗\x02l;\x03ℓ\x02s;\x03⪕\x01;\x03⪙", // emptyset;[∅] emptyv;[∅] emsp13;[ ] emsp14;[ ] emacr;[ē] empty;[∅] emsp;[ ]. "\x07ptyset;\x03∅\x05ptyv;\x03∅\x05sp13;\x03 \x05sp14;\x03 \x04acr;\x02ē\x04pty;\x03∅\x03sp;\x03 ", // ensp;[ ] eng;[ŋ]. "\x03sp;\x03 \x02g;\x02ŋ", // eogon;[ę] eopf;[𝕖]. "\x04gon;\x02ę\x03pf;\x04𝕖", // epsilon;[ε] eparsl;[⧣] eplus;[⩱] epsiv;[ϵ] epar;[⋕] epsi;[ε]. "\x06silon;\x02ε\x05arsl;\x03⧣\x04lus;\x03⩱\x04siv;\x02ϵ\x03ar;\x03⋕\x03si;\x02ε", // eqslantless;[⪕] eqslantgtr;[⪖] eqvparsl;[⧥] eqcolon;[≕] equivDD;[⩸] eqcirc;[≖] equals;[=] equest;[≟] eqsim;[≂] equiv;[≡]. "\x0aslantless;\x03⪕\x09slantgtr;\x03⪖\x07vparsl;\x03⧥\x06colon;\x03≕\x06uivDD;\x03⩸\x05circ;\x03≖\x05uals;\x01=\x05uest;\x03≟\x04sim;\x03≂\x04uiv;\x03≡", // erDot;[≓] erarr;[⥱]. "\x04Dot;\x03≓\x04arr;\x03⥱", // esdot;[≐] escr;[ℯ] esim;[≂]. "\x04dot;\x03≐\x03cr;\x03ℯ\x03im;\x03≂", // eta;[η] eth;[ð] eth[ð]. "\x02a;\x02η\x02h;\x02ð\x01h\x02ð", // euml;[ë] euro;[€] euml[ë]. "\x03ml;\x02ë\x03ro;\x03€\x02ml\x02ë", // exponentiale;[ⅇ] expectation;[ℰ] exist;[∃] excl;[!]. "\x0bponentiale;\x03ⅇ\x0apectation;\x03ℰ\x04ist;\x03∃\x03cl;\x01!", // fallingdotseq;[≒]. "\x0cllingdotseq;\x03≒", // fcy;[ф]. "\x02y;\x02ф", // female;[♀]. "\x05male;\x03♀", // ffilig;[ffi] ffllig;[ffl] fflig;[ff] ffr;[𝔣]. "\x05ilig;\x03ffi\x05llig;\x03ffl\x04lig;\x03ff\x02r;\x04𝔣", // filig;[fi]. "\x04lig;\x03fi", // fjlig;[fj]. "\x04lig;\x02fj", // fllig;[fl] fltns;[▱] flat;[♭]. "\x04lig;\x03fl\x04tns;\x03▱\x03at;\x03♭", // fnof;[ƒ]. "\x03of;\x02ƒ", // forall;[∀] forkv;[⫙] fopf;[𝕗] fork;[⋔]. "\x05rall;\x03∀\x04rkv;\x03⫙\x03pf;\x04𝕗\x03rk;\x03⋔", // fpartint;[⨍]. "\x07artint;\x03⨍", // frac12;[½] frac13;[⅓] frac14;[¼] frac15;[⅕] frac16;[⅙] frac18;[⅛] frac23;[⅔] frac25;[⅖] frac34;[¾] frac35;[⅗] frac38;[⅜] frac45;[⅘] frac56;[⅚] frac58;[⅝] frac78;[⅞] frac12[½] frac14[¼] frac34[¾] frasl;[⁄] frown;[⌢]. "\x05ac12;\x02½\x05ac13;\x03⅓\x05ac14;\x02¼\x05ac15;\x03⅕\x05ac16;\x03⅙\x05ac18;\x03⅛\x05ac23;\x03⅔\x05ac25;\x03⅖\x05ac34;\x02¾\x05ac35;\x03⅗\x05ac38;\x03⅜\x05ac45;\x03⅘\x05ac56;\x03⅚\x05ac58;\x03⅝\x05ac78;\x03⅞\x04ac12\x02½\x04ac14\x02¼\x04ac34\x02¾\x04asl;\x03⁄\x04own;\x03⌢", // fscr;[𝒻]. "\x03cr;\x04𝒻", // gEl;[⪌] gE;[≧]. "\x02l;\x03⪌\x01;\x03≧", // gacute;[ǵ] gammad;[ϝ] gamma;[γ] gap;[⪆]. "\x05cute;\x02ǵ\x05mmad;\x02ϝ\x04mma;\x02γ\x02p;\x03⪆", // gbreve;[ğ]. "\x05reve;\x02ğ", // gcirc;[ĝ] gcy;[г]. "\x04irc;\x02ĝ\x02y;\x02г", // gdot;[ġ]. "\x03ot;\x02ġ", // geqslant;[⩾] gesdotol;[⪄] gesdoto;[⪂] gesdot;[⪀] gesles;[⪔] gescc;[⪩] geqq;[≧] gesl;[⋛︀] gel;[⋛] geq;[≥] ges;[⩾] ge;[≥]. "\x07qslant;\x03⩾\x07sdotol;\x03⪄\x06sdoto;\x03⪂\x05sdot;\x03⪀\x05sles;\x03⪔\x04scc;\x03⪩\x03qq;\x03≧\x03sl;\x06⋛︀\x02l;\x03⋛\x02q;\x03≥\x02s;\x03⩾\x01;\x03≥", // gfr;[𝔤]. "\x02r;\x04𝔤", // ggg;[⋙] gg;[≫]. "\x02g;\x03⋙\x01;\x03≫", // gimel;[ℷ]. "\x04mel;\x03ℷ", // gjcy;[ѓ]. "\x03cy;\x02ѓ", // glE;[⪒] gla;[⪥] glj;[⪤] gl;[≷]. "\x02E;\x03⪒\x02a;\x03⪥\x02j;\x03⪤\x01;\x03≷", // gnapprox;[⪊] gneqq;[≩] gnsim;[⋧] gnap;[⪊] gneq;[⪈] gnE;[≩] gne;[⪈]. "\x07approx;\x03⪊\x04eqq;\x03≩\x04sim;\x03⋧\x03ap;\x03⪊\x03eq;\x03⪈\x02E;\x03≩\x02e;\x03⪈", // gopf;[𝕘]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕘", // grave;[`]. "\x04ave;\x01`", // gsime;[⪎] gsiml;[⪐] gscr;[ℊ] gsim;[≳]. "\x04ime;\x03⪎\x04iml;\x03⪐\x03cr;\x03ℊ\x03im;\x03≳", // gtreqqless;[⪌] gtrapprox;[⪆] gtreqless;[⋛] gtquest;[⩼] gtrless;[≷] gtlPar;[⦕] gtrarr;[⥸] gtrdot;[⋗] gtrsim;[≳] gtcir;[⩺] gtdot;[⋗] gtcc;[⪧] gt;[>]. "\x09reqqless;\x03⪌\x08rapprox;\x03⪆\x08reqless;\x03⋛\x06quest;\x03⩼\x06rless;\x03≷\x05lPar;\x03⦕\x05rarr;\x03⥸\x05rdot;\x03⋗\x05rsim;\x03≳\x04cir;\x03⩺\x04dot;\x03⋗\x03cc;\x03⪧\x01;\x01>", // gvertneqq;[≩︀] gvnE;[≩︀]. "\x08ertneqq;\x06≩︀\x03nE;\x06≩︀", // hArr;[⇔]. "\x03rr;\x03⇔", // harrcir;[⥈] hairsp;[ ] hamilt;[ℋ] hardcy;[ъ] harrw;[↭] half;[½] harr;[↔]. "\x06rrcir;\x03⥈\x05irsp;\x03 \x05milt;\x03ℋ\x05rdcy;\x02ъ\x04rrw;\x03↭\x03lf;\x02½\x03rr;\x03↔", // hbar;[ℏ]. "\x03ar;\x03ℏ", // hcirc;[ĥ]. "\x04irc;\x02ĥ", // heartsuit;[♥] hearts;[♥] hellip;[…] hercon;[⊹]. "\x08artsuit;\x03♥\x05arts;\x03♥\x05llip;\x03…\x05rcon;\x03⊹", // hfr;[𝔥]. "\x02r;\x04𝔥", // hksearow;[⤥] hkswarow;[⤦]. "\x07searow;\x03⤥\x07swarow;\x03⤦", // hookrightarrow;[↪] hookleftarrow;[↩] homtht;[∻] horbar;[―] hoarr;[⇿] hopf;[𝕙]. "\x0dokrightarrow;\x03↪\x0cokleftarrow;\x03↩\x05mtht;\x03∻\x05rbar;\x03―\x04arr;\x03⇿\x03pf;\x04𝕙", // hslash;[ℏ] hstrok;[ħ] hscr;[𝒽]. "\x05lash;\x03ℏ\x05trok;\x02ħ\x03cr;\x04𝒽", // hybull;[⁃] hyphen;[‐]. "\x05bull;\x03⁃\x05phen;\x03‐", // iacute;[í] iacute[í]. "\x05cute;\x02í\x04cute\x02í", // icirc;[î] icirc[î] icy;[и] ic;[⁣]. "\x04irc;\x02î\x03irc\x02î\x02y;\x02и\x01;\x03⁣", // iexcl;[¡] iecy;[е] iexcl[¡]. "\x04xcl;\x02¡\x03cy;\x02е\x03xcl\x02¡", // iff;[⇔] ifr;[𝔦]. "\x02f;\x03⇔\x02r;\x04𝔦", // igrave;[ì] igrave[ì]. "\x05rave;\x02ì\x04rave\x02ì", // iiiint;[⨌] iinfin;[⧜] iiint;[∭] iiota;[℩] ii;[ⅈ]. "\x05iint;\x03⨌\x05nfin;\x03⧜\x04int;\x03∭\x04ota;\x03℩\x01;\x03ⅈ", // ijlig;[ij]. "\x04lig;\x02ij", // imagline;[ℐ] imagpart;[ℑ] imacr;[ī] image;[ℑ] imath;[ı] imped;[Ƶ] imof;[⊷]. "\x07agline;\x03ℐ\x07agpart;\x03ℑ\x04acr;\x02ī\x04age;\x03ℑ\x04ath;\x02ı\x04ped;\x02Ƶ\x03of;\x03⊷", // infintie;[⧝] integers;[ℤ] intercal;[⊺] intlarhk;[⨗] intprod;[⨼] incare;[℅] inodot;[ı] intcal;[⊺] infin;[∞] int;[∫] in;[∈]. "\x07fintie;\x03⧝\x07tegers;\x03ℤ\x07tercal;\x03⊺\x07tlarhk;\x03⨗\x06tprod;\x03⨼\x05care;\x03℅\x05odot;\x02ı\x05tcal;\x03⊺\x04fin;\x03∞\x02t;\x03∫\x01;\x03∈", // iogon;[į] iocy;[ё] iopf;[𝕚] iota;[ι]. "\x04gon;\x02į\x03cy;\x02ё\x03pf;\x04𝕚\x03ta;\x02ι", // iprod;[⨼]. "\x04rod;\x03⨼", // iquest;[¿] iquest[¿]. "\x05uest;\x02¿\x04uest\x02¿", // isindot;[⋵] isinsv;[⋳] isinE;[⋹] isins;[⋴] isinv;[∈] iscr;[𝒾] isin;[∈]. "\x06indot;\x03⋵\x05insv;\x03⋳\x04inE;\x03⋹\x04ins;\x03⋴\x04inv;\x03∈\x03cr;\x04𝒾\x03in;\x03∈", // itilde;[ĩ] it;[⁢]. "\x05ilde;\x02ĩ\x01;\x03⁢", // iukcy;[і] iuml;[ï] iuml[ï]. "\x04kcy;\x02і\x03ml;\x02ï\x02ml\x02ï", // jcirc;[ĵ] jcy;[й]. "\x04irc;\x02ĵ\x02y;\x02й", // jfr;[𝔧]. "\x02r;\x04𝔧", // jmath;[ȷ]. "\x04ath;\x02ȷ", // jopf;[𝕛]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕛", // jsercy;[ј] jscr;[𝒿]. "\x05ercy;\x02ј\x03cr;\x04𝒿", // jukcy;[є]. "\x04kcy;\x02є", // kappav;[ϰ] kappa;[κ]. "\x05ppav;\x02ϰ\x04ppa;\x02κ", // kcedil;[ķ] kcy;[к]. "\x05edil;\x02ķ\x02y;\x02к", // kfr;[𝔨]. "\x02r;\x04𝔨", // kgreen;[ĸ]. "\x05reen;\x02ĸ", // khcy;[х]. "\x03cy;\x02х", // kjcy;[ќ]. "\x03cy;\x02ќ", // kopf;[𝕜]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕜", // kscr;[𝓀]. "\x03cr;\x04𝓀", // lAtail;[⤛] lAarr;[⇚] lArr;[⇐]. "\x05tail;\x03⤛\x04arr;\x03⇚\x03rr;\x03⇐", // lBarr;[⤎]. "\x04arr;\x03⤎", // lEg;[⪋] lE;[≦]. "\x02g;\x03⪋\x01;\x03≦", // lHar;[⥢]. "\x03ar;\x03⥢", // laemptyv;[⦴] larrbfs;[⤟] larrsim;[⥳] lacute;[ĺ] lagran;[ℒ] lambda;[λ] langle;[⟨] larrfs;[⤝] larrhk;[↩] larrlp;[↫] larrpl;[⤹] larrtl;[↢] latail;[⤙] langd;[⦑] laquo;[«] larrb;[⇤] lates;[⪭︀] lang;[⟨] laquo[«] larr;[←] late;[⪭] lap;[⪅] lat;[⪫]. "\x07emptyv;\x03⦴\x06rrbfs;\x03⤟\x06rrsim;\x03⥳\x05cute;\x02ĺ\x05gran;\x03ℒ\x05mbda;\x02λ\x05ngle;\x03⟨\x05rrfs;\x03⤝\x05rrhk;\x03↩\x05rrlp;\x03↫\x05rrpl;\x03⤹\x05rrtl;\x03↢\x05tail;\x03⤙\x04ngd;\x03⦑\x04quo;\x02«\x04rrb;\x03⇤\x04tes;\x06⪭︀\x03ng;\x03⟨\x03quo\x02«\x03rr;\x03←\x03te;\x03⪭\x02p;\x03⪅\x02t;\x03⪫", // lbrksld;[⦏] lbrkslu;[⦍] lbrace;[{] lbrack;[[] lbarr;[⤌] lbbrk;[❲] lbrke;[⦋]. "\x06rksld;\x03⦏\x06rkslu;\x03⦍\x05race;\x01{\x05rack;\x01[\x04arr;\x03⤌\x04brk;\x03❲\x04rke;\x03⦋", // lcaron;[ľ] lcedil;[ļ] lceil;[⌈] lcub;[{] lcy;[л]. "\x05aron;\x02ľ\x05edil;\x02ļ\x04eil;\x03⌈\x03ub;\x01{\x02y;\x02л", // ldrushar;[⥋] ldrdhar;[⥧] ldquor;[„] ldquo;[“] ldca;[⤶] ldsh;[↲]. "\x07rushar;\x03⥋\x06rdhar;\x03⥧\x05quor;\x03„\x04quo;\x03“\x03ca;\x03⤶\x03sh;\x03↲", // leftrightsquigarrow;[↭] leftrightharpoons;[⇋] leftharpoondown;[↽] leftrightarrows;[⇆] leftleftarrows;[⇇] leftrightarrow;[↔] leftthreetimes;[⋋] leftarrowtail;[↢] leftharpoonup;[↼] lessapprox;[⪅] lesseqqgtr;[⪋] leftarrow;[←] lesseqgtr;[⋚] leqslant;[⩽] lesdotor;[⪃] lesdoto;[⪁] lessdot;[⋖] lessgtr;[≶] lesssim;[≲] lesdot;[⩿] lesges;[⪓] lescc;[⪨] leqq;[≦] lesg;[⋚︀] leg;[⋚] leq;[≤] les;[⩽] le;[≤]. "\x12ftrightsquigarrow;\x03↭\x10ftrightharpoons;\x03⇋\x0eftharpoondown;\x03↽\x0eftrightarrows;\x03⇆\x0dftleftarrows;\x03⇇\x0dftrightarrow;\x03↔\x0dftthreetimes;\x03⋋\x0cftarrowtail;\x03↢\x0cftharpoonup;\x03↼\x09ssapprox;\x03⪅\x09sseqqgtr;\x03⪋\x08ftarrow;\x03←\x08sseqgtr;\x03⋚\x07qslant;\x03⩽\x07sdotor;\x03⪃\x06sdoto;\x03⪁\x06ssdot;\x03⋖\x06ssgtr;\x03≶\x06sssim;\x03≲\x05sdot;\x03⩿\x05sges;\x03⪓\x04scc;\x03⪨\x03qq;\x03≦\x03sg;\x06⋚︀\x02g;\x03⋚\x02q;\x03≤\x02s;\x03⩽\x01;\x03≤", // lfisht;[⥼] lfloor;[⌊] lfr;[𝔩]. "\x05isht;\x03⥼\x05loor;\x03⌊\x02r;\x04𝔩", // lgE;[⪑] lg;[≶]. "\x02E;\x03⪑\x01;\x03≶", // lharul;[⥪] lhard;[↽] lharu;[↼] lhblk;[▄]. "\x05arul;\x03⥪\x04ard;\x03↽\x04aru;\x03↼\x04blk;\x03▄", // ljcy;[љ]. "\x03cy;\x02љ", // llcorner;[⌞] llhard;[⥫] llarr;[⇇] lltri;[◺] ll;[≪]. "\x07corner;\x03⌞\x05hard;\x03⥫\x04arr;\x03⇇\x04tri;\x03◺\x01;\x03≪", // lmoustache;[⎰] lmidot;[ŀ] lmoust;[⎰]. "\x09oustache;\x03⎰\x05idot;\x02ŀ\x05oust;\x03⎰", // lnapprox;[⪉] lneqq;[≨] lnsim;[⋦] lnap;[⪉] lneq;[⪇] lnE;[≨] lne;[⪇]. "\x07approx;\x03⪉\x04eqq;\x03≨\x04sim;\x03⋦\x03ap;\x03⪉\x03eq;\x03⪇\x02E;\x03≨\x02e;\x03⪇", // longleftrightarrow;[⟷] longrightarrow;[⟶] looparrowright;[↬] longleftarrow;[⟵] looparrowleft;[↫] longmapsto;[⟼] lotimes;[⨴] lozenge;[◊] loplus;[⨭] lowast;[∗] lowbar;[_] loang;[⟬] loarr;[⇽] lobrk;[⟦] lopar;[⦅] lopf;[𝕝] lozf;[⧫] loz;[◊]. "\x11ngleftrightarrow;\x03⟷\x0dngrightarrow;\x03⟶\x0doparrowright;\x03↬\x0cngleftarrow;\x03⟵\x0coparrowleft;\x03↫\x09ngmapsto;\x03⟼\x06times;\x03⨴\x06zenge;\x03◊\x05plus;\x03⨭\x05wast;\x03∗\x05wbar;\x01_\x04ang;\x03⟬\x04arr;\x03⇽\x04brk;\x03⟦\x04par;\x03⦅\x03pf;\x04𝕝\x03zf;\x03⧫\x02z;\x03◊", // lparlt;[⦓] lpar;[(]. "\x05arlt;\x03⦓\x03ar;\x01(", // lrcorner;[⌟] lrhard;[⥭] lrarr;[⇆] lrhar;[⇋] lrtri;[⊿] lrm;[‎]. "\x07corner;\x03⌟\x05hard;\x03⥭\x04arr;\x03⇆\x04har;\x03⇋\x04tri;\x03⊿\x02m;\x03‎", // lsaquo;[‹] lsquor;[‚] lstrok;[ł] lsime;[⪍] lsimg;[⪏] lsquo;[‘] lscr;[𝓁] lsim;[≲] lsqb;[[] lsh;[↰]. "\x05aquo;\x03‹\x05quor;\x03‚\x05trok;\x02ł\x04ime;\x03⪍\x04img;\x03⪏\x04quo;\x03‘\x03cr;\x04𝓁\x03im;\x03≲\x03qb;\x01[\x02h;\x03↰", // ltquest;[⩻] lthree;[⋋] ltimes;[⋉] ltlarr;[⥶] ltrPar;[⦖] ltcir;[⩹] ltdot;[⋖] ltrie;[⊴] ltrif;[◂] ltcc;[⪦] ltri;[◃] lt;[<]. "\x06quest;\x03⩻\x05hree;\x03⋋\x05imes;\x03⋉\x05larr;\x03⥶\x05rPar;\x03⦖\x04cir;\x03⩹\x04dot;\x03⋖\x04rie;\x03⊴\x04rif;\x03◂\x03cc;\x03⪦\x03ri;\x03◃\x01;\x01<", // lurdshar;[⥊] luruhar;[⥦]. "\x07rdshar;\x03⥊\x06ruhar;\x03⥦", // lvertneqq;[≨︀] lvnE;[≨︀]. "\x08ertneqq;\x06≨︀\x03nE;\x06≨︀", // mDDot;[∺]. "\x04Dot;\x03∺", // mapstodown;[↧] mapstoleft;[↤] mapstoup;[↥] maltese;[✠] mapsto;[↦] marker;[▮] macr;[¯] male;[♂] malt;[✠] macr[¯] map;[↦]. "\x09pstodown;\x03↧\x09pstoleft;\x03↤\x07pstoup;\x03↥\x06ltese;\x03✠\x05psto;\x03↦\x05rker;\x03▮\x03cr;\x02¯\x03le;\x03♂\x03lt;\x03✠\x02cr\x02¯\x02p;\x03↦", // mcomma;[⨩] mcy;[м]. "\x05omma;\x03⨩\x02y;\x02м", // mdash;[—]. "\x04ash;\x03—", // measuredangle;[∡]. "\x0casuredangle;\x03∡", // mfr;[𝔪]. "\x02r;\x04𝔪", // mho;[℧]. "\x02o;\x03℧", // minusdu;[⨪] midast;[*] midcir;[⫰] middot;[·] minusb;[⊟] minusd;[∸] micro;[µ] middot[·] minus;[−] micro[µ] mid;[∣]. "\x06nusdu;\x03⨪\x05dast;\x01*\x05dcir;\x03⫰\x05ddot;\x02·\x05nusb;\x03⊟\x05nusd;\x03∸\x04cro;\x02µ\x04ddot\x02·\x04nus;\x03−\x03cro\x02µ\x02d;\x03∣", // mlcp;[⫛] mldr;[…]. "\x03cp;\x03⫛\x03dr;\x03…", // mnplus;[∓]. "\x05plus;\x03∓", // models;[⊧] mopf;[𝕞]. "\x05dels;\x03⊧\x03pf;\x04𝕞", // mp;[∓]. "\x01;\x03∓", // mstpos;[∾] mscr;[𝓂]. "\x05tpos;\x03∾\x03cr;\x04𝓂", // multimap;[⊸] mumap;[⊸] mu;[μ]. "\x07ltimap;\x03⊸\x04map;\x03⊸\x01;\x02μ", // nGtv;[≫̸] nGg;[⋙̸] nGt;[≫⃒]. "\x03tv;\x05≫̸\x02g;\x05⋙̸\x02t;\x06≫⃒", // nLeftrightarrow;[⇎] nLeftarrow;[⇍] nLtv;[≪̸] nLl;[⋘̸] nLt;[≪⃒]. "\x0eeftrightarrow;\x03⇎\x09eftarrow;\x03⇍\x03tv;\x05≪̸\x02l;\x05⋘̸\x02t;\x06≪⃒", // nRightarrow;[⇏]. "\x0aightarrow;\x03⇏", // nVDash;[⊯] nVdash;[⊮]. "\x05Dash;\x03⊯\x05dash;\x03⊮", // naturals;[ℕ] napprox;[≉] natural;[♮] nacute;[ń] nabla;[∇] napid;[≋̸] napos;[ʼn] natur;[♮] nang;[∠⃒] napE;[⩰̸] nap;[≉]. "\x07turals;\x03ℕ\x06pprox;\x03≉\x06tural;\x03♮\x05cute;\x02ń\x04bla;\x03∇\x04pid;\x05≋̸\x04pos;\x02ʼn\x04tur;\x03♮\x03ng;\x06∠⃒\x03pE;\x05⩰̸\x02p;\x03≉", // nbumpe;[≏̸] nbump;[≎̸] nbsp;[ ] nbsp[ ]. "\x05umpe;\x05≏̸\x04ump;\x05≎̸\x03sp;\x02 \x02sp\x02 ", // ncongdot;[⩭̸] ncaron;[ň] ncedil;[ņ] ncong;[≇] ncap;[⩃] ncup;[⩂] ncy;[н]. "\x07ongdot;\x05⩭̸\x05aron;\x02ň\x05edil;\x02ņ\x04ong;\x03≇\x03ap;\x03⩃\x03up;\x03⩂\x02y;\x02н", // ndash;[–]. "\x04ash;\x03–", // nearrow;[↗] nexists;[∄] nearhk;[⤤] nequiv;[≢] nesear;[⤨] nexist;[∄] neArr;[⇗] nearr;[↗] nedot;[≐̸] nesim;[≂̸] ne;[≠]. "\x06arrow;\x03↗\x06xists;\x03∄\x05arhk;\x03⤤\x05quiv;\x03≢\x05sear;\x03⤨\x05xist;\x03∄\x04Arr;\x03⇗\x04arr;\x03↗\x04dot;\x05≐̸\x04sim;\x05≂̸\x01;\x03≠", // nfr;[𝔫]. "\x02r;\x04𝔫", // ngeqslant;[⩾̸] ngeqq;[≧̸] ngsim;[≵] ngeq;[≱] nges;[⩾̸] ngtr;[≯] ngE;[≧̸] nge;[≱] ngt;[≯]. "\x08eqslant;\x05⩾̸\x04eqq;\x05≧̸\x04sim;\x03≵\x03eq;\x03≱\x03es;\x05⩾̸\x03tr;\x03≯\x02E;\x05≧̸\x02e;\x03≱\x02t;\x03≯", // nhArr;[⇎] nharr;[↮] nhpar;[⫲]. "\x04Arr;\x03⇎\x04arr;\x03↮\x04par;\x03⫲", // nisd;[⋺] nis;[⋼] niv;[∋] ni;[∋]. "\x03sd;\x03⋺\x02s;\x03⋼\x02v;\x03∋\x01;\x03∋", // njcy;[њ]. "\x03cy;\x02њ", // nleftrightarrow;[↮] nleftarrow;[↚] nleqslant;[⩽̸] nltrie;[⋬] nlArr;[⇍] nlarr;[↚] nleqq;[≦̸] nless;[≮] nlsim;[≴] nltri;[⋪] nldr;[‥] nleq;[≰] nles;[⩽̸] nlE;[≦̸] nle;[≰] nlt;[≮]. "\x0eeftrightarrow;\x03↮\x09eftarrow;\x03↚\x08eqslant;\x05⩽̸\x05trie;\x03⋬\x04Arr;\x03⇍\x04arr;\x03↚\x04eqq;\x05≦̸\x04ess;\x03≮\x04sim;\x03≴\x04tri;\x03⋪\x03dr;\x03‥\x03eq;\x03≰\x03es;\x05⩽̸\x02E;\x05≦̸\x02e;\x03≰\x02t;\x03≮", // nmid;[∤]. "\x03id;\x03∤", // notindot;[⋵̸] notinva;[∉] notinvb;[⋷] notinvc;[⋶] notniva;[∌] notnivb;[⋾] notnivc;[⋽] notinE;[⋹̸] notin;[∉] notni;[∌] nopf;[𝕟] not;[¬] not[¬]. "\x07tindot;\x05⋵̸\x06tinva;\x03∉\x06tinvb;\x03⋷\x06tinvc;\x03⋶\x06tniva;\x03∌\x06tnivb;\x03⋾\x06tnivc;\x03⋽\x05tinE;\x05⋹̸\x04tin;\x03∉\x04tni;\x03∌\x03pf;\x04𝕟\x02t;\x02¬\x01t\x02¬", // nparallel;[∦] npolint;[⨔] npreceq;[⪯̸] nparsl;[⫽⃥] nprcue;[⋠] npart;[∂̸] nprec;[⊀] npar;[∦] npre;[⪯̸] npr;[⊀]. "\x08arallel;\x03∦\x06olint;\x03⨔\x06receq;\x05⪯̸\x05arsl;\x06⫽⃥\x05rcue;\x03⋠\x04art;\x05∂̸\x04rec;\x03⊀\x03ar;\x03∦\x03re;\x05⪯̸\x02r;\x03⊀", // nrightarrow;[↛] nrarrc;[⤳̸] nrarrw;[↝̸] nrtrie;[⋭] nrArr;[⇏] nrarr;[↛] nrtri;[⋫]. "\x0aightarrow;\x03↛\x05arrc;\x05⤳̸\x05arrw;\x05↝̸\x05trie;\x03⋭\x04Arr;\x03⇏\x04arr;\x03↛\x04tri;\x03⋫", // nshortparallel;[∦] nsubseteqq;[⫅̸] nsupseteqq;[⫆̸] nshortmid;[∤] nsubseteq;[⊈] nsupseteq;[⊉] nsqsube;[⋢] nsqsupe;[⋣] nsubset;[⊂⃒] nsucceq;[⪰̸] nsupset;[⊃⃒] nsccue;[⋡] nsimeq;[≄] nsime;[≄] nsmid;[∤] nspar;[∦] nsubE;[⫅̸] nsube;[⊈] nsucc;[⊁] nsupE;[⫆̸] nsupe;[⊉] nsce;[⪰̸] nscr;[𝓃] nsim;[≁] nsub;[⊄] nsup;[⊅] nsc;[⊁]. "\x0dhortparallel;\x03∦\x09ubseteqq;\x05⫅̸\x09upseteqq;\x05⫆̸\x08hortmid;\x03∤\x08ubseteq;\x03⊈\x08upseteq;\x03⊉\x06qsube;\x03⋢\x06qsupe;\x03⋣\x06ubset;\x06⊂⃒\x06ucceq;\x05⪰̸\x06upset;\x06⊃⃒\x05ccue;\x03⋡\x05imeq;\x03≄\x04ime;\x03≄\x04mid;\x03∤\x04par;\x03∦\x04ubE;\x05⫅̸\x04ube;\x03⊈\x04ucc;\x03⊁\x04upE;\x05⫆̸\x04upe;\x03⊉\x03ce;\x05⪰̸\x03cr;\x04𝓃\x03im;\x03≁\x03ub;\x03⊄\x03up;\x03⊅\x02c;\x03⊁", // ntrianglerighteq;[⋭] ntrianglelefteq;[⋬] ntriangleright;[⋫] ntriangleleft;[⋪] ntilde;[ñ] ntilde[ñ] ntgl;[≹] ntlg;[≸]. "\x0frianglerighteq;\x03⋭\x0erianglelefteq;\x03⋬\x0driangleright;\x03⋫\x0criangleleft;\x03⋪\x05ilde;\x02ñ\x04ilde\x02ñ\x03gl;\x03≹\x03lg;\x03≸", // numero;[№] numsp;[ ] num;[#] nu;[ν]. "\x05mero;\x03№\x04msp;\x03 \x02m;\x01#\x01;\x02ν", // nvinfin;[⧞] nvltrie;[⊴⃒] nvrtrie;[⊵⃒] nvDash;[⊭] nvHarr;[⤄] nvdash;[⊬] nvlArr;[⤂] nvrArr;[⤃] nvsim;[∼⃒] nvap;[≍⃒] nvge;[≥⃒] nvgt;[>⃒] nvle;[≤⃒] nvlt;[<⃒]. "\x06infin;\x03⧞\x06ltrie;\x06⊴⃒\x06rtrie;\x06⊵⃒\x05Dash;\x03⊭\x05Harr;\x03⤄\x05dash;\x03⊬\x05lArr;\x03⤂\x05rArr;\x03⤃\x04sim;\x06∼⃒\x03ap;\x06≍⃒\x03ge;\x06≥⃒\x03gt;\x04>⃒\x03le;\x06≤⃒\x03lt;\x04<⃒", // nwarrow;[↖] nwarhk;[⤣] nwnear;[⤧] nwArr;[⇖] nwarr;[↖]. "\x06arrow;\x03↖\x05arhk;\x03⤣\x05near;\x03⤧\x04Arr;\x03⇖\x04arr;\x03↖", // oS;[Ⓢ]. "\x01;\x03Ⓢ", // oacute;[ó] oacute[ó] oast;[⊛]. "\x05cute;\x02ó\x04cute\x02ó\x03st;\x03⊛", // ocirc;[ô] ocir;[⊚] ocirc[ô] ocy;[о]. "\x04irc;\x02ô\x03ir;\x03⊚\x03irc\x02ô\x02y;\x02о", // odblac;[ő] odsold;[⦼] odash;[⊝] odiv;[⨸] odot;[⊙]. "\x05blac;\x02ő\x05sold;\x03⦼\x04ash;\x03⊝\x03iv;\x03⨸\x03ot;\x03⊙", // oelig;[œ]. "\x04lig;\x02œ", // ofcir;[⦿] ofr;[𝔬]. "\x04cir;\x03⦿\x02r;\x04𝔬", // ograve;[ò] ograve[ò] ogon;[˛] ogt;[⧁]. "\x05rave;\x02ò\x04rave\x02ò\x03on;\x02˛\x02t;\x03⧁", // ohbar;[⦵] ohm;[Ω]. "\x04bar;\x03⦵\x02m;\x02Ω", // oint;[∮]. "\x03nt;\x03∮", // olcross;[⦻] olarr;[↺] olcir;[⦾] oline;[‾] olt;[⧀]. "\x06cross;\x03⦻\x04arr;\x03↺\x04cir;\x03⦾\x04ine;\x03‾\x02t;\x03⧀", // omicron;[ο] ominus;[⊖] omacr;[ō] omega;[ω] omid;[⦶]. "\x06icron;\x02ο\x05inus;\x03⊖\x04acr;\x02ō\x04ega;\x02ω\x03id;\x03⦶", // oopf;[𝕠]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕠", // operp;[⦹] oplus;[⊕] opar;[⦷]. "\x04erp;\x03⦹\x04lus;\x03⊕\x03ar;\x03⦷", // orderof;[ℴ] orslope;[⩗] origof;[⊶] orarr;[↻] order;[ℴ] ordf;[ª] ordm;[º] oror;[⩖] ord;[⩝] ordf[ª] ordm[º] orv;[⩛] or;[∨]. "\x06derof;\x03ℴ\x06slope;\x03⩗\x05igof;\x03⊶\x04arr;\x03↻\x04der;\x03ℴ\x03df;\x02ª\x03dm;\x02º\x03or;\x03⩖\x02d;\x03⩝\x02df\x02ª\x02dm\x02º\x02v;\x03⩛\x01;\x03∨", // oslash;[ø] oslash[ø] oscr;[ℴ] osol;[⊘]. "\x05lash;\x02ø\x04lash\x02ø\x03cr;\x03ℴ\x03ol;\x03⊘", // otimesas;[⨶] otilde;[õ] otimes;[⊗] otilde[õ]. "\x07imesas;\x03⨶\x05ilde;\x02õ\x05imes;\x03⊗\x04ilde\x02õ", // ouml;[ö] ouml[ö]. "\x03ml;\x02ö\x02ml\x02ö", // ovbar;[⌽]. "\x04bar;\x03⌽", // parallel;[∥] parsim;[⫳] parsl;[⫽] para;[¶] part;[∂] par;[∥] para[¶]. "\x07rallel;\x03∥\x05rsim;\x03⫳\x04rsl;\x03⫽\x03ra;\x02¶\x03rt;\x03∂\x02r;\x03∥\x02ra\x02¶", // pcy;[п]. "\x02y;\x02п", // pertenk;[‱] percnt;[%] period;[.] permil;[‰] perp;[⊥]. "\x06rtenk;\x03‱\x05rcnt;\x01%\x05riod;\x01.\x05rmil;\x03‰\x03rp;\x03⊥", // pfr;[𝔭]. "\x02r;\x04𝔭", // phmmat;[ℳ] phone;[☎] phiv;[ϕ] phi;[φ]. "\x05mmat;\x03ℳ\x04one;\x03☎\x03iv;\x02ϕ\x02i;\x02φ", // pitchfork;[⋔] piv;[ϖ] pi;[π]. "\x08tchfork;\x03⋔\x02v;\x02ϖ\x01;\x02π", // plusacir;[⨣] planckh;[ℎ] pluscir;[⨢] plussim;[⨦] plustwo;[⨧] planck;[ℏ] plankv;[ℏ] plusdo;[∔] plusdu;[⨥] plusmn;[±] plusb;[⊞] pluse;[⩲] plusmn[±] plus;[+]. "\x07usacir;\x03⨣\x06anckh;\x03ℎ\x06uscir;\x03⨢\x06ussim;\x03⨦\x06ustwo;\x03⨧\x05anck;\x03ℏ\x05ankv;\x03ℏ\x05usdo;\x03∔\x05usdu;\x03⨥\x05usmn;\x02±\x04usb;\x03⊞\x04use;\x03⩲\x04usmn\x02±\x03us;\x01+", // pm;[±]. "\x01;\x02±", // pointint;[⨕] pound;[£] popf;[𝕡] pound[£]. "\x07intint;\x03⨕\x04und;\x02£\x03pf;\x04𝕡\x03und\x02£", // preccurlyeq;[≼] precnapprox;[⪹] precapprox;[⪷] precneqq;[⪵] precnsim;[⋨] profalar;[⌮] profline;[⌒] profsurf;[⌓] precsim;[≾] preceq;[⪯] primes;[ℙ] prnsim;[⋨] propto;[∝] prurel;[⊰] prcue;[≼] prime;[′] prnap;[⪹] prsim;[≾] prap;[⪷] prec;[≺] prnE;[⪵] prod;[∏] prop;[∝] prE;[⪳] pre;[⪯] pr;[≺]. "\x0aeccurlyeq;\x03≼\x0aecnapprox;\x03⪹\x09ecapprox;\x03⪷\x07ecneqq;\x03⪵\x07ecnsim;\x03⋨\x07ofalar;\x03⌮\x07ofline;\x03⌒\x07ofsurf;\x03⌓\x06ecsim;\x03≾\x05eceq;\x03⪯\x05imes;\x03ℙ\x05nsim;\x03⋨\x05opto;\x03∝\x05urel;\x03⊰\x04cue;\x03≼\x04ime;\x03′\x04nap;\x03⪹\x04sim;\x03≾\x03ap;\x03⪷\x03ec;\x03≺\x03nE;\x03⪵\x03od;\x03∏\x03op;\x03∝\x02E;\x03⪳\x02e;\x03⪯\x01;\x03≺", // pscr;[𝓅] psi;[ψ]. "\x03cr;\x04𝓅\x02i;\x02ψ", // puncsp;[ ]. "\x05ncsp;\x03 ", // qfr;[𝔮]. "\x02r;\x04𝔮", // qint;[⨌]. "\x03nt;\x03⨌", // qopf;[𝕢]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕢", // qprime;[⁗]. "\x05rime;\x03⁗", // qscr;[𝓆]. "\x03cr;\x04𝓆", // quaternions;[ℍ] quatint;[⨖] questeq;[≟] quest;[?] quot;[\"] quot[\"]. "\x0aaternions;\x03ℍ\x06atint;\x03⨖\x06esteq;\x03≟\x04est;\x01?\x03ot;\x01\"\x02ot\x01\"", // rAtail;[⤜] rAarr;[⇛] rArr;[⇒]. "\x05tail;\x03⤜\x04arr;\x03⇛\x03rr;\x03⇒", // rBarr;[⤏]. "\x04arr;\x03⤏", // rHar;[⥤]. "\x03ar;\x03⥤", // rationals;[ℚ] raemptyv;[⦳] rarrbfs;[⤠] rarrsim;[⥴] racute;[ŕ] rangle;[⟩] rarrap;[⥵] rarrfs;[⤞] rarrhk;[↪] rarrlp;[↬] rarrpl;[⥅] rarrtl;[↣] ratail;[⤚] radic;[√] rangd;[⦒] range;[⦥] raquo;[»] rarrb;[⇥] rarrc;[⤳] rarrw;[↝] ratio;[∶] race;[∽̱] rang;[⟩] raquo[»] rarr;[→]. "\x08tionals;\x03ℚ\x07emptyv;\x03⦳\x06rrbfs;\x03⤠\x06rrsim;\x03⥴\x05cute;\x02ŕ\x05ngle;\x03⟩\x05rrap;\x03⥵\x05rrfs;\x03⤞\x05rrhk;\x03↪\x05rrlp;\x03↬\x05rrpl;\x03⥅\x05rrtl;\x03↣\x05tail;\x03⤚\x04dic;\x03√\x04ngd;\x03⦒\x04nge;\x03⦥\x04quo;\x02»\x04rrb;\x03⇥\x04rrc;\x03⤳\x04rrw;\x03↝\x04tio;\x03∶\x03ce;\x05∽̱\x03ng;\x03⟩\x03quo\x02»\x03rr;\x03→", // rbrksld;[⦎] rbrkslu;[⦐] rbrace;[}] rbrack;[]] rbarr;[⤍] rbbrk;[❳] rbrke;[⦌]. "\x06rksld;\x03⦎\x06rkslu;\x03⦐\x05race;\x01}\x05rack;\x01]\x04arr;\x03⤍\x04brk;\x03❳\x04rke;\x03⦌", // rcaron;[ř] rcedil;[ŗ] rceil;[⌉] rcub;[}] rcy;[р]. "\x05aron;\x02ř\x05edil;\x02ŗ\x04eil;\x03⌉\x03ub;\x01}\x02y;\x02р", // rdldhar;[⥩] rdquor;[”] rdquo;[”] rdca;[⤷] rdsh;[↳]. "\x06ldhar;\x03⥩\x05quor;\x03”\x04quo;\x03”\x03ca;\x03⤷\x03sh;\x03↳", // realpart;[ℜ] realine;[ℛ] reals;[ℝ] real;[ℜ] rect;[▭] reg;[®] reg[®]. "\x07alpart;\x03ℜ\x06aline;\x03ℛ\x04als;\x03ℝ\x03al;\x03ℜ\x03ct;\x03▭\x02g;\x02®\x01g\x02®", // rfisht;[⥽] rfloor;[⌋] rfr;[𝔯]. "\x05isht;\x03⥽\x05loor;\x03⌋\x02r;\x04𝔯", // rharul;[⥬] rhard;[⇁] rharu;[⇀] rhov;[ϱ] rho;[ρ]. "\x05arul;\x03⥬\x04ard;\x03⇁\x04aru;\x03⇀\x03ov;\x02ϱ\x02o;\x02ρ", // rightleftharpoons;[⇌] rightharpoondown;[⇁] rightrightarrows;[⇉] rightleftarrows;[⇄] rightsquigarrow;[↝] rightthreetimes;[⋌] rightarrowtail;[↣] rightharpoonup;[⇀] risingdotseq;[≓] rightarrow;[→] ring;[˚]. "\x10ghtleftharpoons;\x03⇌\x0fghtharpoondown;\x03⇁\x0fghtrightarrows;\x03⇉\x0eghtleftarrows;\x03⇄\x0eghtsquigarrow;\x03↝\x0eghtthreetimes;\x03⋌\x0dghtarrowtail;\x03↣\x0dghtharpoonup;\x03⇀\x0bsingdotseq;\x03≓\x09ghtarrow;\x03→\x03ng;\x02˚", // rlarr;[⇄] rlhar;[⇌] rlm;[‏]. "\x04arr;\x03⇄\x04har;\x03⇌\x02m;\x03‏", // rmoustache;[⎱] rmoust;[⎱]. "\x09oustache;\x03⎱\x05oust;\x03⎱", // rnmid;[⫮]. "\x04mid;\x03⫮", // rotimes;[⨵] roplus;[⨮] roang;[⟭] roarr;[⇾] robrk;[⟧] ropar;[⦆] ropf;[𝕣]. "\x06times;\x03⨵\x05plus;\x03⨮\x04ang;\x03⟭\x04arr;\x03⇾\x04brk;\x03⟧\x04par;\x03⦆\x03pf;\x04𝕣", // rppolint;[⨒] rpargt;[⦔] rpar;[)]. "\x07polint;\x03⨒\x05argt;\x03⦔\x03ar;\x01)", // rrarr;[⇉]. "\x04arr;\x03⇉", // rsaquo;[›] rsquor;[’] rsquo;[’] rscr;[𝓇] rsqb;[]] rsh;[↱]. "\x05aquo;\x03›\x05quor;\x03’\x04quo;\x03’\x03cr;\x04𝓇\x03qb;\x01]\x02h;\x03↱", // rtriltri;[⧎] rthree;[⋌] rtimes;[⋊] rtrie;[⊵] rtrif;[▸] rtri;[▹]. "\x07riltri;\x03⧎\x05hree;\x03⋌\x05imes;\x03⋊\x04rie;\x03⊵\x04rif;\x03▸\x03ri;\x03▹", // ruluhar;[⥨]. "\x06luhar;\x03⥨", // rx;[℞]. "\x01;\x03℞", // sacute;[ś]. "\x05cute;\x02ś", // sbquo;[‚]. "\x04quo;\x03‚", // scpolint;[⨓] scaron;[š] scedil;[ş] scnsim;[⋩] sccue;[≽] scirc;[ŝ] scnap;[⪺] scsim;[≿] scap;[⪸] scnE;[⪶] scE;[⪴] sce;[⪰] scy;[с] sc;[≻]. "\x07polint;\x03⨓\x05aron;\x02š\x05edil;\x02ş\x05nsim;\x03⋩\x04cue;\x03≽\x04irc;\x02ŝ\x04nap;\x03⪺\x04sim;\x03≿\x03ap;\x03⪸\x03nE;\x03⪶\x02E;\x03⪴\x02e;\x03⪰\x02y;\x02с\x01;\x03≻", // sdotb;[⊡] sdote;[⩦] sdot;[⋅]. "\x04otb;\x03⊡\x04ote;\x03⩦\x03ot;\x03⋅", // setminus;[∖] searrow;[↘] searhk;[⤥] seswar;[⤩] seArr;[⇘] searr;[↘] setmn;[∖] sect;[§] semi;[;] sext;[✶] sect[§]. "\x07tminus;\x03∖\x06arrow;\x03↘\x05arhk;\x03⤥\x05swar;\x03⤩\x04Arr;\x03⇘\x04arr;\x03↘\x04tmn;\x03∖\x03ct;\x02§\x03mi;\x01;\x03xt;\x03✶\x02ct\x02§", // sfrown;[⌢] sfr;[𝔰]. "\x05rown;\x03⌢\x02r;\x04𝔰", // shortparallel;[∥] shortmid;[∣] shchcy;[щ] sharp;[♯] shcy;[ш] shy;[­] shy[­]. "\x0cortparallel;\x03∥\x07ortmid;\x03∣\x05chcy;\x02щ\x04arp;\x03♯\x03cy;\x02ш\x02y;\x02­\x01y\x02­", // simplus;[⨤] simrarr;[⥲] sigmaf;[ς] sigmav;[ς] simdot;[⩪] sigma;[σ] simeq;[≃] simgE;[⪠] simlE;[⪟] simne;[≆] sime;[≃] simg;[⪞] siml;[⪝] sim;[∼]. "\x06mplus;\x03⨤\x06mrarr;\x03⥲\x05gmaf;\x02ς\x05gmav;\x02ς\x05mdot;\x03⩪\x04gma;\x02σ\x04meq;\x03≃\x04mgE;\x03⪠\x04mlE;\x03⪟\x04mne;\x03≆\x03me;\x03≃\x03mg;\x03⪞\x03ml;\x03⪝\x02m;\x03∼", // slarr;[←]. "\x04arr;\x03←", // smallsetminus;[∖] smeparsl;[⧤] smashp;[⨳] smile;[⌣] smtes;[⪬︀] smid;[∣] smte;[⪬] smt;[⪪]. "\x0callsetminus;\x03∖\x07eparsl;\x03⧤\x05ashp;\x03⨳\x04ile;\x03⌣\x04tes;\x06⪬︀\x03id;\x03∣\x03te;\x03⪬\x02t;\x03⪪", // softcy;[ь] solbar;[⌿] solb;[⧄] sopf;[𝕤] sol;[/]. "\x05ftcy;\x02ь\x05lbar;\x03⌿\x03lb;\x03⧄\x03pf;\x04𝕤\x02l;\x01/", // spadesuit;[♠] spades;[♠] spar;[∥]. "\x08adesuit;\x03♠\x05ades;\x03♠\x03ar;\x03∥", // sqsubseteq;[⊑] sqsupseteq;[⊒] sqsubset;[⊏] sqsupset;[⊐] sqcaps;[⊓︀] sqcups;[⊔︀] sqsube;[⊑] sqsupe;[⊒] square;[□] squarf;[▪] sqcap;[⊓] sqcup;[⊔] sqsub;[⊏] sqsup;[⊐] squf;[▪] squ;[□]. "\x09subseteq;\x03⊑\x09supseteq;\x03⊒\x07subset;\x03⊏\x07supset;\x03⊐\x05caps;\x06⊓︀\x05cups;\x06⊔︀\x05sube;\x03⊑\x05supe;\x03⊒\x05uare;\x03□\x05uarf;\x03▪\x04cap;\x03⊓\x04cup;\x03⊔\x04sub;\x03⊏\x04sup;\x03⊐\x03uf;\x03▪\x02u;\x03□", // srarr;[→]. "\x04arr;\x03→", // ssetmn;[∖] ssmile;[⌣] sstarf;[⋆] sscr;[𝓈]. "\x05etmn;\x03∖\x05mile;\x03⌣\x05tarf;\x03⋆\x03cr;\x04𝓈", // straightepsilon;[ϵ] straightphi;[ϕ] starf;[★] strns;[¯] star;[☆]. "\x0eraightepsilon;\x02ϵ\x0araightphi;\x02ϕ\x04arf;\x03★\x04rns;\x02¯\x03ar;\x03☆", // succcurlyeq;[≽] succnapprox;[⪺] subsetneqq;[⫋] succapprox;[⪸] supsetneqq;[⫌] subseteqq;[⫅] subsetneq;[⊊] supseteqq;[⫆] supsetneq;[⊋] subseteq;[⊆] succneqq;[⪶] succnsim;[⋩] supseteq;[⊇] subedot;[⫃] submult;[⫁] subplus;[⪿] subrarr;[⥹] succsim;[≿] supdsub;[⫘] supedot;[⫄] suphsol;[⟉] suphsub;[⫗] suplarr;[⥻] supmult;[⫂] supplus;[⫀] subdot;[⪽] subset;[⊂] subsim;[⫇] subsub;[⫕] subsup;[⫓] succeq;[⪰] supdot;[⪾] supset;[⊃] supsim;[⫈] supsub;[⫔] supsup;[⫖] subnE;[⫋] subne;[⊊] supnE;[⫌] supne;[⊋] subE;[⫅] sube;[⊆] succ;[≻] sung;[♪] sup1;[¹] sup2;[²] sup3;[³] supE;[⫆] supe;[⊇] sub;[⊂] sum;[∑] sup1[¹] sup2[²] sup3[³] sup;[⊃]. "\x0acccurlyeq;\x03≽\x0accnapprox;\x03⪺\x09bsetneqq;\x03⫋\x09ccapprox;\x03⪸\x09psetneqq;\x03⫌\x08bseteqq;\x03⫅\x08bsetneq;\x03⊊\x08pseteqq;\x03⫆\x08psetneq;\x03⊋\x07bseteq;\x03⊆\x07ccneqq;\x03⪶\x07ccnsim;\x03⋩\x07pseteq;\x03⊇\x06bedot;\x03⫃\x06bmult;\x03⫁\x06bplus;\x03⪿\x06brarr;\x03⥹\x06ccsim;\x03≿\x06pdsub;\x03⫘\x06pedot;\x03⫄\x06phsol;\x03⟉\x06phsub;\x03⫗\x06plarr;\x03⥻\x06pmult;\x03⫂\x06pplus;\x03⫀\x05bdot;\x03⪽\x05bset;\x03⊂\x05bsim;\x03⫇\x05bsub;\x03⫕\x05bsup;\x03⫓\x05cceq;\x03⪰\x05pdot;\x03⪾\x05pset;\x03⊃\x05psim;\x03⫈\x05psub;\x03⫔\x05psup;\x03⫖\x04bnE;\x03⫋\x04bne;\x03⊊\x04pnE;\x03⫌\x04pne;\x03⊋\x03bE;\x03⫅\x03be;\x03⊆\x03cc;\x03≻\x03ng;\x03♪\x03p1;\x02¹\x03p2;\x02²\x03p3;\x02³\x03pE;\x03⫆\x03pe;\x03⊇\x02b;\x03⊂\x02m;\x03∑\x02p1\x02¹\x02p2\x02²\x02p3\x02³\x02p;\x03⊃", // swarrow;[↙] swarhk;[⤦] swnwar;[⤪] swArr;[⇙] swarr;[↙]. "\x06arrow;\x03↙\x05arhk;\x03⤦\x05nwar;\x03⤪\x04Arr;\x03⇙\x04arr;\x03↙", // szlig;[ß] szlig[ß]. "\x04lig;\x02ß\x03lig\x02ß", // target;[⌖] tau;[τ]. "\x05rget;\x03⌖\x02u;\x02τ", // tbrk;[⎴]. "\x03rk;\x03⎴", // tcaron;[ť] tcedil;[ţ] tcy;[т]. "\x05aron;\x02ť\x05edil;\x02ţ\x02y;\x02т", // tdot;[⃛]. "\x03ot;\x03⃛", // telrec;[⌕]. "\x05lrec;\x03⌕", // tfr;[𝔱]. "\x02r;\x04𝔱", // thickapprox;[≈] therefore;[∴] thetasym;[ϑ] thicksim;[∼] there4;[∴] thetav;[ϑ] thinsp;[ ] thksim;[∼] theta;[θ] thkap;[≈] thorn;[þ] thorn[þ]. "\x0aickapprox;\x03≈\x08erefore;\x03∴\x07etasym;\x02ϑ\x07icksim;\x03∼\x05ere4;\x03∴\x05etav;\x02ϑ\x05insp;\x03 \x05ksim;\x03∼\x04eta;\x02θ\x04kap;\x03≈\x04orn;\x02þ\x03orn\x02þ", // timesbar;[⨱] timesb;[⊠] timesd;[⨰] tilde;[˜] times;[×] times[×] tint;[∭]. "\x07mesbar;\x03⨱\x05mesb;\x03⊠\x05mesd;\x03⨰\x04lde;\x02˜\x04mes;\x02×\x03mes\x02×\x03nt;\x03∭", // topfork;[⫚] topbot;[⌶] topcir;[⫱] toea;[⤨] topf;[𝕥] tosa;[⤩] top;[⊤]. "\x06pfork;\x03⫚\x05pbot;\x03⌶\x05pcir;\x03⫱\x03ea;\x03⤨\x03pf;\x04𝕥\x03sa;\x03⤩\x02p;\x03⊤", // tprime;[‴]. "\x05rime;\x03‴", // trianglerighteq;[⊵] trianglelefteq;[⊴] triangleright;[▹] triangledown;[▿] triangleleft;[◃] triangleq;[≜] triangle;[▵] triminus;[⨺] trpezium;[⏢] triplus;[⨹] tritime;[⨻] tridot;[◬] trade;[™] trisb;[⧍] trie;[≜]. "\x0eianglerighteq;\x03⊵\x0dianglelefteq;\x03⊴\x0ciangleright;\x03▹\x0biangledown;\x03▿\x0biangleleft;\x03◃\x08iangleq;\x03≜\x07iangle;\x03▵\x07iminus;\x03⨺\x07pezium;\x03⏢\x06iplus;\x03⨹\x06itime;\x03⨻\x05idot;\x03◬\x04ade;\x03™\x04isb;\x03⧍\x03ie;\x03≜", // tstrok;[ŧ] tshcy;[ћ] tscr;[𝓉] tscy;[ц]. "\x05trok;\x02ŧ\x04hcy;\x02ћ\x03cr;\x04𝓉\x03cy;\x02ц", // twoheadrightarrow;[↠] twoheadleftarrow;[↞] twixt;[≬]. "\x10oheadrightarrow;\x03↠\x0foheadleftarrow;\x03↞\x04ixt;\x03≬", // uArr;[⇑]. "\x03rr;\x03⇑", // uHar;[⥣]. "\x03ar;\x03⥣", // uacute;[ú] uacute[ú] uarr;[↑]. "\x05cute;\x02ú\x04cute\x02ú\x03rr;\x03↑", // ubreve;[ŭ] ubrcy;[ў]. "\x05reve;\x02ŭ\x04rcy;\x02ў", // ucirc;[û] ucirc[û] ucy;[у]. "\x04irc;\x02û\x03irc\x02û\x02y;\x02у", // udblac;[ű] udarr;[⇅] udhar;[⥮]. "\x05blac;\x02ű\x04arr;\x03⇅\x04har;\x03⥮", // ufisht;[⥾] ufr;[𝔲]. "\x05isht;\x03⥾\x02r;\x04𝔲", // ugrave;[ù] ugrave[ù]. "\x05rave;\x02ù\x04rave\x02ù", // uharl;[↿] uharr;[↾] uhblk;[▀]. "\x04arl;\x03↿\x04arr;\x03↾\x04blk;\x03▀", // ulcorner;[⌜] ulcorn;[⌜] ulcrop;[⌏] ultri;[◸]. "\x07corner;\x03⌜\x05corn;\x03⌜\x05crop;\x03⌏\x04tri;\x03◸", // umacr;[ū] uml;[¨] uml[¨]. "\x04acr;\x02ū\x02l;\x02¨\x01l\x02¨", // uogon;[ų] uopf;[𝕦]. "\x04gon;\x02ų\x03pf;\x04𝕦", // upharpoonright;[↾] upharpoonleft;[↿] updownarrow;[↕] upuparrows;[⇈] uparrow;[↑] upsilon;[υ] uplus;[⊎] upsih;[ϒ] upsi;[υ]. "\x0dharpoonright;\x03↾\x0charpoonleft;\x03↿\x0adownarrow;\x03↕\x09uparrows;\x03⇈\x06arrow;\x03↑\x06silon;\x02υ\x04lus;\x03⊎\x04sih;\x02ϒ\x03si;\x02υ", // urcorner;[⌝] urcorn;[⌝] urcrop;[⌎] uring;[ů] urtri;[◹]. "\x07corner;\x03⌝\x05corn;\x03⌝\x05crop;\x03⌎\x04ing;\x02ů\x04tri;\x03◹", // uscr;[𝓊]. "\x03cr;\x04𝓊", // utilde;[ũ] utdot;[⋰] utrif;[▴] utri;[▵]. "\x05ilde;\x02ũ\x04dot;\x03⋰\x04rif;\x03▴\x03ri;\x03▵", // uuarr;[⇈] uuml;[ü] uuml[ü]. "\x04arr;\x03⇈\x03ml;\x02ü\x02ml\x02ü", // uwangle;[⦧]. "\x06angle;\x03⦧", // vArr;[⇕]. "\x03rr;\x03⇕", // vBarv;[⫩] vBar;[⫨]. "\x04arv;\x03⫩\x03ar;\x03⫨", // vDash;[⊨]. "\x04ash;\x03⊨", // vartriangleright;[⊳] vartriangleleft;[⊲] varsubsetneqq;[⫋︀] varsupsetneqq;[⫌︀] varsubsetneq;[⊊︀] varsupsetneq;[⊋︀] varepsilon;[ϵ] varnothing;[∅] varpropto;[∝] varkappa;[ϰ] varsigma;[ς] vartheta;[ϑ] vangrt;[⦜] varphi;[ϕ] varrho;[ϱ] varpi;[ϖ] varr;[↕]. "\x0frtriangleright;\x03⊳\x0ertriangleleft;\x03⊲\x0crsubsetneqq;\x06⫋︀\x0crsupsetneqq;\x06⫌︀\x0brsubsetneq;\x06⊊︀\x0brsupsetneq;\x06⊋︀\x09repsilon;\x02ϵ\x09rnothing;\x03∅\x08rpropto;\x03∝\x07rkappa;\x02ϰ\x07rsigma;\x02ς\x07rtheta;\x02ϑ\x05ngrt;\x03⦜\x05rphi;\x02ϕ\x05rrho;\x02ϱ\x04rpi;\x02ϖ\x03rr;\x03↕", // vcy;[в]. "\x02y;\x02в", // vdash;[⊢]. "\x04ash;\x03⊢", // veebar;[⊻] vellip;[⋮] verbar;[|] veeeq;[≚] vert;[|] vee;[∨]. "\x05ebar;\x03⊻\x05llip;\x03⋮\x05rbar;\x01|\x04eeq;\x03≚\x03rt;\x01|\x02e;\x03∨", // vfr;[𝔳]. "\x02r;\x04𝔳", // vltri;[⊲]. "\x04tri;\x03⊲", // vnsub;[⊂⃒] vnsup;[⊃⃒]. "\x04sub;\x06⊂⃒\x04sup;\x06⊃⃒", // vopf;[𝕧]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕧", // vprop;[∝]. "\x04rop;\x03∝", // vrtri;[⊳]. "\x04tri;\x03⊳", // vsubnE;[⫋︀] vsubne;[⊊︀] vsupnE;[⫌︀] vsupne;[⊋︀] vscr;[𝓋]. "\x05ubnE;\x06⫋︀\x05ubne;\x06⊊︀\x05upnE;\x06⫌︀\x05upne;\x06⊋︀\x03cr;\x04𝓋", // vzigzag;[⦚]. "\x06igzag;\x03⦚", // wcirc;[ŵ]. "\x04irc;\x02ŵ", // wedbar;[⩟] wedgeq;[≙] weierp;[℘] wedge;[∧]. "\x05dbar;\x03⩟\x05dgeq;\x03≙\x05ierp;\x03℘\x04dge;\x03∧", // wfr;[𝔴]. "\x02r;\x04𝔴", // wopf;[𝕨]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕨", // wp;[℘]. "\x01;\x03℘", // wreath;[≀] wr;[≀]. "\x05eath;\x03≀\x01;\x03≀", // wscr;[𝓌]. "\x03cr;\x04𝓌", // xcirc;[◯] xcap;[⋂] xcup;[⋃]. "\x04irc;\x03◯\x03ap;\x03⋂\x03up;\x03⋃", // xdtri;[▽]. "\x04tri;\x03▽", // xfr;[𝔵]. "\x02r;\x04𝔵", // xhArr;[⟺] xharr;[⟷]. "\x04Arr;\x03⟺\x04arr;\x03⟷", // xi;[ξ]. "\x01;\x02ξ", // xlArr;[⟸] xlarr;[⟵]. "\x04Arr;\x03⟸\x04arr;\x03⟵", // xmap;[⟼]. "\x03ap;\x03⟼", // xnis;[⋻]. "\x03is;\x03⋻", // xoplus;[⨁] xotime;[⨂] xodot;[⨀] xopf;[𝕩]. "\x05plus;\x03⨁\x05time;\x03⨂\x04dot;\x03⨀\x03pf;\x04𝕩", // xrArr;[⟹] xrarr;[⟶]. "\x04Arr;\x03⟹\x04arr;\x03⟶", // xsqcup;[⨆] xscr;[𝓍]. "\x05qcup;\x03⨆\x03cr;\x04𝓍", // xuplus;[⨄] xutri;[△]. "\x05plus;\x03⨄\x04tri;\x03△", // xvee;[⋁]. "\x03ee;\x03⋁", // xwedge;[⋀]. "\x05edge;\x03⋀", // yacute;[ý] yacute[ý] yacy;[я]. "\x05cute;\x02ý\x04cute\x02ý\x03cy;\x02я", // ycirc;[ŷ] ycy;[ы]. "\x04irc;\x02ŷ\x02y;\x02ы", // yen;[¥] yen[¥]. "\x02n;\x02¥\x01n\x02¥", // yfr;[𝔶]. "\x02r;\x04𝔶", // yicy;[ї]. "\x03cy;\x02ї", // yopf;[𝕪]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕪", // yscr;[𝓎]. "\x03cr;\x04𝓎", // yucy;[ю] yuml;[ÿ] yuml[ÿ]. "\x03cy;\x02ю\x03ml;\x02ÿ\x02ml\x02ÿ", // zacute;[ź]. "\x05cute;\x02ź", // zcaron;[ž] zcy;[з]. "\x05aron;\x02ž\x02y;\x02з", // zdot;[ż]. "\x03ot;\x02ż", // zeetrf;[ℨ] zeta;[ζ]. "\x05etrf;\x03ℨ\x03ta;\x02ζ", // zfr;[𝔷]. "\x02r;\x04𝔷", // zhcy;[ж]. "\x03cy;\x02ж", // zigrarr;[⇝]. "\x06grarr;\x03⇝", // zopf;[𝕫]. "\x03pf;\x04𝕫", // zscr;[𝓏]. "\x03cr;\x04𝓏", // zwnj;[‌] zwj;[‍]. "\x03nj;\x03‌\x02j;\x03‍", ), "small_words" => "GT\x00LT\x00gt\x00lt\x00", "small_mappings" => array( ">", "<", ">", "<", ) ) );